no servers . and there can not enter

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by martinleonardo, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. martinleonardo

    no servers. and there can not enter ...all servers have their status in down

  2. CEGrif

    thats cause the servers are down for a update
  3. mer1c

    This thread gave me cancer.
    • Up x 2
  4. agentpuhpul

    Oh boy.

    someone needs help with reading server status..

    pretty sure it gave me herpes.
  5. Mantup

  6. Pitbooll

    Better is thats it is a simple Hotfix and servers are down now longer than when some of updates
    • Up x 1
  7. Andy789

    don't worry. it was specified that this update is only a hot-fix. Typically it'll take 10-30 minutes tops for the process to be complete.

    #wtfRuDoingSOE. 3+hours for a 'hotfix' real proffesional.
  8. SirPepsi

    Ow... Is it already No-Play-Patch-Day again? :(
  9. friendlypilot

    hi im new , just downloaded the game took me all night , got home today to play and update 300mb nice , then another 300mb update ok , still no server yet , lol
    someone come here when server is up :D ,
  10. Dualice

    C'mon guys. It's not like SOE are consistently bad for delivering patches on t...

    Sorry, I couldn't finish that without laughing.