No CTD, No Report, Just Blackout

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ]-W4r7h0g-[, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. ]-W4r7h0g-[

    Hi there,

    hope someone can understand and help me with the following problem:

    if i run the game anything runs fine.. i can join, spawn, fly etc. ..but after few minuits (diffrent times between 5min and 30min) the game crashes ..
    i didnt get a "bluescreen" or an "window´s failure message" ... the screen gets black without any warning ...nothing works anymore (Logitech G510 LED-Display as example) ..
    i just hear shortly a ingame-sound whats happend .. then "blackout" (like a running monitor with an offset pc)

    after thoose crash i need to reboot my pc by (!) pulling out the "power plug" .. the "power button" wont work for me ... so wtf is this?!

    i bought a 1month premium-membership yesterday 13.99 ... plus 1500 SC (so all around 30€) .. if i can not play longer then 20 minuits the game is useless for me and i want my money back ffs ... if "Sony" cant produce a game they should give up that genre and do something else .... -.-

    my System:

    Intel QX9650
    XFX 780i SLI
    GTX480 (two of them)
    8GB RAM
    2 TB HDD (2 harddisks each 1 TB with enough space)
    Windows Seven x64Bit

    NVidia Driver is up to date!
  2. trued2

    just started getting this issue on my desktop, before it was just the random texture flashing, now it has progresed to this. the game has memory leaks somewhere, i know its not my ram as i did a memtest on it last week with no issues on all 4 sticks overnight.
  3. ]-W4r7h0g-[

    its definitly NOT the "RAM"! ..
    i started a game (had finally get my second sunderer gun) ... then there whas an weird graphic ...
    it whas like ..
    ehm ..
    like a chessfield where any black field were a "=" sign and the rest striped like a "lenticular-picture" ... as an overlay over the existing picture(?!)

    whole pic were frozen (thought its crashing) .. but then i could keep playing ... for 1 or 2 minuits ... then it really crashed .. like i said on top -.-


    ^^kind of that it whas lookin .. an overlay like this over the frozen existing picture ... and thats a "graphic-issue"! not from a RAM-Dimm
  4. Exchequer

    Dont confuse hardware instability with issues caused by a game. Your symptoms all point towards overheating (cpu and or motherboard). This will either shut down the system or make your computer hang.

    "after thoose crash i need to reboot my pc by (!) pulling out the "power plug" .. the "power button" wont work for me ... so *** is this?!"
    You should never ever pull the power plug on a computer that is running. It creates voltage spikes which can damage your hardware.

    If your pc is really stuck you can either press reset or in case you do not have a reset button, keep the power button pushed for 10-30 seconds. After that it will shutdown.

    Your symptoms are related to gpu overheating. Check the temperatures.

    You can use hwmonitor :
    If you want a cpu stresstest use prime95 blend test:
    If you want a gpu stresstest use msi kombustor (included with afterburner):
  5. ]-W4r7h0g-[

    what a crap ... i guess my problem is bigger as i want to know ... think one of my cards is smoked up ... have my pc open atm ... 1 card out .. now it runs fine .. before thoose card ill tested the other one, with your tools (thx for that btw helps very much :D) ... and its the problem like in game .."black screen" ^^ -.-

    im just guessing now if i can run the other card on the second place .. they work but just not under full duty ...
    hmm .. or its the mainboard .. ill keep testing stuff further .. will explain what and why it whas later :p
  6. Theyss

    Im having the same problem, but usually after many hours of play. M ost nights it doesnt even happen. I have AIDA 64 running on the other screen, with all CPU temps are at 35-45Cmax, Aux Temp is low at 55-63C, GPU temp low at max 64C, SSD temp stable at 30C (obviously). The system is very well ventilated, Corsair H100 on the CPU , AMD Toxic 6GB GPU.

    The system just goes frozen, no repeating sounds or anything, bluescreen viewer shows no bluescreen. I just need to use the power button to power it down then power it back on again and its business as usual. This has happened only in PS2 as well. Have played other demanding games (Dishonored, SWTOR, TW Shogun 2 et al) all on max, just like Planetside, and yet the problem persists. I have read around on the forums and other people with stable systems seem to have it too. My guess is a memory leak (SOE are notorious about their memory leaks) that gets a bit too big to handle after hours of gaming.

    RAM sticks and slots have been checked.

    P.S. Another interesting thing is that my PS2 doesnt crash for any other reason, something which others seem to experience, which would get rid of their memory leaks (After their crash)

    PPS I did a stress test of about an hour on everything, using AIDA64, the temperatures are similar to the above, albeit off by a couple of Celsius. Motherboard remains stable at 28C btw.

    GPU: Sapphire Toxic 6GB Edition
    MB: MSI Big Bang II
    CPU: HexaCore Intel Core i7-3930K 3800MHz
    RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengeance
  7. Theyss

    Sorry for the double post. Mobo is at around 30 C.
  8. Ack0n

    Your issues don't sound like anything to do with the game.

    Its either incompatible graphics drivers causing it to crash or GPU overheated and it crashed.