Not Receiving Daily Certs!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by PS2xProphecy, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. PS2xProphecy

    I haven't been receiving daily certs since the Halloween Theme update went live. I hope I can obtain these missing certs once the issue has been fixed.

    Off Topic: YouTube Channel Promotion
  2. GlueHeadCobalt

    "Non-Members will no longer gain certs while offline. We've done this for two reasons:
    Offline cert earning is not communicated effectively as a general login incentive and does not achieve its goals. Removal from non-members increases the overall benefit of being a Member."
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  3. PS2xProphecy

    Whoa! That's a big mistake on SOE's part then; it was really the one thing that would keep me coming back to the game. Every time I log in my account, I also always check the Market Place for what's on sale.

    If anything, the should have increased member daily certs to 24.
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  4. PhineasDerp

    ^^ this. OP, you ain't gettin' nuthin...
  5. DashTech

    I'm sure they'll revert it if it has a big enough impact on paying non-members. The SOE business model means they want to encourage paying members, the non-members are just there to help the game achieve critical-mass. With server merges that critical mass is now lower.
  6. Agnt

    I have not get offline certs for past two days as a member, no idea is it broken again or just removed from members also. Might also be a visual glitch or have something do to with 10k+ certs i have.
  7. Nytrane

    I have a membership also and just noticed today I'm not receiving certs on my main character. He also has 10k+ certs. I receive daily certs on my alts though just to clarify. I also can't open a support ticket about this because SOE hasn't closed out my last one
  8. PS2xProphecy

    I don't play enough to save 10k Certs. I doubt 10k certs is the problem; it's SOE that doesn't want to fix it then.
  9. thatdeadguyoverthere

    I really hope that SOE changes this back. I'm a casual player and, to be frank, I suck. Trying to earn certs in combat is like beating my head against a wall, but I still enjoy running around and having some fun in game. I enjoy it so much that I've spent over $60 on items in game and was planning to add another $20. With my cert income grinding to a halt, that isn't going to happen. To be honest, I won't leave the game entirely, but it won't be fun anymore, I'll gradually move on to other things, and PS2 will just be another useless icon on my desktop.

    P.S. you stop earning certs at 10K. Spend some of them and you should start getting more again.
  10. SGT-Bilko

    Here's a biiiig thought; If you do not want people to login for 12 certs then leave, or people are not logging in just for certs anymore, or people that depend on these few certs to QUIT - give them a new free gift of certs ANOTHER WAY!

    Why revoke free certs when you can not even control your very serious problems? This is a reason to say sorry, not annoy your main clients. When you fix EVERYTHING take stuff away...a lot less people will give a %s, cause if this stays constant I do not see anyone here in the long run.

    Give a crap, people will give you money - it works and it is a great system. When you annoy the hell out of everyone with bugs and taking away your gifts to the general public, around the same time even, you will find so little total players that you possibly question the future of the project you currently work for.

    PLEASE stop breaking everything and you can take away free stuff and KEEP PLAYERS. Break everything, then not respond after just taking free certs...I smell epic failure. I also pay for this game, and not just for membership and 500 certs a month, I spend much more on each faction as I swap, buying aircraft weapons, main weapons etc...After your recent change this means if I stop my membership all I will get is to pay for a free game...that ain't happenin.