ok to the non ps1 players,this is a fps,this isnt wow,this isnt cod,there is no end game,there is no i win button,you will get none of those,this is a endless war,the only reason you are complaing is because well to put it nice,you need to learn how to play the game,instead of coming to the fourms and complaing to soe that,server's are unbalanced,you cant force people to play a empire on your server to balance it sorry not soe problem other compliment ive seen a lot of lately,i cant kill Air,simple terms by my self,well really now,you need help if your just a soldier by your self,instead you complain on the fourms for soe to do something about it,aa doesnt need a buff,aa max doesnt need a buff,only aa buff that is needed is for the skyguard and the lightning, this game is about teamwork,like ive said,cod stuff wont work here, prowlers are lowest on the food chain,magrider and vanguard have much better stuff then the prowler by far, qqing about dying to friendly tk,ive seen count less people stand in front of where they pull their powerl,vanguard,magerider w/e,and they die,dont stand there,qqing because people tk them,because they walk in front of a friendly firing on a enemy,you except them to stop ? no they wont,dont walk in front of a firing gun, people complaining about weapons,there is cone of fire's on weapons that means if you shoot it long enough no matter what you have on it,you will have strae bullets that wont,that is not recoil,you need to learn how to shoot to put it nice,friends,outfit people etc can help you,that doesnt mean its a problem,just learn how to shoot it,learn your class,learn the game,instead of complaing on the fourms for soe to do something when it isnt their fault, no game is perfect,you need to be humbled and patient,honestly ive told soe many times,do not make a fourms for this game,because i know it was going be like this,95% of threads on the fourms are what you see, if anything the complainers are going push soe to where they were with ps1 when the end was in reach,they only did what they thought was good for the game,what did that result to ? no updates,only maintence,do you want that ? no you dont, complaing about only 3 conts,stop and think for a second,do you know how hard it is to make a game and most of you except it to be perfect all the time,that is a un realistic mindset sorry,do you know how hard it is to add stuff and etc,most of you dont,if you did,you would stop qqing and etc,new conts are coming,new stuff is coming,be patient, its up to you,buffing isnt needed what is needed is you to learn how to play the game if your one of the cryers,put your big boy pants on,sit down shut it, weapons lock aka friendlyfire is needed,other wise,it would be a killing spree of friendly tk,balancing is good how it is,no empire is better then the other ones,learn your empire,"make your shots more accurate,again you have cone of fire doesnt cod have that ?,if you shoot to long,your bullets will not hit the target, you have to work as a team to get base's i qqing about taking bases,sorry this is a team game its 1/10 trys you will get a base by your self,thats how it works and its not going anywhere, complaining about vehicles/air unit,sorry are you new to planetside,this is how it is,dont stand near a door,dont stand in the open trying to shoot it by your self and except to kill it,use team work to kill them,use tactics,this is endless war, people complaining that they cant kill someone with a weapon that is for Vehicles/air units,it isnt ment for troops you wont get a kill off that unless the trooper is down below 30% health,sorry just no, you cant take a whole army by your self and then come on the fourms and complain for soe to do something because you use to do that,well not anymore sorry, most of you,i said most,are just a bunch of ungreatful,very impatient people.take a chill pill enjoy the game, i wonder how long this will be up lol,well thats how most of the non complaing people feel,ill take 1 for the team of non complainers that enjoy the game.
Yeah take any automatic or semi automatic out and put it on a bench so it cannot move then fire it 40 times rapidly wait 30 seconds reload and fire slowly center target on a new paper... you wont hit center Barrels heat up people and when they do they warp this causes a cone of fire.. This is exactly why they teach you to fire in controlled bursts or semi automatic unless suppressing your enemy. Even a Heavy machine gunner on ship(50 BMG) is trained to fire in controlled bursts to not overheat the barrel.
Warping doesn't happen from 40 odd rounds. You need hundreds of rounds in minutes to get noticeable warping.
Holy wall of text. Sorry but lack of.. spaces, and capitalization really makes this a tough read. Not saying you need to write like you're doing a college final, but if you're trying to put your point across, some effort should be put in your article. Better luck next time...
I really hope this is just an elaborate troll post.. if not this individual is bringing down the worlds total intelligence by at least 15%.