NS-11AB and NS-11AG

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by TheKhopesh, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. TheKhopesh

    Don't get me wrong, I like the NS-11A as much as the next guy, but do we really need four of the things? :eek:
    Well, at least I've got more AR's to aurax...
  2. Ribero

    Was it confirmed or debunked, the idea of the anniversary G and B weapons counting towards the exceptional directive?
  3. TheKhopesh

    The recently added NS black and gold variant weapons are in their standard directive weapon class, where as the Two-Year Anniversary Bundle contains new faction specific knives (One per faction), NS Baron AE and NS-15M AE. The Two-Year Anniversary Bundle weapons will be under the "Exceptional" category when the bundle comes out (in about 6 days 20.5 hours).
  4. ATRA_Wampa-One


    3 NS-11 guns, + the Terminus, + the H-V45 = Darkstar.

    I mean have you tried the Corvus, Equinox, Pulsar or CME?
  5. TheKhopesh

    NC here, (And I prefer VS infils over the medic, as it gets tiring just playing the same thing over and over) so the AR's I've auraxed are the ones available to NC.

    Also, you miscounted, as there are four variants of the NS-11A.
    NS-11A, NS-11AB, NS-11AG, and NS-11P.
  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I was under the impression that the NS-11P counted towards exceptional weapons and not class weapons. But yes, getting the auraxium on the NS-11P would absolutely be one of the first 5 for the black camo.
  7. TheKhopesh

    Directives count it as "exceptional", but it's still an AR in every other aspect.
    Personally I think that "exceptional" weapons should count for both "exceptional" directive and the directive of the weapon class they're in (in the NS-11P's case, toward the AR directives).

    It'd make sense, as you did get said kills for a weapon of the normal directives category (IE, if you aurax your faction's gold gen 1 SMG, you did aurax an SMG), and you should also get "exceptional" weapon credit as well.
    Plus, this would be an incredible selling point for "exceptional" weapons, which would no doubt make them far more desired and give players a reason to aurax them first.