Now we really know when you're Zerging

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. HadesR


    Joking aside .. It's a welcome change I missed seeing listed in the patch notes :) ...
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  2. KenDelta

    I really hoped they would add a +146 filter , so we can kill for Overkills.

    But yea , always funny seeing a +96 vs 12-24 fights. <---what a waste of manpower.
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  3. NoctD

    You are foolish to resist! :p
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  4. HadesR

    The Spandex Borg ..

    " We will assimilate you ... Fen shui your bathroom and do you a nice bouquet "
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  5. Zapon



    I know what this is in preparation for....

    Now the question is, does it work at 144 people, and 192 people......

    Been waiting for THIS, for a long while .... /getting hyped, hard
  6. Iridar51

    We are the Vanu. You will be spandexed. Your K/D and SPM will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.
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  7. Leftconsin

  8. Zapon

    They need to up it to the full 192 plus,, right now it stops at 96+ :/

    companies are 4 platoons big according to them, so we need a 144 amount and a 192 amount...maybe a 192 plus...
  9. Luke15g

    If anyone dumps more than 2 platoons on a fight they're doing it wrong, diminishing returns.
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  10. TheMercator

    That's cute. Real Zergs have 70% of the populationat a base, while the defenders are still 96+ people.
  11. Serialkillerwhale

    No, a real zerg is 96+ people vs. 1-12.
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  12. Slash Hammer

    With a little correction, I agree... :D
  13. Copasetic

    We had this at the end of the Indar alert yesterday. 96+ on both sides with 72% VS attacking, all packed into Broken Arch Road. It was insane.
  14. Tuco

    You couldn't figure it out with the pie chart? I'm sure it takes some fancy algebra, but notice you are outnumbered 4:1, take 24-48 and multiply it by 4 and get 96+.


    Carry the 1, then apply the Lorentz transformation equation to everything you do about 10,000 times. Yeah it can get difficult at times, but if you try hard enough you can figure out the population numbers in a hex.
  15. Gambitual

    Don't know if being serious. :confused:

    Anyway, hurray for slightly more accurate population readings. Helps me pick which fights to not torture my computer with. :rolleyes:
  16. HadesR

    Ya sure 26% > 74% is not 3:1 ? ;) ( 20 / 80 being 4:1 )
  17. LodeTria

    I saw the TR on Cobalt near the biolab in the north of indar with 96+ & 1-12 on the Vanu side. Was pretty funny since once they got to the biolab they couldn't take it.
  18. MotionBlured

    Clearly, you're not carrying the 1 enough times.
  19. HadesR

    Or I failed to account for the PS1 Spitfires , Cloaking AMS's etc etc .. Bugger
  20. MotionBlured

    BFR's solve everything.