[Suggestion] Normal/Sprint Speed for Vehicles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JudgeNu, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. JudgeNu

    I have a few ideas I need to get off my mind.

    Just like Infantry.
    There is a Normal Speed and a Sprint.

    Give all Ground Vehicles this and I think we will gain more control over our vehicles and less FF-Roadkill.
  2. Mario900X

    So that infantry could never kill a vehicle because it went away blazing fast after receiving damage?
    Or that AT mines would be a turd on the road?
    Sure, i dont see a problem with that, not at all...
  3. JudgeNu

    Idk how you come to that conclusion.

    Top Speed will remain the same

    Acceleration from stand-still will remain the same.

    Acceleration from Normal to Top will not be substantial enough to warrant a major affect.
    • Up x 1
  4. FateJH

    Planetside Classic called.
    It wanted to tell you that you might want to use the numbers (by default) to set constant velocity. [1] is 10% of maximum. [3] is 30% of maximum. And so forth, with a manual acceleration change using the manual Forward / Backward binds removing cruise but no interrupt if using the Left / Right binds.
    Of course, we're not doing that.