Nightvision VS Thermal, logic?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AnotherNoob, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. AnotherNoob

    Something that has been bugging me for a while, is the differences between night vision and thermal vision for vehicles. As it is, both highlights infantry and vehicles, both give you a shadow image of stuff out of the range, but the more expensive one, the thermal vision, has shorter range. There is no other advantage to thermal to outweigh this, which make the 400% of night vision a bit strange to say the least.

    For comparison, with graphics set to high:
  2. gigastar

    I think ishould point out that thermal optics regained the ability to see cloaked infiltrators with GU10.
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  3. P4NJ

    But the thermal doesn't make your eyes bleed, and looks much nicer.
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  4. Fned

    Thermal can see through brush a LOT better than NV.
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  5. AnotherNoob

    Really? that's nice, too bad there aren't any cloaked infiltrators in the VR to test it on :(
    notice the infantry player you can see through the tree in both screenshots?
  6. Fned

    I notice there's no brush in front of him.

    Seriously, just try it out in VR. Go up over a tree with stuff underneath it and see the difference.
  7. Ganelon

    I prefer thermal, doesn't make my eyes bleed when using it on Esamir.
  8. phreec

    NV has those huge outlines on objects close to you, thermal doesn't. So when you're flying above areas with trees and other foliage it's much harder to see the enemies on the ground with all the leaves and branches in your way.
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  9. TeknoBug

    Always go with thermal if you got the certs to spare, nightvision always bothers my eyes and thermal lets you see targets from pretty far away (they'll be faint red in the distance).
  10. HLM

    That's funny, I did the exact same thing yesterday - taking comparison screenshots of the two.

    Looks like NV is better for spotting stuff at range, while thermal gives you a clearer picture up close.
  11. St0mpy

    Thermal should be an add-on to night vision with the ability to switch between them in the sky
  12. St0mpy

    if youre going to take these its better if you Q spot one of the vehicles,open map, then you can put the waypoint right on it and get some kind of feel for max distance - also a proper test would be done with low graphics and high, its significantly different

    just saying, thanks for sharing anyway
  13. Pikachu

    Yes thermal looks prettier. :)
  14. ItsJustDash

    Wait what? No wai....... time to test this
  15. SenEvason

    I'm still confused on why we don't have night-vision goggles for infantry when we have them on vehicles (including the Flash). You can see in these pictures that he is using goggles for thermal and NV.
  16. xmajorcrabsx

    One of the main reasons why I ran with thermal was because I could see all infantry even infiltrators. As mentioned above I have quickly removed it and equiped the NV because it didnt work anymore. Now I might go back and put on my PPA.
  17. Hwk

    I like thermal because i find it to be easier on the eyes.
  18. LowTechKiller

    Thermal is easier on the eyes, but I prefer NV.
    The bright green infantry targets are MUCH easier to spot QUICKLY with NV, and since the damned range is so short on both of 'em, I'd rather spot the heavy when he's in rock throwing range than in stick hitting range. It'll at least give me a chance.

    I wouldn't mind using Thermal, but for as much as it is more (expensive) than NV, there'd have to be a significant advantage.
  19. gigastar

  20. Rayden78