Nothing holding my attention to this game anymore

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schisist, Nov 26, 2012.

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  1. Thunderhawk

    PS1 Vets (of which I am one) should quit with the comparisons once and for all, its getting boring very fast now and you have to think of this game as something else thats "inspired" by the first rather than just an upgraded version of it.....

    I love Planetside 2, it's form at the moment is not going to change, and it will not become PS1 with a new fancy dress, so just give up flogging that dead horse already.
  2. Schisist

    Disclaimer: This is aimed at the money makers at SOE, not the coders/artists/animators etc etc who made the actual game, they didn't decide to rush this out in the poor and empty state it is in.
  3. version 13b

    Yes, teh $$$$ aspect of the game is horrible, so blame the suits.

    Then again, its quite hard to blame marketing for the desicion to make the respawn galaxy-based which led to the base designs being vertical (biolab, im looking at you) which then failed as the (rather obvioius) fault on gal-AMS came out. Lots of the gameplay aspects that are horrid in PS2 have nothing to do with marketing.
  4. Drakortha

    Planetside 2 ought to have been developed by Michael Bay.

    I feel like this game is starting to dull my brain. Every day it's the same. Log in cap a couple bases gain some certs which is just addicting. Then log out. If I had some good battles then cool, but I don't have much to show for it besides certs.

    And really this game is just so simple. It's just point-n-shoot, spot, point-n-shoot, cap that objective, move on to next base, oh no we've lost territory we've been cut off. Rinse and repeat. Gun play is basic and all the unlocks just aren't worth saving for. They are just slight variants of the same gun with different stats and a slightly different artwork. Just really shallow stuff all-round.

    Battles are rarely well balanced and much fun. You're either steamrolling over the enemy or they are steamrolling over you. Sometimes you get an even fight which is the most fun I've had in the game, but those times are quite rare. Also joining an Outfit doesn't improve your chances much. If the enemy have more numbers any kind of organization is thwarted by the endless waves of tanks and air spam.

    Maybe I'm just growing tired of FPS games. I think I need to go back to an RPG for a while where I might need to actually use my brain and be compelled by a story or some deep leveling system. I'm getting a headache just by thinking about how much time I've wasted on this dull game.

    It's a shame because Planetside 2 really could be something grand. Planetside 1 could be considered a FPS-RPG with it's custom class system with certs and an inventory. PS2 is just a generic FPS. A dull, flat, boring shooter that tries to impress you with it's explosions and epic size.

    It's not good enough. The game in it's current state is in no way going to work in the long run. What's going to keep people from moving on when the next big FPS hits? NOTHING.

    Honestly, I reckon the execs over at SOE just want to make a quick buck on this then let it dwindle. Why not? Most of the development costs have already been spent. The artwork is done the mechanics are done and the models and environments are done. The product can be considered finished by the $ guys. Why bother develop this further besides tweaks and tiny features thrown in here and there to give the illusion it is constantly evolving..
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  5. Binkus

    none taken, however you have to see other constraints that held ps1 back

    it was successful when benchmarked in the day.. ie apples with apples

    comparing the popularity now when people have cheap access to high speed connections the world over. is apples with oranges

    the fact remains 'so many vets' out of those 75k are coming back and saying what have you done must give an indication to the guys saying we are all pink glass wearing nostalgia lovers a huge indication of what they had.

    back then from my gaming history, people wanted pve and so things like ahsherons and wow took centre stage, have a huge online war was not the in thing, frankly the numbers of people wanting to play this style of game was probably 1% of what it is now

    with the fame and rise of the shooter and quick fix, this game is ideally suited for the market place now

    it is because people continue and unrelentlessly try and argue that PS1 was a failure, and it was far from that in its day that people cannot see the game was waaaay before its time and its time is now.

    what they have done to ps2 is ... and dont get me wrong i have moment in ps2 where it is all fantastic and the world is oh so right... the game is still not as good, and will not hold the attention and keep loving fans like the first one

    this is not nostalgia it is a fact they have made a flawed model for a short term fan base when they could have secured millions of fans for years to come.
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  6. Binkus

    exactly why they should have left the RPG element in this game!
  7. Silent255

    It's a free-2-play game.....they've got their initial player rush with (made up percentage) 60% impulsively spending money to get gear quicker.
  8. DG-MOD-04

    Locking this one down as non-constructive. Please remember to abide by the forum guidelines when posting in the future.
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