Nose gun niches on Mossie?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wind_Walker, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Wind_Walker

    A lot of the comparisons I've looked up are outdated, and vr tests SEEM to show that they overlap a bit. Needler is the most accurate of the bunch, but is that all? I personally like the feel of the locust, but heard it sucks.

    It's a relatively simple question, really. What nose gun works in specific situations the way they are now, if at all?
  2. Atorum

    Needler for A2A in my opinion, best all around nose gun for TR.
    I use Locust only to hunt Liberators and Galaxies since its inaccurate, slow firing, low damage and basically all the other traits of TR.
    If you are going to stick to Air game you picked the worst faction for it, imo.
  3. Jamuro

    Mossie noseguns are a bit stale tbh ... never the best in anything.

    This holds especially true for the needler.
    It doesn't have the burst dps potential the m20 (reaver) has, or the "accuracy" (bullet velocity translates very much into hits here) of the saron.

    That said, it is not that bad either ... if your oponent is capable of using his/her nosegun to the fullest, then yes, the mossie is at a considerable disadvantage, but it takes a very long time to get to that point and even the best pilots will not always be at their peak performance.

    Or look at it this way, the needler is easier to use than the m20 and will outdps a saron in most cases and when it comes to sustained fire or longer battles it realy starts to shine (big mag size and high fire rate make it a lot more forgiving than the other noseguns).

    With all that in mind tough, once you mastered the needler i would strongly recommend switching to a reaver.
    While i greatly enjoy the way the mossie looks and the way it feels during manouvers, you will later on get more bang for your buck out of a reaver.
    Just not as consistent and reliably as with the mossie.

    The same holds true for the m18 & it's nc counterpart the vortek ... the m18 may look subpar, but it's a lot easier to use and learn with than with the vortek.

    As for when to use what ... that's pretty simple.
    Rotaries are for close range and ambushes and the needler is for everything else and your day to day primary nosegun.

    And forget the locust ... it's bad and tr noseguns are so versatile that you ll never be in a situation where the locust would be a big advantage.