NS-11C review + comparison to faction carbines

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by belthazor3457, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. belthazor3457

    So I made a review of the NS-11C and compared it to all three faction's carbines. Video is broken up into sections. Hope it's useful!


    Terran Republic comparison: 3:54
    Vanu comparison: 7:20
    New Conglomerate comparison: 9:00
    General Summary and conclusion: 10:34
    Quickvisual conclusion: 10:59

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  2. Wolfwood82

    Thank you Belthazor!

    I had a sneaky suspicion your review would be flat out negative.
  3. PS2Freak

    great review.
  4. Ghoest

    I dont think you really explain the total advantages for NC very well.

    With a compensator this gun has by far the most controllable recoil and it has lowest bloom - a great combination for some people.
    Nothing else the NC has offers this for a certain type of player.
    The guy who moves around holds the trigger down and uses/aims the gun like a hose.
    The guy who often misses with the first shots and swings it over the target and continues to miss occasionally.

    VS and TR guns are already much more friendly to this player but for NC the difference is big.
  5. Kronic

    Very bad review I must say. You say it's bad at long range, but it really isn't, it's definately the best of all the TR carbines for long range (IDK about VS or NC) at least in my experience as well as having a gander at it's stats. You say it doesn't have an advanced forward grip but it really doesn't need it like how a gun with balanced side to side recoil needs one (Like the awful T5 AMC). One sided recoil is much easier to compensate for than balanced. It has, by default, up and to the left recoil (0.22 up/0.2 left) along with a very low row rof (650), making it incredibly easy to use at range as long you have recoil compensation skills and accuracy needed to make use of these traits. Putting a compensator and a forward grip make this thing even easier to use at range. It can also equip HV ammo to negate it awful muzzle velocity.
    I can track horizontally moving targets so much better with this gun than I can with my usual LC2 Lynx or Trac5 due to it's almost non-existant recoil. Not to mention it has a 0.75 movement multiplier which is only a benefit tbh as well as 0.25 a ADS spread compared to the 0.3 of all TR carbines (0.35 for the lynx). You really need to learn to look into the weapons stats more before you make such reviews and spread misinformation. The NS11C is good for what it is/can be (with certs), an easy to use long range carbine.
  6. Bersigil

    I've spent over 2 hours in VR to compare the NS-11c with the current NC carbines and I totally agree with belthazor. For ranges of 25m+ the Merc, Gauss Compact S (Compensated with foregrip) and the Razor are vastly superior. As soon as you have to start burstfiring the high first shot multipiler of the NS-11c starts hurting immensly compared to those 3.
    And below that range, the GD-7f (or any SMG) will be the better choice.
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  7. belthazor3457

    Did you actually watch the video before posting the comment? Because these things you listed just before saying that:

    0.75 multiplier - was mentioned in the video and discussed.
    ADS spread accuracy - was mentioned in the video, as well as the lynx difference you mentioned - also mentioned in the video. In fact, I elaborated on them more than you did in your comment and actually told people what the difference was... the 0.05 difference. I said 0.05 wasn't a huge boost. If you disagree, then claim that 0.05 is a big boost and illustrate why.
    HV ammo - was mentioned in the video, as was the weapon's low PV and competition of the T5-AMC and TRAC-5 S.

    If I see someone who says "but the gun has this!" and act as if I did not mention it in the video, clearly indicating they did not watch the whole thing or did not pay attention, it normally means the person jumped to spend station cash when the weapon came out and is having a case of "WarZ syndrome" - "I spent 7 USD / currency equivalent on this weapon. Obviously it can't suck. That would make my purchase bad. I'd never make a bad purchase. Obviously this weapon is very good."

    People who purchased WarZ (a bad game) defended it. Stockholm syndrome.
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  8. Kronic

    I mentioned the things you already adressed because you seemed to downplay them as well as not adressing recoil patterns enough (namely side to side vs one directional recoil) which make up a large part of a weapons accuracy in this game. Also, a .5 or 1 accuracy difference will not make a differance in most situations, but at long range where this gun is best used (as well as its minimal recoil) it does obviously. Instead of micro bursting 3-5 shots at range due to the bloom catching up to you, you can get off 1 or 2 more bullets before having to reset. Which many of times can be the difference between your target getting behind cover or dying. I'm sure I'm noticing this a lot due to the fact I use the Lynx the majority of the time (4k kills) so ranged kills just feel so easy compared to the Lynx or Trac5. I'm just defending what I think is a good weapon since you're bsaically saying it's ****. I'll admit though I only got up to the TR bit so I you're right in that I didn't watch all of it.
    Btw I don't own the gun. Trialed it on a few alts alot though and love it. Easily the best TR long range carbine.
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  9. Ghoest

    1 I didnt buy it. I just trialed then later checked it out in VR with various attachments.
    I dont plan to buy it but I can see its value.

    2 Pointing out that you mentioned everything about the gun along the way does not really have much to do with the validity of you conclusions.

    This is a really lame gun for many play styles. But at least for NC it offers a particular and common play style a great weapon otherwise unavailable. - people who use the gun like a hose at medium and closer ranges.
  10. Lakora

    Mmh, didn't watch the Review since I prefer to get my own opinion on it...

    But meh, it's a glorified AC10-Cyclone (SMG) with lower damage but a longer range as compensation... The .75 movement is appreciated addition for NC in terms of carbines... Too be fair tho the movement should be based on the general weight of a weapon... Hence an SMG is light weight so an ads movement of 1 and Carbines at .75, AR's at like .6 and LMG's at .5 BUUT that's my opinion anyway onwards with the NS-11C...

    The attachments doesn't really offer anything unusually no advanced attachments but what do you expect from what appears to be meant as a general combat carbine. The lower recoil is a godsent unless you're already used the kick of the NC weapons if so I'd say you shouldn't even touch it since it would if anything screw up your aim when you switch to a standard NC wep. It does however strike me as a "Razor GD-23" wannabe in overall performance.

    The increase in Magazine size a minor side bonus since it's only 5 rounds more but since I don't intend to buy it I can't say how much of a difference those 5 more would make.

    To summarize it's an average weapon more of a "I want something new" kind of deal than a "sidegrade" cause if anything this would be the last weapon I'd ever get. But yeah that's my opinion on the matter take it or leave it I don't mind.
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  11. Wolfwood82

    Jeebus you aren't even worth responding too since you admitted you didn't watch the whole vid, yet somehow decided you knew what he was talking about.

    The accuracy difference is not .5 or 1. It is .05, and ONLY when moving while in ADS. The T5 has a bias recoil pull to the right, and it's pull angle is less then the NS-11C's pull to the left is, by a good 3-5 points. The T5 also sports a freaking advanced foregrip.

    As for the crock about it being best used at long range, this bit of insight was clearly gained from your experience in VR... Where the targets are stationary... It's projectile velocity is a joke and almost every carbine except for the dedicated CQC carbines have a better projectile velocity. You aren't going to hit crap with this weapon at "long ranges" as you need to lead by half a mile unless you use HVA which, in my own experience, hampers your accuracy too much to be worth using anyway. The T5 and Razor have a 100m/s advantage over the NS-11C and are far better in every way save for that little .05 difference in CoF when ADS while moving.

    This weapon by all accounts is a strait downgrade in every way. It does not matter what you intend to focus on from a load out, the NS-11C will always be trumped by some other weapon. It's the bottom of the freaking carbine food chain right now.
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  12. vulkkan

    The OP's video reflect my sentiments exactly for the TR. It's at best a sidegrade (if not a downgrade) to the carbines we already have available. The only reason I would want the NS-11C is because of its unique look and sound. Our TR carbines are too homogenous.
  13. LT_Latency

    I was looking at getting this gun.

    I don't like guns that are built to be good at close range or long range. I like all purpose guns what are good at everything but great at nothing.

    I was using the trac-5 and lynx but these seems to have gotten a long rang nerf as it seems to take my whole clip to kill people at long range.

    Is the a good general purpose guns
  14. Wolfwood82

    No, because it has the worst qualities for both range and CQC combat and only basic stats where you would expect compensation.

    You'd be better off taking a dedicated carbine and generalizing it. Like using a fore grip and 3.4x zoom on the Jaguar or laser sight on the AC-X11.

    In order to be competitive at CQC, the weapon needs a DPS of about 1700, it has a DPS of 1500 or so due to it's relatively slow RoF. In order to be competitive at range, it has to have a bullet velocity of at least 500 (or another quality that makes up for such a short coming, like enhanced damage such as the Pulsar C or AC-X11). It's velocity is 450, it's damage is 143.

    It has very basic stats and is no better then even your basic rifles, which are designed as jacks of all trades already.

    It barely holds a 12 damage lead over CQC carbines at 65m which amounts to very little, 1 little bullet difference. At 65m the high damage carbines (Pulsar C and AC-X11) do at least 143 damage.

    Even compared to the Jaguar and VX6-7 which are both short-medium range carbines, it's DPS falls short by over 200 damage and the weapon lacks the same level of pin-point CoF accuracy and laser attachments.

    It does not matter what you compare it too. It is at the bottom of the carbine food chain and is the worst gun you can have. Period.
  15. SpaceKing

    It's funny because the NS-11C's stats are nigh identical to the T5 AMC
  16. Ruvan

    Completely disagree from a Vanu perspective. NS11C is a great weapon for a Vanu LA or Engineer.

    The NS11C has the following benefits over a Solstice:
    • Large magazine. i.e. extra time to kill a second target or a difficult to hit first target before a reload.
    • Slightly more accurate - slightly less recoil and less RPM so recoil kicks in less frequently.
    • Higher minimum damage
    • 0.75x ADS. The only usable Carbine that has this ability! This alone makes it invaluable.
    • Access to many more modifications, such as SPA, HVA and a compensator.
    All for a minimal increase in TTK (42ms; seriously you think this is a big disadvantage?!?!), bullet drop (nearly inconsequential for Carbines) and less projectile velocity (again, how often do you fight at long range with a Carbine?).
  17. Demyer

    Solstice vs. NS11C:
    -higher dps up to 103m no matter what ammo type is used
    -higher damage per bullet from 10m-85m or 25m-85m if SPA
    -65 higher bullet speed and no bullet drop
    -5 less rounds for 0.2s faster reloads
    -same accuracy, same horizontal recoil, 0.03 more vertical recoil
    -lacks 0.75 ads movement

    NS11C needs a bullet speed buff and for the Pulsar C to not exist so it would be our go to long range carbine.
  18. Kronic

    Well I've taken your critisizms on board people and I still like it. I took the plunge and bought it even after you all ripped me a new with only my limited trial experiences to go on and I still think it's an amazing mid to long range weapon. It's low bullet velocity is definately a downside but is still workable and even more so once you get HV ammo. It's accuracy and recoil pattern definitely redeem it. It has just enough recoil to make i controllable as I need a gun that at least has some degree of kick to it, too low and I just find I over compensate (at least in other fps'). A bullet velocity buff would be nice though.
  19. Wolfwood82

    Only in America can you buy crap and be happy.

    Oreo pizza's and floating barbeques. Yup... absolutely a wise purchase. o_O
  20. ARCStormtrooper

    Great vid Belthazor though I disagree that the NS-11C is a bad carbine. It's bad for TR absolutely, but not for NC and I'm doing quite well with it.