New Weapon Cert Prices are an insult.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaitos, May 19, 2015.

  1. Crator

    I suppose, isn't there a place to put a reason why you are unsubscribing? Not everyone unsubscribes for the same reasons though. If they got a whole bunch of people stop spending money all of the sudden they would probably try to do some research to figure out why and fix it. Bad patches happen from time to time, they seem to fix the things they can fix quickly when it occurs.
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  2. Chubzdoomer

    The way the devs have handled this game, I honestly can't be surprised by anything anymore. This is just par for the course. On the bright side, this makes it that much easier to not spend so much as another dime on it until (or rather if) things change.
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  3. Chubzdoomer

    Entitled... knew that word would pop up eventually. After all, it's the "cool word" to use these days. (Anyone notice how people only started using it widely over the past few years? It's kind of funny, really.)

    I know you're anxious to sling around the new vocabulary you've picked up, but at least analyze the situation first. Fact is, this game is on its last legs and the last thing it needs is another step in the wrong direction. This recent, drastic increase in prices is exactly that. We're upset for a very good reason.
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  4. Atis

    And what exactly new devs tried in last 2.5 year? Lattice and... aaaaand.... lattice. And it came out not that good. thats it, other than that we got some guns, vehs and maps, which are slightly rehashed versions of what we had before. Few balancing passes to shut up nerf-cryers. No fundamental changes, same meta. Why? Because people keep paying and devs doubt that totally new core elements will keep bringing money. Without drastic changes at players side, we wont see them at devs side.

    Showing constant community interest brought what good in game? Improved meta? Better optimization, lower system requirements, smooth performance? Huge influx of new players?

    Care to explain how nanites income of subscriber with extra boost on top is balanced and not P2W? He basically can throw skillsuits under bus all the time and stay cool.
    How about a platoon of high spenders vs platoon of frubs? Bigger variety of weapons/vehis, much more force multipliers and implants on top of a cake.

    You said a lot there, and generally what I hear is, "I get shafted about as hard as frubs do but I learned to enjoy that."
    Your average XP income can be seen in profile, its not that big. Passive certs are nice but simple math shows that you cant have all cool things at day one plus run 4 tier implants 100% of all time. Which means you just keep your standards low. You say "I dont need that and this and all of that." just like free player. Your limit is a bit higher but you still got that limit. There is huge gap between you and high spender, whenever you see it or not.
    It would be fine if it was only your problem but its not. New players are frubs and they will be hit very hard by new monetization policy. You can console them, persuade them to subscribe, whatever, it still will look P2W to them and they leave. DBC knows that, they just dont expect new players on PC, they bet on yaysayers like you and PS4, where they expect to be one and only big FPS.

    Oh and you also work as guinea pig for PS4 master race, though guinea pigs in labs get food and shelter for their trouble and you lose money instead.

    What community?
    I come and go, I had one 10-months and 2 2-months vacations from game when it became boring and I didnt knew if I will be back. And if game died today, thoughts that I didnt invest money in that shambles would please me. My perception of game was "Pretty good for a freebie", now its "good enough for a freebie, considering I certed what I need". its a win-win for me.

    Now if game hooked me up, and I was really interested in its longevity, that would justify spending some dough, but I dont see it getting that good.
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  5. Kirppu1

    This, the game itself is an insult it treats people like idiots, why? Because no strategic ways to win, no endgame, nothing to do besides of endless TDM
  6. hostilechild

    Picked up, funny. Been using it with the kids i teach at the University i work at for over 5 years. All the other professors have noticed the trend of hand it to me on a silver platter too. I suspect it will only get worse, as my son and his friends in high school are even worse.

    Time to ship you all to a third world country for a summer :p
  7. BloodyG

    There are no Kids at University's and to experience the 3rd World just send them to Detroit, no need to go out of the U.S.

    And guess what, nobody believes you are a Professor... you call yourself hostilechild and you show off your ridicules underwhelming PC specs lmao.
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  8. hostilechild

    This is my sons name he uses in games. Just happens to be the one of 2 that got into beta so i took it and just posted under it since. I have used Nobody for ever, all way back to TF, megaTF with Clan Kevorkian that later became Hostile Takeover.

    And what the hell do PC specs have to do with anything. Those specs play the game just fine, no reason to spend ungodly amounts on a PC when i can put it into stock etc for the future. If you have a better PC than me then YOU CAN DAM WELL AFFORD TO PAY FOR WEAPONS AND A MEMBERSHIP and not *****. There is being smart and then just wasteful.

    *And just so you know, professors don't make a lot of money unless we have research grants, just look it up its public info*

    *Also there are kids at universities. Some as young as 13. Most are 16. But i consider all the Under 25s that act like 10yr olds kids and call mommy evertime something goes wrong, kids. Yes they have their mommies call when flunking.
  9. BloodyG

    Sure i can afford a membership, but People that throw money at garbage wont have that money much longer, there is a reason why People are poor, throwing money at stuff they don't need is one of them.
    I wrote that earlier already if DBG would do something positive for the game i could see me supporting it but throwing money at smoke and mirrors has no positive affect.

    I still don't believe you are a Professor though, why would you even be interested in your Sons PS2 Forum account?
    It makes no sense at all -.-*
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  10. Chubzdoomer

    Dude, you were supposed to reply with RAGE! Now I feel like a *****. Damnit, you win.
  11. Shiaari

    "Your average XP income can be seen in profile, its not that big."

    That's the entire point. My XP income ISN'T that big. And yet, I have all the toys I want. Why? Because as a supporter I get stuff faster.

    "Passive certs are nice but simple math shows that you cant have all cool things at day one plus run 4 tier implants 100% of all time."

    First, who said I run tier 4 implants 100% of the time? I do run some tier 4 implants consistently, but I mostly run tier 3. The point is: as a supporter implant drops are frequent enough that you don't need to buy energy. You convert chargers from the implants you get.

    Second, in what game do you ever get everything at day one?

    Third, don't quote anecdotes like , "Math says." The only time you should say that is if you actually have the math to back it up. I defy you. Literally. I defy your expectations, and you don't even know it because you have no way to understand. You're not a supporter. Never have been. I prove you wrong every day.
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  12. Atis

    Because you are satisfied with little stuff you can afford for these certs? Cool, I'm not greedy too, can be satisfied even with my 3xBR TR toon, no need exp any more.

    But high spender would be able to run 4 tier all the time and 5th when it releases. Clear advantage over you and you puny subscription.

    In P2W game. If you wont, your opponent will and roflstomp you. Thats where PS2 is heading and thats why we are uneasy. High spenders already can have all guns, fittings and implants at day one except meh-uraxium versions.

    Yeah, because +50% of something makes things so different, I cant even imagine. Supporters dont just pull same MAX as I do but more often, they pull shining white Armor of Sacred Subscribers Knowledge. Supporters dont have same certs as me with extra pile on the side, they have ultimate tickets to Planetside 2 Where Everything Is Right. I cant even see how subscribers play from my sad corner, we are creatures of different worlds and they would never come down to my rotten version of Auraxis.

    Checking your certs, your time played, my time played and calcing how much I would roughly had with your income is so hard, I would never be able to pull it off and if I would, I'd totally post my genius-level formulas to enlighten the World.

    There is low-hanging tree branch ahead, dont bump your head, while riding that high horse... err... I meant Subscriber's Mount of Unimaginable Possibilities.
  13. Agnt

    In the history of Planetside(1&2) multiple times the dev's have forgotten that players are the content in this game. Every time they have needed a good ol smack to their head.

    Im kinda surprised the amount of old players here crying for "get gud" or "we had it even harder".
    I know i can grind the 850/1000 certs in a night or two if i go into to the certgrinder mode. Peoples who are better then me can probably do it much faster. However someone who just recently started the game cannot. He most likely have no idea how to grind certs and even if he would he doesn't have the required certs to grind certs....get my point?

    We can debate all night what is the most effective way to grind certs but eventually i think all agree that farming the farmed is the best SPH in this game and to do that effectively you need to be able to dish point into either medtool/shieldgen or engytool/ammopack.... something a new player can never do, not even with the free 1500 certs.

    And when we know that new player probably is not the best shot/tanker/pilot in the game it only adds to frustration. Someone who can maby make 30-100 certs per night just gives up when he realizes that weapon he wanted cost 850certs or shiny laserpointer for hes sidearm would cost 100.... more then he can make during a night.

    I think its time for DBG to realize that cert costs have no effect for old experience players. Even if they put the certcost of new weapon into 10k, old players can still grind it in a week or two. Only way they can make money from old players is cosmetics and other fluff.
    Only the new players are effected by the costs and when they see it im pretty sure 8/10 will see the game as P2W

    Planetside2 will live or die from the players it has. Without the influx of new players we might as well go play Battlefield for better small scale combat experience.
  14. Shortpower

    Or! Why not instead of looking at this through consumer eyes we look at it with the lore. "But short what does lore have to do with cert price increases?" Well I'm glad you asked strange disembodied quote, someone pointed out that certs are not currency. That is true, they are certifications your soldier earns to be trained in a specific thing. Daybreak Cash on the other hand is the equivelant of being from a prominent family, this explains why the guns bought (NS) with DBC are available to all of that account or "family"..... Now then, the cert increase and DBC decrease: the war has been going on for so long many soldiers already have certifications in things that are hard keep nanite resources for, the rich families pay for the nanite extraction which is why they so easily gain certifications with weapons than the grunts who most certainly better earned them.... This is not to say the increases don't upset me they do, and it's definitely not to say this is how the company thinks; more just a spin I put on it for turning a blind eye to the werewolf planetside is becoming.
  15. Crator

    Seriously? They'd just give up because they have to spend some more time to obtain those things? I get it if they aren't having fun with the game. But if they enjoy playing, and getting to play for free at that, then why would they just stop when they can play a bit longer to obtain the certs needed?

    I'm of the camp that most of the weapons you get past the starter weapons aren't necessary to "win". You can play the game just fine with the starter weapons. I guess perhaps the style of play you get from a weapon you must obtain by playing or purchasing might be irritating at first. But it won't stop you from being able to compete on the field completely.
    If you really want to be able to obtain weapons quicker, why not spend a little money on a game you enjoy? There's several different spending levels to choose from to do this. This is a MMO. In the past there used to be monthly subscription fees to play. Now you can play for free. There's pro and cons to each method, and I'd rather the monthly sub cost tbh because the game mechanics would then work the way I like. But PS1 had population issues and having a way for players to play for free would have helped it. (it actually did at one point in time but cheaters ruined it)
  16. SupaFlea

    The fact is having cert prices that high means they are trying to force people to buy weapons with cash instead. I bought most of my weapons with with cash part micro bought and part with my free coins each month. I also have been trying to get new friends to play the game but how you give incentive for ppl to play a game when you tell them they wont be able to get any new main weapons for their classes for like a month of playing for a casual gamer. They would rather play BF or Tribes etc.

    Maybe somehow make a BR lvl discount on weapons , BR-30 50% off and eventually winds down to 0% at BR70 maybe, you would see a lot more new ppl staying if they didnt feel most of the game contend was an easy year away from their access.
  17. Atis

    Weapons and upgrades are tools to deal with tasks. When basic tools like G2A launcher or GD-22s require immediate micro-transactions instead of bit of casual grind its extortion. Having few low-hanging fruits is great for players retention, squeezing players for money at first week - is not. Yes, this is MMO. In the past all players were equal, now high-spenders have advantage and it's getting bigger. Little money dont help here. Buying all stuff which were popular and costed 100-250 certs takes a price of decent game at steam. But in that game you dont need to pay again and again. Here you buy basic stuff and there still so much cool things - 1000cert guns, implants, nanite boosters etc. Pure moneyhog but before it was less "in your face".
  18. Crator

    Yes, you are correct. But they aren't necessary to play the game or compete in other areas.*Upgrades to existing equipment do give advantages over other players but are not purchasable with real $$$. Perhaps they are something you want because that's what your play-style is but it doesn't mean you are totally useless and can't compete with other players. Maybe they should let you pick and choose what you want as starter equipment then people wouldn't be so upset about this.

    *BTW, calling this extortion is a bit much. Are you just be overly dramatic?
  19. Atis

    How else should I call pushy cash-shop? Aggressive marketing?

    Without basic tools, usefulness of player is severely limited. You depend on other players in nearly everything outside of general AI zerging. AA? No can do, wait when other guys save a day. Offensive play when low on nanites? Go as GSaw HA, it works so well as all-rounder for new players, right? Need to get that sundy down? Plink it with Viper or wait for veterans master race.

    Kobalt on sundy, walker on gal, tankbuster on lib, airhammer on reaver, python AP on lightning - all accessible basic weaponry, staple of a good starting loadout, cost significantly more now, forcing player to grind for weeks or shell more money.

    When game bleeds players, devs make gap between new and old players smaller if they want longevity or wider if they want last moneygrab before putting project in legacy mode. I dont like message DGC's actions send me now.
  20. AxiomInsanity87


    Your feelings and hyperbolic, negative, rubbish is way more valid than reality.

    10/10 you need help lol.
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