No more C4'ing sunderers!

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Strykar, May 2, 2013.

  1. Strykar

    Because I'm the OP and I play LA/HA strictly. I play other classes only when my outfit needs them because **** them.

    I'm not saying it's doomsday for LA, I'll continue to play and carbine all over the elmos and smurfs. I'm just really gonna miss taking out a sunderer by my damn self. Though I guess it was a needed change for the sake of balance.
  2. WycliffSlim

    Yeah... I'll miss the Sundy killing. One a high note... I can now concentrate on taking out MBT's which honestly give more composite score since you also get at least one infantry kill maybe 2 and it's not uncommon for the to be extreme menace.

    It's not a big deal... Typically I work with a buddy or two anyways to make sure the Sunderer goes down.
  3. RX530SS

    Well, one of the key elements to destroying a sunderer as a team is timing. You need to get all the explosives on at once and strike before the enemy can react. Unfortunately, the only person who gets xp is the one who detonates the c4/shoots it with a rocket/throws a grenade. If they changed that so that everyone gets xp it would encourage more teamwork when trying to kill sunderers.
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  4. commandoFi

    Good thing I have max level medigun and just got the TAR. Goodbye Light Assault, at least I can still use the Jaguar on the Engineer. On the less dramatic side, at least you can still take out a high value sundy with two c4 and a mag of flash Fury.
  5. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    There goes my reason to use Light assault with Drifters.
    Oh well, it's still certainly fun, which can't be said of engineers (my opinion).
    Nice video with the Flash; Though I'm not about to speed 300 Infantry resources on a Sunderer. That's pushing it, I might as well pull a Liberator (for an Infantry player, it's essentially free) to kill that Sunderer all by my lonesome.
    It might make sense balancewise, I don't know the metrics. Though there's certainly a lot less reason to use the Solstice SF now.

    I'll survive that change.
  6. Ixiaz

    I kinda beg to differ. since the last patch, my mines NEVER blow up no matter where/how i place them underneath/on or on top of the sunderer, but somehow others mines explode by just being in the proximity of said sunderers :(. wasted many a mine only for them to trigger off someone elses damage and give them the kill. rather spend all the monies on 2 c-4 and a AV turret blast / 3 sticks of C4 than the mines these days. They really need to make explosives award the owner kills no matter who sets them off.
  7. nubery

    You seem'd to have confused teamwork with zerg gameplay.
  8. justinbelieber

    I wouldn't consider planetside much of a team game. The only persistent rewards for play are individual(certs/experience). Team accomplishments are very short term and much less significant.
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  9. Vertabrae

    Oh, I'm sorry. how many people does teamplay involve, and how many does zerg involve. Is teamwork like 6-12 people, 24 people? I'm curious to know how many people can be in a team, and whats the cutoff number.

    You, know, so I can say "hey hey, whoa wait a min...You have 43 people here, you're zerging. Now if you had 42 this would be teamwork, but that extra person dropped your skill level down to 0, you buncha zergin nubs"
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  10. Strykar

    Don't bother with idiots like him. Crying zerg in an uninstanced open world MMO game is one of the dumbest things a person can do.
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  11. SinerAthin

    The LA have always been among the biggest drama queens xD

    This problem is easily solved by teaming up with another LA.

    After all, you're destroying an extremely important enemy spawn point that represent an infinite amount of enemy players constantly spawning. It's not meant to be easy.
  12. Megawatt

    It's 700 certs for both bricks, and I think that just brings a Sundy to critical, so probably UBGL and restriction to whatever gun rails it (lower TTK weapon). I don't play LA much, but that much I can presume.

    That said, I do drive a Sundy a lot, and the LA's floating gingerly up to me like an angel of death and killing my bus is probably the only reason I ever gave the class a try. After playing it for a few days, I went back to HA/Engineer because I only had one brick unlocked (without two and/or UBGL, you are kind of left with no vehicle kill holding your jet ignition trigger in your hand), and because the increased usage of radar, the near impossibility of flying into windows now, and the death fields on spawn locations made LA less fun. Also, I can't think of a situation where I'd want to use an LA to get to the top of a base that I wouldn't prefer to use an infiltrator instead, especially with SMGs available to them now.
  13. simmi1717

    Ever since Novemeber, it's just been nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf for the LA. This class has been steadily falling off a cliff since November. Next patch it seems it'll hit the bottom of the pit. People think it's ***** easy to play LA. That last patch just about ruined LA already. The only reason I kept playing this class is because of the C4s. Other than that this class is squishy as ****. Guns suck ****. I can barely kill HAs with this class after the GU07. Even noob HAs take me down nowadays even though I start shooting them first and my aim is pretty deadly. The advantage to fly up is lost when there are a lot of people playing which is usually the case nowadays with the alerts. Their is no stealth in flying up anymore with the ******* jet pack noise. I get into a good position which takes quite some time to get to and maybe kill 2 people that don't notice. And if an HA notices, I'm dead no matter if I start shooting 1 second before he shoots me. It's getting increasingly difficult to get any kills with this class. I played HA for a while and ripped **** up with my OP shield, better guns and longer ranges and rocket launcher. Somebody said this is the least played class and the most underperforming in terms of score. Why the **** would the **** with this class again?
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  14. MrDerpAssault

    R.I.P C4. I always used LA for C4ing and UBGLing sundies, but now, thats gone. I guess I will stick to my HA and ESF for vehicle busting.
  15. K3STR3L

    LA's are no longer allowed to lone wolf and take out sunderers? Good!
  16. lilleAllan

    Yesterday I was alone in some base close to the VS warpgate. A vanu sunderer drives up, and while the guy, thinking he's alone, goes for the cap point I put two bricks on his sunderer. I detonate them when I'm back in spawn, quickly resupply and go for the sunderer again (adrenaline pumps rulez). When I arrive he has just gotten in the sunderer to drive it to a more safe place, I place a third brick on it when he's reversing out and kill him along with his sunderer.

    And so ended that assault of his. Poor guy. Maybe... we could have been brothers if things were different.

    But of course I wish I could just equip three bricks at once.
  17. Hagestol

    Can't single C4 certed MAXes anymore and can't solo sundies.

    Last time I checked it only took one person to spawn a sunderer/max, and both have to be undefended to get to them with C4.

    Oh well, just another footnote in our nerf list (indirect nerfs are still nerfs). Can't wait for our class update, removal of solo utility means more survivability, weaponry and or utility. Overshield and BRs hoooo!
  18. Joe_da_cro

    seems like there was even a nerf on C4 on maxes. c4 on a max boom and the max shoots me down with 50% health. happened a few times now i just logged off in disgust.
  19. Prodigal

    Precisely that. All this whine is so ridiculous, these people dont even consider whether it's balanced that a single guy who gets lucky enough to put 2 C4 on a sundie can cut off a whole attack on his own and farm a ton of xp with it.
  20. Hoki

    The only sure way to assassinate a sundy now is to put 4 bricks on a flash and cloak it like that dude did.