Not sure if it's a bug, but I really like the longer capture times.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgered, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Badgered

    I had some excellent battles yesterday where the attacking force was turned back due to defenders trickling in from other battles as they finished. The increase capture gives players more time to move around the map before objectives are captured, promoting base defense and more drawn out battles. It is a good thing. If this is a preview of the length of time required to capture bases with the upcoming lattice I am very pleased with what's in store.

    However, I did have a few situations where it turned into a prolonged spawn camp - see AMP stations. I remember Higby was talking about adding SCUs (that would only be destroyable after the attacking faction was adding tickets rather than subtracting tickets from the defending faction) to all bases in order to solve this problem. I think it's a good step, but I'd like to throw in that destroying a SCU should also drop the spawn room shields and the pain field. This would solve the issue of spawn camping entirely.
  2. Kosetzu

    While it may be a bug that surrounding territories don't affect capture times at all anymore there was some talk about actually implementing it. Would be nice if you had to stay at a base to capture it to prevent flipping points and running to the next territory (nothing is more boring than stopping those who just flip a point and move on).

    Hopefully the SCU's will indeed get solved in some way, as currently it's way too efficient to just have one person go ahead of the main force to an empty base and take down all generators and substations/satellites before they arrive. Flips the whole attacker/defender role around.
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  3. lemonsqueezy72

    would be nice to get certs for defending a base if they stick with this.
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  4. Badgered

    I remember Higby saying that when the lattice system is introduced and influence is a thing of the past all bases will have hard timers on them that do not change. I believe one of the numbers thrown out was 15 minutes (tentatively) to capture a large facility. I'm definitely looking forward to that!
  5. LibertyRevolution

    Meanwhile.. while standing on the point for 20mins.. friendly players shoot you in the face out of boredom..
    That is what I noticed about the increased cap timers.. bored people with itchy trigger fingers.

    They have made it even less worthwhile to stand on the point then before.. Everyone, just camp the spawn room!
  6. Vikarius

    Yea it is definitely a nice change, it adds for nice rally times on both sides