How does the NS-11A fair vs the other medic (VS) weapons stat wise. Right now this gun seems fairly frunstrating, sometimes I can go 10 - 0 with one life other times I can't hit jack all with it. If anyone has any stats on it I'd like to know if it's worth the time to learn the weapon a lot more or if I should just stick with the pusar which I think is currently the best medic weapon for vannu (right?)
I was just looking at this before I left for work. There are medic guns for the NC, TR, and VS that use the same stats setup (high rate of fire and good accuracy to make up for low damage per shot.) with slightly better stats in some way, but they have 30rnd clips instead of 35. I prefer the NS-11. At short range the extra ammo lets me kill two targets without reloading easier or go a little longer in a spray fight with someone. At long range I feel like I can get a kill more reliably. Plus it looks awesome.
ive tried it on trial...since i lost my boost the first day anyway and yea i liked the gun felt good.i was going to replace my old one and i did kinda...then server crashed and i lost the weapon again and the cash i used to buy it with so now im stuck waiting for support to fix the problem hehe.
Yeah im going to be honest, normally I like to choose weapons based on how well I do with it. I know the VS will hate me for this, but I miss real bullets, magazines and the sound that conventional guns make. Hence my love hate with the Ns-11a. Maybe I play and shoot to much in real life, but there's something sensual about slamming in a new magazine and then hearing the bolt slide forward as a new round is chambered. Or may I should seek some help regarding the matter >.> On a side note, what's the the difference between the ns-11a and ns-11a platinum.
ill bet the platinum is platinum layered look...and only obtain in the U.S throu some 1500sc pay card from gamestop.
ill just wait for support to give me back my 700sc or the gun. no idea how long it will take but i expect it will take a week or so atleast before theres a response
I rather like the gun, feels like it has more punch than the cycler. I'd recommend it for anyone looking for something that feels more like a Gauss rifle. Its a real nail driver on full auto as well and once you have the foregrip and get used to catching the recoil, its nasty.
yea, im gonna wait with getting until i get either my SC back or the weapon dunno wich ill get if i get anything back.