New Weapon Cert Prices are an insult.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaitos, May 19, 2015.


    Makes me happy that I've been playing since 2012 so I have everything I want. On the flip side how do they expect new players to sray.
  2. CapEnTrade

    They are only expecting new players on the PS4.
  3. Saokeh

    Gas is optional, every product you buy is optional. can't raise one price of anything and not raise them collectively and still call it market manipulation. If you significantly raise the price of a candy bar in one store and the other store stays at a lesser price, it is gouging. Does not matter what natural disaster or power outage is going on. When a price is fixed at such a large amount its unreasonable for the market that is gouging.
  4. Shiaari

    I can help you make it clear.

    Certs aren't currency. At all. You don't acquire certs through any medium of exchange, which is what strictly defines a currency. Even WoW gold is more currency-like than PS2 certification points.

    Plainly speaking, you're wrong. Not in part, not mostly, but on the whole.
  5. Shiaari

    More false equivalencies.

    You maintain this mistaken idea that certs are a kind of currency. They're not.
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  6. Shiaari

    From what I gather it doesn't take much. The game will continue on PC, and the players who have been playing PlanetSide since 2003 will continue to support the developers of this unique game. And it is unique. PlanetSide has always stood alone as an ambitious concept of combined arms play, and it always will.
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  7. Antillie

    No gas is not optional. Without gas trucks cannot deliver goods to grocery stores and still make a profit. Without products on the shelves of grocery stores at a reasonable price people cannot buy food. Food is not optional for people that want to keep living. That is why price gouging is illegal in the US.

    Watch what happens in an area when an evacuation order is given due to an impending hurricane. You will learn a few things about how the free market is regulated and why it is regulated. Prices on things like bread at Walmart and gas at gas stations are great examples here. Hint: the prices don't change.

    Raising the price of something in one currency but not in some other currency is the very definition of market manipulation as you are playing around with the exchange rate, not the actual price. The price is the cost of the item in the most valuable currency. Every other price is then defined as a function of the exchange rate between the base price and the currency the buyer actually has.

    Raising the price of something in one store but not in another store is just raising the price. It is not gouging as long as people have the option to go to the other store. Differing gas prices in different parts of a city even when the gas stations are all the same brand is a good example here.

    Since we are taking about ones and zeros in a database somewhere and not actual goods the analogy pretty much falls apart at this point. Daybreak has altered the exchange rate between certs and Daybreak cash. Nothing more. They have done so in a way that makes Daybreak cash more valuable compared to certs. This is called an exchange rate. Certs are worth less than they used to be when buying guns, big deal.

    As I said before they are making Daybreak cash more valuable compared to certs to encourage sales of Daybreak cash. There is nothing wrong with this as Daybreak cash can't get you anything really important anyway. All of the things that actually matter can only be purchased with certs anyway, and those prices did not change.
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  8. Hatesphere

    Would you like to play a game?
  9. Rostklump

    What you mean is that it is unique in scale... for now.

    I for one have mostly given up on planetside and am instead waiting for eternal crusade that will have what made planetside special namely massive battles.
    Add to that more factions, subfactions in the factions and last but not least some strategic goals instead of just pointless kill farming.
    I just hope they manages to deliver what they set out to do unlike planetside.

    It can make people feel they make no progress when it takes forever to get anything new.
    When i was new to the game getting enough certs for a new gun etc took quite a while since as a new player you spend most of the time dying instead of killing and that gives very little certs.
    Now with more high BR players and few low BR players and higher cert prices it will most likely be even tougher for the new players and my guess is that most will stop playing before long.
  10. Hatesphere

    All of thoughts things are required for quality of life, a gun in PS2 does not compare.
  11. Shiaari

    Hey, I pulled this from their FAQ:

    Hold on a second while I go laugh this off, and then I'll explain what that really says.

    Ok, instances. This game is instanced, not open world. Basically, it's a lobby shooter. They're "planning" an open world in the "future," but we all know what that means.

    So, no, Eternal Crusade is not an attempt to do anything like PlanetSide.

    Congratulations, you're going to be playing a Warhammer themed game of Counter Strike. Have fun!
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  12. MrBlitz

    This game isn't worth spending money on.
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  13. AxiomInsanity87

    You must know how long a piece of string is then.

    I much prefer buying a game and finding out it wasn't worth it as well.

  14. MrBlitz

    Spent $40, came back to see this game hasn't changed at all in two whole years.
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  15. Hicksimus

    Just ignore the fanboy I made a nearly neutral post the other day and he came trolling.
  16. AxiomInsanity87

    So you're trolling daybreak by not agreeing with them then?.
  17. Ogopogo

    In the end, you really do want as many players you can get.

    And on that note I feel this was a really poor move on their part. While it may have been made with the intention of pushing people towards paying money due to the higher cert cost, I think any money they make is going to be overshadowed by player retention, particularly among the new and relatively new players. There is no worse feeling that going into a game and seeing you are stuck with the starter for a long time with no options short of dropping cash. When a game gets to grindy, sure you might keep the dedicated, but it is incredibly unappealing to new players.

    EDIT: Hadn't thought about it yet, but new TR and VS infiltrators are going to have a really "fun" time.
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  18. Atis

    Being friendly to free players was one of very few redeeming qualities of this game. "pretty good for a freebie" was my go-to comment.
    High spenders already had advantage with higher nanites income, top-tier implants, opportunity to abuse any gun at day gun is buffed, bigger and more flexible arsenal, faster exp gain etc.
    It was hard enough to defend this game against P2W-cryers. What am I supposed to say now? "You gonna be farm meat for certed air/maxes/armor until you grind for 300+ hours or dump 25$ per month for sub + implants and 100$ upfront to fully deck your max and 2 vehicles of choice for air and ground" PS2 haters can have field day every day now.
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  19. Shiaari

    Ok, first of all a game subscription doesn't cost $25/month. It costs $15/month. Second, anyone spending DBC on implants is a moron, because the implant drop rate dramatically increases with a subscription. To get "good" implants, you don't buy them, you convert them. Third, $15/month isn't "high spending."
  20. Ogopogo

    This is a very poor generalization to make. For some people, without disposable income or much of one, asking $15 a month is quite a bit, especially if they aren't sold on it yet. If the game turns into something for new players where they can't make decent progress without feeling they are being forced into dropping cash straight from the get go, they won't stay. For more established players like myself, I feel the changes are almost a moot point because I already have a wide enough selection of weapons that I don't feel restricted by the game. Sure things may cost more cert wise, but I am happy enough playing with what I have.
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