[Suggestion] Next level of ES (ARs/ Carbines ideas)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. task_master

    Congratulations, we can now give this gun hilarious horizontal recoil.

    Is this why VS weapons look like seafood instead of guns? Am I an immortal flying cyborg marine mammal with a penchant for lobbing explosives?
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  2. Demigan

    When you are going for new idea's, I always want weapons with more special abilities rather than different stats.

    Here's the take I would have on it:
    TR weapon. The idea isn't exactly bad. I would personally place 2 magazines in it at the bottom, so it doesn't unbalance during use. As ability you would be able to instantly switch to another magazine. This way you have a much better ability to decide when to reload. Should you get caught during a reload you can insantly switch to your still full magazine and blow the enemy away. That's I think a pretty good ability, unless you empty your second magazine and use it as a semi-LMG, which isn't bad either.

    VS weapon: I'm still for a weapon with a heat mechanic, where the cooldown starts instantly. If you don't go to the maximum overheat you can quickly "reload" your weapon with the cooldown. This means you can kill someone and then move on to your next target, since you can interupt your cooldown you can fight much faster through a building. In a pinch you can always switch to your pistol, should you survive to the end of the magazine, your weapons is already (partially) cooled down.

    NC weapon: a Rail cannon might need a nice punch. Imagine if bullets pass through enemies, and can hit multiple of them in a row?
    Another option would be to look at NC's real special: unconventional weaponry. This isn't just shotguns and railguns, but anything you can lay your hands on that can be repurposed for weapons. Maybe explosive ammo, but as I'm writing it down I realise the Lasher is that already. Concussion bullets that completely concuss someone after 7-11 bullets (similar to the amount of bullets you need to actually kill someone). Unless it's a HA or someone being healed, you'll never feel the complete effects of these bullets. So they do give an advantage but never the incredible power of a real concussion grenade. MAX's aren't affected by these bullets.
  3. DatVanuMan

    The VS gun sounds like the only thing in the game I would ever pay money to acquire...
    I LOVE IT. Amazing stats, man, the way every VS gun SHOULD be! Average RoF, average damage, no recoil, and accuracy the size of an ant! POST MOAR, and this time for LMGs!:p
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  4. Rogueghost

    100 meters is a relatively short range in this game, most weapons in the game can function fine at this ranges.

    Having a weapon deal no damage past that point would be severely gimping it.
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  5. SpartanPsycho

    When you say "pull that little thing" I skipped the rest.
  6. BobSanders123

    Your sig gif made me laugh so hard.
  7. Paragon Exile

    It has that effect on people :D

    Tune in next week for gif # 46!
  8. z1967

    Did he mean the bolt on the side? I'm gonna assume he meant that.
  9. SpartanPsycho

    I intend on not thinking of the alternative.
  10. LodeTria

    That's the punishment for having a no recoil point and click weapon. Or did you not read all of the VS part? the OP suggests that the VS be given a weapon which requires no recoil management and very little CoF. It's only downside being "slightly less DPS" and "slower bullet velocity" which is an overpowered trade off if I've ever seen one.
  11. patrykK1028

    English is my second language, I dont have to know everyone word.
    Quote where I said "slightly lower DPS". 600/143 would be the lowest DPS in the ENTIRE game. Also, the velocity I thought of is the lowest for both all ARs and Carbines.
    The best accuracy for the lowest DPS and velocity? I think its fair enough.
  12. patrykK1028

    Im glad you like my idea :)
    And for LMGs, T0x1s posted nice suggestions (with the 150dmg/650rpm LMG for Vanu, you were suggesting some time ago).
  13. Rogueghost

    I suppose you don't engage past the 75 meter mark very often.

    Anyone can teach themselves how long to burst fire with each game in order to stay on target at any range, but trying to track and hit a moving target 75 meters out with 440 velocity+soft point? Good luck.

    Recoil provides its biggest contribution starting at 30 meters and ending at 75, before that you're so close to your target recoil is very manageable, past 75 meters and bullet velocity starts becoming unmanageable.

    And that "slightly less DPS" would put it at the longest TTK primary in the game, it would be an excellent weapon for those who have never played a shooter before, but anyone that knows how to handle recoil would prefer the faster TTK weapons.
  14. Longasc

    Very inspiring ideas! Kudos for posting that, very creative!

    After seeing how they balanced the ES Sniper Rifles and Pistols and rebalanced PPA, Striker etc... (at least the Spiker is now some kind of Desperado and in a working state) I have ZERO confidence the PS2 Team could deliver anything close to the vision of the OP.
  15. DatVanuMan

    Where can I find this suggestion, O good Patry?
  16. Drew21`3

  17. Drew21`3

    Honestly what Engineers and Medics need are guns that matter. They play the most critical classes in the game Support. They need medium/long guns with 30-40 clips, not 200 dmg 24 round clips. I play all 3 factions and engineer guns are not exciting at all. I own all of them its like upgrade and done. I think there should be a NS selection of arms and when a certain tier of gun is bought it limits your load out. Like a better gun more on the MLMG side that you can not use mines or turret.

    These 2 classes have 0 vested upgrades and improvements gun wise but what I want is the thrill of fighting not fire run, reload, revvive, run reload. I think a 50 round clip weapon, with long reload or something but a change is due badly.
  18. patrykK1028

    Its some updated version and theres no longer 650rpm/150dmg weapon for Vanu. But those ideas are still cool. And that last point for Vanu one.. (I dont want to spoiler ;p)
    BTW: Are you still fighting with Paragon about gifs? I think its draw now, both are excellent :D
  19. TheKhopesh

    First off, LOVE the ideas!

    I heard somewhere that the Devs are capping RPM and velocity numbers at 1,000 max, as the engine may have performance issues trying to calculate so many objects and/or traveling so fast.
    But if that's a myth though, sure! +1,000 RPM is fine with me for a new TR weapon. ;)

    I like the VS idea, but I think it'd be cool if we gave it a futuristic sight, in which the user "attaches" multiple optics as presets, and instead of having alternate fire modes (full-auto and semi-auto) it could filter through the preset sights via the toggle fire mode button.

    (But you'd lose your semi-auto fire mode for this, so do as I do and use your finger as your single-fire mode. :cool:)

    I imagine it like this:

    ~The weapon gets three optics, but the last one in the toggle list is permanently stuck as an iron sight. (Though said iron sight can be disabled if you wish so it doesn't clog up your optics if you never plan to use it.)
    ~The first choice is the one that the loadout resets to upon changing loadouts at a terminal/sundy.
    ~If you attach the HS/NV sight, because it's an NS sight and not designed for the weapon by VS engineers, it takes up both options.
    (Sorry VS, I'm not comfortable with SOE adding something that allows only one faction to run around with a backup instant night vision and permanent smoke negation at a whim!)

    If you're seeing this, ignore it, it's just here to be filler because I cannot do 5 line spaces blank for some reason and this is my finding a way to rebel against that.

    As for the NC AR, here's my suggestion:

    With the NC being so obsessed with naming weapons after birds...
    IE; the Crow, Hawk, Phoenix, and Shrike rocket launchers.
    I thought it fitting that I find it a name that was bird related.

    Prospective names-
    NC18 Fireback
    NC18 Quetzal
    NC18 Nightjar
    NC18 Habroptila
    My personal favorites are Fireback and Habroptila.
    (Habroptila Wallacii is the scientific name of the "Invisible Rail", a species of flightless bird in Indonesia.
    Get it?
    Invisible Rail. ;))
    Ahem, moving on...


    167 @ 20m
    143 @ 85m
    550 RPM
    700 m/s
    1.56s long reload (exactly 60% that of the NC1 Gauss Rifle)
    1.17s short reload (exactly 60% that of the NC1 Gauss Rifle)
    18 rounds in mag (exactly 60% that of the NC1 Gauss Rifle)
    162 rounds in reserve
    (180 in total, just like the starter NC1 Gauss Rifle)
    Incredibly high ADS accuracy (Reaper DMR perfect 0/0 starting accuracy, NC1 Gauss Rifle's side-to-side recoil drift pattern, and either the 143 damage tier's 0.05 ADS bloom per shot).
    Standard NC1 Gauss Rifle hipfire accuracy.


    1x through 6x & HS/NV Optics
    Flash Suppressor
    Suppressor (My goal for the suppressor is for it to lower velocity to the same as max bullet velocity of NS-11A with attached suppressor and high velocity ammo. A random stab in the dark would put that at 450-500 m/s or so?)
    Advanced Forward Grip*
    Advanced Laser Sight (Keep in mind, the hipfire is just that of the NC's starter rifle, so with the low ammo this isn't much to get excited about)
    Flashlight (not sure why you'd use it, but there nonetheless.)

    "Due to their top marksmen's insistence on having a weapon that prioritized accuracy over fire rate and mag size, the NC set about designing a ranged weapon to deliver incredible accuracy without sacrificing stopping power. The goal was to produce a weapon that could remain exceedingly accurate throughout the entire magazine, thus removing the high addition to the time required to kill a target caused by bursting. Ammo capacity in each magazine was sacrificed for the required space to fit high capacity energy cells, as power consumption from the the easily controllable and highly accurate electromagnetic rail apparatus requires otherwise-prohibitively regular battery changes.
    The result was the NC18 (Insert awesome sounding bird name here :p) railgun."

    My idea behind this weapon is to extend the pinpoint accuracy of ranged weapons without sacrificing the NC's favored high damage tier (167) or it's velocity (Like in the Reaper DMR).
    The lower ammo provides just enough to kill a standard target a 33% accuracy rating (very high accuracy required. Average world-wide AR accuracy ratings from players worldwide in the past 30 days is approximately between 18-23% depending on the range of the weapon), while the accuracy potential of the weapon itself allows for landing far more rounds than the standard weapons.
    This means that higher accuracy skill will profit more than with any other weapon, while those with lower accuracy should stay away from it.

    *My intent for this weapon is for it to be exceptional at mid-long range, but only reward those who can drop the target in the first mag. The end result of a 4x optic, compensator, and Adv. forward grip on this weapon should allow for this, but not be without it's challenges.
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  20. TheKhopesh

    Forgot an image for what I imagine the new AR railgun to look like:


    Mainly, I like the aesthetic of a bifurcated main body with the barrel exposed between the two.
    (Though the barrel would be best made of Stellite, or some scifi variant of it.
    Stellite is used in high caliber machine gun barrels for it's extremely high wear resistance, incredibly non-corrosive qualities, and a railgun would benefit immensely from it's completely non-magnetic properties. Stellite is a lighter shade, somewhere between aluminum and steel in appearance, rather than what appears to be ordinary stainless steel here. ;))
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