No Vanguards in VR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. DashRendar

    Trolling around in VR and there are no more Vanguards left? Prowlers and Maggies are in their normal places, but all Vanguards are MIA. Bug? Solution?
  2. Mefi

    Hm, in Miller VS VR Vanguards are on their places, but I couldn't find TR Galaxy and central part of VR only has VS vehicles and 1 Mossy.
  3. DashRendar

    Yeah I notice some factions have Vanguards in their VR room, but for my TR, there are no Vanguards anywhere on the map.
  4. Pikachu

    Hm this strange bug is back? There was some time where hardly any vehicles would spawn in VR, or not specific vehicles like liberators.
  5. FateJH

    Someone might have spent time pushing the Vanguard out of sight from the spawn area. I once pushed the NC Harasser thst starts near the tree all the way to that tower in the Southeast.
  6. Mefi

    Sorry for necromancy, but here is one little thing I've found when fell under the map in VR (the scythe tried to kill me :eek:):

    Oddly enough, in VR you can enter any vehicle of your faction and it despawns after leaving it.
    This magrider doesn't despawn after leaving.
    After C4ing it, the magrider spawned on the ground (compare the minimaps):
    • Up x 1
  7. Crazytrain

    used to be a guy on Mattherson who spent hours going through the VR's and slowly pushing all the vehicles to hard to find spots or through holes in the perimeter.
  8. Ballto21

    Was he going off the rails?
  9. Liewec123

    its patch day, i'm willing to sacrifice a few VR vehicles if thats all they break this time :p
    last time it was unplayable latency for 5 days :)
  10. Crazytrain

    like a demented monorail