I'm sorry. You seem like a decent dude, but this whole "snipers are griefers" thing you've got going is complete rubbish, a totally moronic idea. I don't snipe often (not even one aurax), although I will pull it to deal with certain situations, nor do I get sniped often (except by CQC-bolt-****ters). From everything I've seen, the majority of snipers will get slightly higher KDR's and MUCH lower KPH's and XP. As for snipers "dictating how you play the game", lolwut? Absolutely the only thing that snipers dictate is that you don't sit on engy turrets outside for extended periods of time. That's it. They don't even dictate that you should keep moving, because that would be true even if snipers didn't exist due to the headshot-olympics meta of the game. Standing still is asking to get killed, or eat a rocket, or get knifed, or blown up by C4, or hell.... just drop a tank-mine and shoot it for lulz! And that's not even counting all the vehicles that'll see you as free certs! Clearly you have absolutely no idea what a "griefer" is. I'm reminded of this.... Taken directly from Wikipedia: Snipers do not meet this definition in any way. Sure, they can kill you without you being able to respond directly, but it takes a lot more skill to do that if you're taking even basic precautions than it does to get killed by a lolpodder or a tank or any of the MANY other ways to die without being able to respond that I listed in the other thread where you ***** about snipers. Finally, you seem to be forgetting that this is a sandbox, online, multiplayer GAME. People can play however the hell they feel like, in whatever way they feel like at the time, so long as it doesn't break the rules of the game. Sniping does not break the rules. As I commented in the medic thread, nobody owes you, or anybody else, anything. I don't think morons who camp in the spawn-room are useful, but I'm not suggesting removing them from the game, or complaining that they're not playing the game my way. It's their life, their time, they can do whatever the **** they like with it. Grow up and get over yourself, ffs. Snipers are fine. With the exception of the really good ones (who've EARNED their abilities), most snipers are barely a nuisance. Ignore 'em and move along. If anything CQC-bolt-****ters are far worse for the game, having OHK abilities, from full-cloak, without giving you a chance to respond. And even if they miss the HS, it's still a 2 body shot kill on anything other than a full-health, shield-up Heavy, which is a ridiculously low TTK which still usually results in your not being able to respond. And even THEY have a place in the game, annoying as I find them!
What guys dont realize is, that "Cloak is NOT your best friend" - It's a TRAITOR of your position for everyone who is able to track you down by listening to the sound of it. Most of the time I stay uncloaked, especially when it is possible to hear me and I only use it to travel over plain fields and when people start to look at my direction and Im not good covered. A well choosen camo is more worth than every cloak. Now, the best counter to a sniper is: Another sniper (surprise, surprise) Saying this, a good defense against a countersniper is: Using the Nanoarmor cloak (100 pts more shield) and this 50 pts. shield thingy (forgot the name) and stay beyond 300m to your targets. So, once you get hit in the head, you'll survive, otherwise you wont.... Also those mini snipers with a battlerifle can be painful if you are inattentive...
I ask this every time I meet someone on distance greater than next doorways. That's why my first medal was on AMR. But even though I had kinda long ranged rifle, I was visible engineer and couldn't one-shot someone without warning. And wtf you wrote here? When I say I got killed by sniper, some people automatically assume I was standing still on the flattest part of the continent. I never said it's impossible to kill an infil and I don't need a list of ways how to do that. I'm saying that it's annoying to get killed without any warning. And it gets much more annoying outside main playtime, since there are too many infils and not enough allies.
I respect your reply and you speak a lot of common sense and your right I hated snipers at first now they are just an annoyance I think ultimately I was getting at why they were in the game what function do they perform and what's the point of long range snipers , I totally agree they not big xp earners or the fact that its about the KDR. I would also like to fully admit I'm bloody awful at sniper.
I'm going to have to disagree with this. An even vaguely competent sniper will be behind something (so when crouched he's completely obscured), with something behind him (so he isn't silhouetted against the sky). He'll cloak up, then stand up to survey the field and look for targets. If he doesn't find something, he'll crouch down, decloak and wait for his cloak to refill. If he does find a target, he'll decloak, fire and instantly crouch down again. Then he'll move, even if it's only a few feet, so that somebody can't insta-HS him the next time he decloaks to fire. Trying to counter-snipe somebody like this is virtually impossible. I've always found that the best way to kill a sniper is to simply sneak up on him and eliminate him at close range. This can be done with a Stalker or (if the terrain is particularly difficult) a Light Assault. Take a Stealth Flash from a nearby base and drive out to his position. Abandon your Flash a decent distance away so he doesn't hear you coming. Watch out for Motion Sensors, 'cause I good sniper will have one out watching for people like you. Do not go for the motion sensor. If the sniper's competent, he's not near it, and is using it as bait. Sensor Shield is your friend, at least for as long as they let us keep it! Very few ranged snipers bother with silencers, because those usually impact velocity and OHK too much. Watch your map for their shots, sneak up and kill 'em. Do not teabag or V6. Those guys are pompous douches, with no style and less smarts. You're not a pompous ******, right?
There are so many counters, it's ridiculous. Not to mention, how many capture points do you see out in the open? Let them sit on top of a mountain if they want. The majority of the game's capture points are behind walls.
Well, 99 of 100 are not even "vaguely competent". Those are rare and during my time in PS2 (not even counting my time in PS1) I didn't even met a handful. And a sniper that you descripe, is very easy to kill - you only need patience. He might crouch and move a few times, but at one point he will come up in the middle of your crosshair. Much harder are those who move a long distance after a few kills - they just pop up randomly and you never know where they are next - and they use a silenced rifle, even for 300+m kills, so you wont even spot them on the minimap. Almost no one in this game has the patience to follow and kill them and they mostly get killed only by a random event or by their own fault... they dont get much honor, not much score, but they get a lot fun by killing one by one by one w/o dying every few minutes or seconds
It doesn't matter that some snipers make snarky remarks after kills. That is simply poor sportsmanship and it has nothing to do with sniping and everything with the disposition of the player. This isn't even exclusive to sniping. Sure, it's arduous fighting off a sniper, but then the difficulty of landing the shots as a sniper is quite high to offset the safety and security of the approach. This guy has it right. If you think that in a tactical, strategic and above all cerebral game such as Planetside, the right and only approach is to duke it out in honourable single combat, then you need to come off the anabolics because the macho posturing is getting out of hand. Kill smart, not hard. Infiltrators have no option but to do the former. In fact, most people would benefit a great deal from playing other classes like infiltrators. People are all too often too lazy to make everything in their power to get the advantage and settle a fight before it could even begin and that is the right way to play any competitive game. Virtually everything in the game dictates how you play. The main difference between snipers and, say, tanks is that tanks are even harder to counter unless you take very specific steps, but people are lazy to switch up their game just to kill some infiltrators, and then they wonder why they've been BASR-shanked in the side out of nowhere. The infiltrator was designed to be an infantry fight-picker and dies remarkably quickly when he fails in that endeavour. Ensure that he does, that's all you have to do. If you stand still, you ARE going to get bolted. If you move, you MIGHT get bolted. Standing still makes the likelihood exponentially higher the longer you stand still, but moving doesn't offer you any guarantees the same way that it won't protect you from air, the Gauss SAW or even the TRAP or anything else. Yeah, and I am going to pull infil every single time during late hours, because it allows me to cope with overpop and helps me gut the engineers surrounded by 4 maxes capping a point at 12 -12. Hell, I'll pull infil even during the day. I guess it's just fun and challenging, unlike, say, running around adad shield tanking medium range plinking in prolonged mlg adad tourneys. That's riveting gameplay. Well, I mean CQC bolters are largely a non-issue because of the upfront time investment in training to be a competent one. We're talking in excess of 10,000 kills at least or extensive prior fps sniping experience. They're a statistical irrelevancy.
then You contradict yourself. Time to give up and admit you just don't like being shot by snipers (but then no one does). Or is it that you just haven't learned how to avoid being shot by snipers? Seeing an enemy MBT or a Max approaching dictates the way I play so perhaps we should lose them too? No, of course not. I'm afraid there wouldn't be much left to play if DBG removed everything that someone, somewhere, didn't like or couldn't cope with. So, long range killers (NB griefers are generally accepted as being people who kill their own faction).......................... snipers Tanks with HE Dalton Liberators Base phalanx turrets TL;DR Time to give up
well hey at least I can go behind enemy lines, hack a terminal, pull a sundy, and be prepared ahead of the current latice grab and have a sundy set up and ready to go before the enemy has time to pull proper defenses. Or do the same thing harrass the enemy at their own terminals, giving a minute if not more stalling them from moving forward, or going as a stalker being a squad leader, only to guess what, drop a beacon right on top of the enemy before they have any idea whats going on, or throw darts ahead for me squad to see whats going on before they storm a base......but like some are saying were useless. Never felt that way having the most kills during a defense on any given base, and that's being outside the "protected area", using the cqc bolt style, yet somehow Im still a useless class..... No offense but it takes alot of time, practice and patience to play an infiltrator class, I suggest the haters just stick to a class that doesn't require work, being the class that has the lowest health/shield etc does not make it easier to use. And yet we heave HA that use bindings to crouch and turn their overshield on at the same time when they fire.....let me try that with an infy....see how well that works out.
Truly, Infils are such useless class IMO nothing will convince those who hate Infiltrators. They hate Infils just because they cannot (or rather are too lazy) to immediately rekt infils. Sure, it sucks to be OHK be "invisible" enemy but every infil knows this feeling. There are times I spend minutes getting to a position only to be HE spammed by a tank, ESF, Lib or rekt by LA who can get to my spot in seconds if he is just willing to.
Great topic easy solution.... Ready? Cloaking should require the player to grab an actual cloak such as a blanket of some kind or a utility such as the construction object that you must remove from your inventory. This will also introduce a good amount of time between cloaks and long range shots. I fully support allowing snipers to do their dirty work from far away, but the instantaneous cloaking ability from afar is lacking in design.
Yeah, no. This is a terrible idea. It might solve some people's baseless whines about snipers, and it'll screw over pretty much every single other infiltrator playstyle.... most of them far more useful and team-oriented than snipers. I think not.
infiltrator sniping killing you without you being able to shoot them or even spot them? GOOD... thats what a sniper is supposed to do, the whole point of snipers is to kill high priority targets from afar without them being able to fight back
Maybe there are really good snipers out there who can do that (god knows I'm not one of them). My experience is that the vast majority of snipers (incl. me when I snipe) go for the easy targets i.e. anybody standing still, engineers on turrets etc. I know I probably shouldn't, but I'll plink HSs on a MAX that's annoying my team as well. Might do enough damage to force him to retreat after all.....
Taking out engineers on turrets is killing a priority target, especially MANA turrets. I usually make it a point to wait if the engineer is revived and then kill him again and again as many times as I can, because that's one MANA turret out of the game for as long as I keep things up, and I can still snipe things in between. If I have max problems, I pull an Archer engineer - it is the same skillset, so it is an almost seamless transition and max players are even more prone to raging about being sniped, not the least because the Archer is brutal and rather uncommon. I mean, as regards priority targets, there won't always be targets which are magnitudes more important than all the others around them. Generally, in a fight, your main role is to cause area of denial and attrition. The psychological fear of sniper fire when crossing open ground is sufficient to deter most players, especially the more experienced ones who might otherwise cause the most damage. The presence of a sniper can amend hostile deployment paths and funnel hostiles to places where the muscle of your operation can effectively deal with them. The ones that won't play along you shoot at and likely kill. A sniper is exceedingly good at defending any linear space where cover is available, because the necessary exposure from uncloaking to shoot to cloaking is under a second and you don't need to expose yourself while rechambering. If you get into the cadence and do it rhythmically, you can hold a large number of targets at bay. It's these things that snipers also need to do. To reiterate, the priority targets are not always obvious. Like, it's not normally a building sized golden, glowing medic mass reviving all enemies - a lot of the time, your priority target is a task or an area. Countersniping, area of denial, flanking fortified position, dispensing EMP, hacking weapon installations to destroy rearguard vehicles - there are many things which snipers do, some of which other infiltrators can accomplish as well. Ultimately, your purpose as an infiltrator is to cause disruption, paranoia, frustration and a general inability on part of the enemy to carry out a coherent, planned operations. In fact, one of my favourite things to do is to hack a turret behind the fight, blow up a sunderer or some other vehicle quickly, then wait for the goon squad to show up to kill me with 8 heavies and 2 tanks. Then it becomes a matter of having good dart placement and backtracking whilst shooting along safe areas and preferably in a circle. Most of the time, they eventually hunt you down, but what is your death in comparison to the rockets and whatnot you have just spared your allies by attracting the attention of a cohort of tunnel-visioned tough guys. Also, there is a special type of satisfaction shooting an adad-ing heavy in the kisser. It invalidates the long hours spent on shuffling left and right. It's a savoury delight.
in this game medics and other infils and engies are your highest priority, after that HA's followed by LA's a BASR doesn't have a large ammo pool, its actually smarter to go for targets that are standing still since bullet travel time and bullet drop are easier to compensate for stationary targets when compared to moving ones