Not a single outfit that really "stands out" on Cobalt

Discussion in 'Cobalt (EU)' started by Kociboss, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. PastalavistaBB

  2. Cromell

    Lately Cobalt is a nightmare, I miss the times when populations were balanced (somewhere between VS overpop in the past and now NC overpop all day all night).

    We have some great outfits there - RSG and CHI, I used to see a lot of HTOO running events during alerts and whenever I had a chance to join HTOO's public squad, it was a great experience, but I don't see them anymore. Anyway big thanks to every TR outfit that gets the job done or at least tries to. I know it's hard when pops are so unfavouring.

    I don't think we have any "huge" outfit out there that can compete in numbers with TRID and JEST, though :( And it shows as there are many times when I log in during prime time to see that we're getting pushed back on every continent.
  3. Ribero

    I think they're basically WRG now but I could be mistaken.
  4. TheFramptonator

    Well i wouldn't consider ourselves a great outfit TBH, this is mainly because we are very casual. When its our events we have someone play music and TS can be hectic and we have VictorMarx, the bat**** crazy Field Marshall / Leader. You missed out some of the other outfits that make an impact; RIMG, TEIC, AOTR, DGMA, SFRA, WRG and GETF ( they run the public platoons). CHI are certainly the best outfit we have, but like you said its hard going up against 2-3 platoons of NC and VS, when you maybe have 3-4 squads. RIMG are our version of JEST and TRID, while smaller than TRID, they certainly make a huge impact tipping crazy fights where we are outnumbered 3-1 to even or in our favour.
  5. SoliderRusH

    The TR side absolutly has problems with getting some more players organized, it rarely happens, that we get close to the amount of organized Platoons from NC and VS side.
    Last few times I check WRG and RiMG are the outfit which are able to get more players on than the average and can organize them. WRG 20-40 (depends I think on thier OPs days) and RiMG 40+ (weekend 50-70)
    The numbers of the other teams are simply to small to organize public platoons and to many of them are not really command thier players...and than comes always the excuse "we are casual so don't blaim us when we don't get **** done."
    So annoyed that a lot of outfits and players are not getting the basics of the game and are able to run faster logistics.

    The amount of lone wolfs and zerglings is extremly high on the TR side + we are lacking decent and active leaders.

    On Cobalt itself there are outfit which stand out for thier faction but the Cobalt teams just not known on other servers, because they arent around since PS1 and or participated in all these cross server events.
  6. Rachitynowy

    So now Jesters[JEST] are compared to Trident[TRID] and so is Red Impact[RiMG]. That is interesting since it was long time since i played as other faction on Cobalt server (mainly because i am observing Woodman situation right now and what will come from KOTV domination on it. I really hope that maybe NC or TR on Woodman will find strategy against KOTV-like outfits and i will benefit from it :D). I will take a look in time next week to make my own opinion.
    Few months ago, Red Impact was mostly platoon-based mostly random filled force that dropped on the point and tried to benefit from randoms that created the fuss and main body of members to build up defenses. They did that quite well but often were outnumbered and wiped out liked that with platoons with more density of outfit players. I would never compared them to TRID since TRID were more about numbers than specific tactics(which was giving them good victory nonetheless). If i would compare them to someone it would be BCSL(Black Clouds & Silver Linings?). They were trying to manage the same tactics because of their numbers. I will have to judge them again.
    Jesters as well hadn't seemed similar to TRID but to be honest i rarely walk with them and only see them from a side

    Are there any new outfits that emerged lately? Some new players on board? Because it seems that on Cobalt there is a bit stagnation, same outfits for months. Other severs have more fluctuation(but they do not posses status quo as Cobalt so it may be it)
  7. TheFramptonator

    Well WDS has impacted a lot on our activity, people just dont like it so they refuse to play (i can't blame them). However you will be pleased to hear from TR PoV, we are starting to run public platoons, and it was actually pretty fun.
  8. thekiller2002us

    I just want to clear a few things up, before people start comparing outfits like TRID and JEST

    TRID = 2567 Players
    JEST = 275 Players

    The Jesters aren't even 10% the size of Trident

    TRID are extremely competent at moving hundreds of players around the server. Not mentioning that the majority of the times they take on a single Jesters platoon- they batphone assistance from both 1TNC and PTMC to Break us.

    I should probably take it as a compliment that most people in this thread compare the Jesters competence on the battlefield to an outfit 10x larger that them.

    The NC outfits on Cobalt haven't changed much in the past 6 months, but the leaders within each outfits have changed dramatically (for the better)

    RE4: are much more dangerous and competent- under the excellent leadership of the Bunkster, replacing Antrace- who previously mass-recruited as much NC on cobalt letting 2,500+ NC players rot without any leadership whatsoever.

    KAIN: are the combination of three old NC outfits (2 of which also had leaders who were complete *******): KAIN and JEST often work hand-in-hand, decimating enemy zergs and Daddy runs some mean squads.

    JEST: Have existed since the beginning of Planetside 2, I've mostly lead most Jest Platoons in the past, but now maybe once or twice a week. I cant name all of our platoon leads, but Eugenios, Icarus and Ethnic Badger comes to mind.

    The NC outfits we have now have definitely upped their game and its obvious during the daytime on our server. The new leaders of Cobalt are extremely capable and I'm loving the NC right now. We still have a mass swarm of outfitless blues, but hey- the NC are no longer in the dark ages anymore.

    For me Cobalt is an excellent server. I would wager you would find it difficult to find another server where outfits have political rife and historical rivalries.

    The majority of the time you find outfits such as Jesters, KAIN, 1TNC, Chimera, Trident, BLNG and Fool in any given region together there is either hilarity, witticism, hate, vulgarity or rage in yell and region chats. There are outfits that despise each other, outfits that counter each other, outfits that simply look for fair fights with one another and outfits that just simply sit in spawn and type in yell at each other.

    Every second Jester has an alt account in the TR and Vanu- which makes for richer rivalries.

    Check out the Cobalt subreddit and almost every day you will find new videos from any of the above outfits trolling each other or posting videos of their gameplay. Cobalt also has some of the best youtubers. I dont know why this thread exists.
    • Up x 4
  9. Markan

  10. Matlock0

    And out of those 2567 players, 31% are active in last 7 days. Daily activity will be even smaller.
  11. BengalTiger

    The TRID is so large that it's random if they're good or not.

    Meeting a team of 24 BR 80+ means trouble, meeting a team of 48+ BR 25 and under means tanks in my squad race each other in shooting down ESFs with their main guns.

    Asking for a delivery of beer at X location via /orders can cause a swarm of flying whales to beach themselves at X location.
    Calling out a party heavy on dubstep and lacking rock 'n' roll can cause similar effects.

    The guys of the NC will likely react to other not-too-serious remarks in /orders. Calls for help are totally ignored though.

    My little outfit runs an open platoon at least once a week (Fridays), we're the [RHoA] and my username is the same as my in game character name. Feel free to join in sometimes, it turns out often half the random people actually use voice chat and we can get $#!+ done.
    I'll agree with that, I don't trust the NC to win a battle unless they have like 65+ % population in an area.
    At numerical parity I just assume they're getting an @$$ whooping by default.
  12. TekFan

    Amen to that. What I wanted to say with my post is that there are quite some good players in TRID, while there are also some you can shred through if they don't have a squad-leader telling them how to move, shoot, scout or position.

    As far as I understood your post you mean that Cobalt-NC are chaotic and maybe or maybe not listen to specific commands?
    If so, I can't even support your claim that far. Today I've had a run with my NC in a platoon.
    I'm in [I3FS] at the moment since I got an invite and like the bunch, as they really try improve the command-situation with NC.
    Simple plan was to get into a Tech-Plant by storming it with squad-specific Sunderers with Gate was a friggin tragedy.
    I couldn't count how often the Squad-Leaders tried to coordinate the platoon to get into the Sunderers. It certainly wasn't on account of the platoon-leaders, but the pure stupidity of most of the random NC's we had in the platoon.
    So while I was sitting in one of the Sunderers, waiting for the rest of the squad to come in, the VS had a full tank-army spawned and began to attack the sunderers. At last we moved in with half full Sunderers because the randoms couldn't get the most simple orders done.

    Maybe I'll run with you at times. My NC is TekBlue. I may not be the best, player, but I consider myself at least decent and I'm following orders.

    As I mentioned: I think its because most of the random-NC are about as deep as the seagulls from that Nemo-Movie. As soon as they see an enemy they run at it -greedy for a kill- like headless chickens, directly into the crossfire. Too often I see them working by the tactic: Run at enemy, get killed, respawn, repeat at the same location. No one reacts to flanking-manuvers and maybe ten percent of the population actually use the spot-function.

    Sometimes I've got the feeling Cobalt is a roleplay-server:

    NC behave like the loosely organized rebels they ought to be if we trust the lore. Sadly a lot of people overstate this aspect of the faction.

    The Vanu really behave like a religious cult of fanatics. The skilled leaders pull the strings and the (often, not mostly) mediocre followers move like least they follow orders. Ah yes...and C4-suicide-runs are quite a common tactic too.

    I've never run that much with TR, but they kinda remind me of the faction they ought to be by the lore: Running like a well oiled machine, unless they hit resistance. Then they go all whiny and swear curses to their enemies.
  13. Kociboss

    It was created some time ago. Also, it simply represents (or represented) my personal feelings about Cobalt's outfits.

    We're grumpy only because of anchor mode nerfs. This and being NS 2.0 0.5. ;)
  14. Morgothic

    I would join an outfit again but there is, as the TC said not a single TR outfit that stands out.

    But I think it wouldnt really take alot for an outfit to actually do stand out.

    - A decent BR requirement to weed out the sheep. Maybe BR50 + or so.
    - Suffient understanding of the english language.
    - A fair amount of players that (actually want to play with thier outfit and not just roll with the zerg)

    I bet there's a ton of mid to high BR TRs out there that are fed up with thier outfit not doing anything but follow waypoints and rolling with a zerg. Players that are tired of fellow members not reading the chat when you ask if they want to team up (or simply prefer doing stuff alone or in random squads). And players that feel thier outfit has lost its way because of random invites.

    Those players shouldnt really be that hard to recruit and I bet they are everywhere.

    At the time I'm writing this I'm BR70 and the above describes me pretty well. Feel free to look me up in game or drop me a PM if you want to start something up.
  15. h0td0g

    There are outfits on every faction on Cobalt playing exactly the way you described your preferred playstyle... apparently you have never seen them as you yourself maybe join the zerg too often? Or they allready left the fight agian before you even realized what happened...
    Also especially on TR side many of the outfits have set times when they run their outfit ops... the rest of the time they just screw around as they maybe lack numbers for doing something serious... I don't know. :D
  16. S0LAR15

    lol CHI much?
  17. Morgothic

    I'm not CHI anymore. My PC broke down completely and I couldnt afford a new one for a while. I guess I was booted due to inactivity.

    When I got back about 2 months ago they didnt seem that active so I didnt bother rejoining.

    Shortly after writing that I was able to find an outfit that I'm really hopeful about
  18. Morgothic

    Nah. I do join zergs but when I do, I get bored very quickly. I can do boring if its profitable enough in proportion to the boredom but it rarely ever is. Zerg on Zerg is profitable as is defending against a zerg. But simply steamrolling bases for cap xp is neither fun or very lucrative.

    Like I said, I found an outfit that I'm very hopeful about. Best of luck to the rest of you :)
  19. TheFramptonator

    So which outfit are you in now?
    I guess you like to play this game seriously, the whole BR 50+ stuff im sorry but i dont really agree with BR requirements. Personally i would rather teach the new players how to play as a squad and in an outfit rather than it be exclusive for certain BR's, but its just my opinion. :p
    • Up x 1
  20. Rachitynowy

    I am as well interested what outfit you are in now. And what requierements they met. I cannot recall any outfit apart from CHI in TR that had BR50, decent amount of players and platoon focused tactics. So i am just curious. There are many decent TR outfits(and i am saying this from my NC perspective now), RiMG, TEIC, WRG etc but noone apart from CHI have BR requirement i believe.

    As for the whole no standing out thing. I can argue with that now. There are many outstanding outfits on Cobalt. To simply put, go challenge BLNG in aerial prowess or outtank FOOLs. Those are outfits that consist of most skilled players. You can simply hope to challenge tactics of RiMG or KAIN and you will never be more mobile then TRID(and it is more surprising that they are zerg outfit here). You have even nation-specific outfits that excels and have big influence on battles like 7BAP and GETF(though i didn't seen them in a while and this is very strange).
    If you want some military like play you have RHoA here
    If you want some spirited and inspirational experience go join WRG on their open days.

    I actually played on every of those outfits open platoons(apart of CHI, BLNG and FOOLs, they don't go public never! Mattiace gone public so it is something :D ) to make my own opinion and measure them.
    There are downsides to everyone but it is applicable to every thing in this world.

    The only thing that don't exist on cobalt is the one super-outfit that dominates entire server. "Unfortunately" there is none.