I don't know what happened to my beloved NS-11. I tried out the 2x reflex scope in VR, thought it was as good or better than my NV scope. Slapped it on my build, and now when I place my reticule over a person and go click. That first shot just misses. Is it just that I'm trying to engage from a longer distance so I'm not used to the bullet drop? I used to be able to hit targets easily at the point where they were just small blurs.
I feel whenever I test something in the VR training camp the reality in game is always different, meaning the equipment is more difficult to handle on the battlefield. The NV scope is somehow smoothening the recoil, unlike the other scopes. But both subjective statements. The NS-11 is a weapon I dont use with 2x scope anymore, found out that with this scope you end up too often in close combat (=death) or in a distance the weapon does not excel, and on 50 meters+ it sucks as well, the bullets are fast but too weak. I use 4x scope and/or hipfire mode+ SPA.
Using any magnification scope will show the recoil of the gun, but exaggerate it equal to the magnification of the scope (more or less, it's probably not so exact). The gun is recoiling the same, but it won't jerk as much in lower magnifications, which can make it easier to keep on target.
The zoom magnifies the recoil and bullet spread. Which means you will have to compensate the recoil more than normal. Hence it is actually easier to shoot at smaller targets with a 1x zoom because you don't have to compensate for recoil as much as you would with a 2x zoom. Also ns11 is noob friendly but it lacks stopping power. If you are tr use a trv man
No, the recoil is the same but because you're zoomed in you suffer the effects more. If with a 1x scope, the gun recoils up 12 pixels, the 2x scope will make it go up 24 pixels on screen, but the gun actually recoils the same. (the numbers probably aren't right, as the magnification probably doesn't work exactly like that but it's the same principle) I would prefer it if the magnification were only in the scope, not the entire screen but I'm not sure of any game that does this without full screen scoping.
I think this is what your seeing. INRV removes movement juggle. Same for Left / Right. So if you are strafing when you ADS with reflex 2x, you will miss. Its broken design.