Nightvision fix with GU10

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AnotherNoob, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. AnotherNoob

    Below are some screenshots taken just now, after gu 10. Good job, fixing the night vision :)
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  2. gigastar

    So which graphics setting is which?
  3. Torok

    is it day or night? huehuehue

    and this

  4. pada0

    I haven't gone in yet, don't understand the screenshots though. Did they do a good job or a 'really good job(sarcastic)'?
  5. Lazaruz

    Yeah, was actually looking forward to this. But I am disappoint...
    Low graphics show the surroundings as black, it doesn't draw trees or rocks. You also can't see as far with low setting compared to high.

    Also not a fan of the surrounding facility icons that are now further cluttering up my HUD. Didn't find a way to turn them off.
  6. Nyscha

    First is low graphics, second is medium and the last is high.
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  7. Torok

    i wanted to try out the Thermal but *you have been disconnected from server, Trololol
    Ceres Ftw
  8. GSZenith

  9. Terrex

  10. Hicksimus

    Maybe they have 3 different teams working on the 3 different graphics settings.
    High and Medium setting teams are English.
    Low settings team is outsourced to Russia where they have it translated to vision of the night.

    What other reason could there be?
  11. AnotherNoob

    Right you are, can't edit the post now since too much time has past, but I thought it should be rather obvious :p
    And it was night time.
  12. SgtScum

    Does it do this for all nv sights or just on the mossy?

    Would try myself but the login servers have melted down and I'm not going to even bother for a few hours.
  13. kadney

  14. St0mpy

    So its worse than before? If so someone better tell maggie the fix she (Luperza) had specially added has ended up not working out so well.
  15. AnotherNoob

    Afaik it is same as before. If it indeed didn't change, then why is it in the patch notes? or did they just remove it again like the mini gun spin up removal? :S
  16. NoctD

    The real fix to IRNV is to upgrade your dinoputers! ;)
  17. loleator

    They fixed THERMAL for low graphics. THERMAL looks great now on low graphics and is usable like in high, and has almost all its features. THANKS.

    What they didn't fix is NIGHT VISION for low graphics. NIGHT VISION highlights targets on white colour on high (which creates contrast with the green), but on low targets are highlited on green (which doesnt create contrast with green).

    Change it to white like in high and it will be fixed finally. until then just thermal will be usable.
  18. Accuser

    But is either one usable in aircraft?
    Or is this effectively another air nerf? lol
  19. Turdas

    There was no "fix" to the night vision on lower graphics, it is still exactly the same. Not sure about the thermal though.