Ninja patch broke concussion grenades

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RHINO_Mk.II, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

    I've concussed about 5 ZOE MAXes since the 22MB patch last night/this morning and have been dying regardless, decided to try them out on myself to check and see if they were working, and lo and behold they were not.

    Fix it.
    • Up x 1
  2. Fned

    That's... bad.
  3. Pikachu

    At least we know 1 thing the patch did now.
  4. IamDH

    Theres actually 2 different graphics bugs i encountered.
    Make that 3 things the patch did
  5. Loclear

    My medusa magic!
  6. S0LAR15

    ZOE buff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. BraSS

    I was concussion naded a couple times today in my ZOE max and they worked as always.
  8. LivesInNameOnly

    good only ******* use those things
  9. Shockwave44

    Nice video demonstrating what you're experiencing, oh wait..
  10. RHINO_Mk.II

    Buddy, I get 20 FPS on low settings in big fights. If you want me to post video, buy me a new graphics card first.
  11. Xasapis

    This is more of a bug section material, but good to know regardless :)
  12. Shockwave44

    First of all, I'm not your buddy.

    Second, if you can get into the game, then you can record yourself getting hit by a concussion grenade at the warpgate. I know that was difficult to figure out.