New Weapon Cert Prices are an insult.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaitos, May 19, 2015.

  1. Antillie

    That's funny. I was referring to the Pulsar VS1. The same can be said for every starter gun except the NC6 Gauss SAW. Including vehicle weapons.

    The only real exception is SMGs on infiltrators as they allow for a totally different play style.
  2. DorianOmega

    Some weapons aren't just side grades. AA launchers, second max AI/AV, to name a couple, these weapons are pretty necessary to be more versatile on the battlefield when starting off.
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  3. lothbrook

    lol, this is a pretty good joke, you got me, i mean you almost had me till you said "Including Vehicle weapons" cause just the thought of a lib with a vector, a lightning with a viper, or any MBT with HEAT/basilisk is just lulzy in vehicle combat.

    Also every starter infantry weapon are just worse than other weapons in their arsenal, VS just have the benefit of the Orion being their best LMG from the get go.
  4. Antillie

    I actually prefer the basilisk over other secondary weapons on anything that isn't a harasser. The AP and HE tank cannons are nice but I wouldn't call them superior to the default heat rounds in an absolute sense. The Viper does have a steeper learning curve than the Python cannons due to the arching but its not a bad gun once you learn how to aim it.

    If you think the starter weapons are bad then you need to learn how to play.
  5. Antillie

    Yeah the lack of AA for new players is an issue. Same for MAX loadouts. But those things are just roles. They are not required to play the game. Personally I never use MAX suits at all as I just don't like them.
  6. Cyanstorm

    I don't tell you what to do with your money, I make good money and I like to spend it on things I want ( even if I don't need them) if I wiped my **** with it, what's it to you? Support the game or not, its up to you really, but why ***** about it?
  7. Antillie

    I don't see DBG asking for my help to move the inheritance of a dead Nigerian prince out of the country so I don't think they are running a scam. They seem to be very forthcoming about what they are selling and how much money they want for it.

    I think you are missing a lot of things. But your assessment of DBGs entry into the life insurance business seems to be accurate. I find your point of view on complex financial matters fascinating. Do you have a newsletter and how do I subscribe to it?
  8. KuraiSim

    Sorry just had to point this out. You were telling us what to do with out money awhile ago.

    Also as much as I like the game, I dont like the devs/company behind it. I only support games where I like both the game and devs/company.
  9. lothbrook

    lol, ohh man stop it, you're killing me here.
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  10. Antillie

    You mad bro?
  11. lothbrook

    Why would i be mad about this first class jokes you're telling, i mean the Viper being "Not bad" once you learn to aim it, or using the basilisk on an MBT, that ***** hilarious. Ohhh ohh, and AP/HE being nice instead of just being plain better because HEAT doesn't kill infantry with splash not even counting infantry with flak of course and is straight weaker than AP against vehicles, i mean thats just funny dude.
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  12. Antillie

    Yeah, your mad. Its ok bro. Its ok.
  13. Atis

    So you still spend cert to run cool implants all the time? Thought so.

    And you still need money for guns, since you need certs for other upgrades and you dont want to wait forever for decent arsenal or farm 10 hour per day. Then new OP gun is introduces so you need to buy it at day one to abuse it fully before it gets nerfed. Add some useful camos, which work like actual camo and cant be bought for certs. Sub and sub+smedcash are very different beasts now. I cant honestly come at some MMO forum and say "P2W in PS2 is minuscule" now. And let's not forget about pure f2p players. You need them badly, subscribers can fill like 1 server max, but they will get bored and jump ship too without frubs.
  14. Shiaari

    LOL! Oh my god... dude...

    I'm a pretty casual player. I've only logged like... 50 total days of play since 2012. But, even being casual (and not the most skilled), I average about 1,000 certs per week. Per week. And that's considered small potatoes. So, every week I was able to afford a shiny new 1,000 cert weapon. This is because I'm also a subscriber, and I get certs MUCH FASTER than you do. There are supporting players out there who do 1,000 certs per day.

    I only play a couple hours per day, and that's during the week between jobs, and I still average 1,000 certs per week.

    And those are certs not DBC, which means no, I'm not spending money on weapons. LOL!

    That's the entire point here. When you susbscribe the game's resources come easier for you.

    Your entire perspective is from the scale of free to play. In free to play you've got to fight for every little bit of XP you get--and ergo every cert gained is a battle in of itself. As a subscriber (which only costs fifteen dollars per month) certs flow. Implants flow. The game flows.

    If you're tired of climbing an uphill battle in F2P to gain certs to afford the game stuff, then subscribe to the game. I promise your experience will greatly improve.

    You know what I spend my Daybreak Cash on? I get 500 of those a month. I spend it on helmets. The rest of my game is "Cert powered," which are very easy to get as a supporter. So, become a supporter! LOL!
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  15. SwornJupiter

    I'm a F2P player (plz don't hate), although I have put a fair amount of money into the game - in excess of $150 over the last 1 year. This, because I genuinely find the game unique, and it's by far the most group-friendly game out there. Also, I appreciate the efforts the devs have made (although some poor choices, I agree - but this is not one of them, I think).

    Shiaari has pretty much nailed how the business model operates and how DBG operates - this isn't a charity. Lowering DBC prices is probably one of the best things they could have done to increase their revenue and even if it creates the slightest possibility of further development, I am all behind it.

    In terms of increasing cert prices, I can understand the complaint, but it could be a double edged sword. One of the main complaints I had during my play time was that by BR70, I already unlocked everything I wanted to. I had a decent selection of weapons for each of my classes, and from there it just became a grind for auraxium medals. I actually looked forward to hitting the 1,000 cert mark because I felt like I had worked hard for that new weapon. This may (emphasis added) create some incentive to keep playing (although don't quote me on this - this is opinion ONLY).

    Furthermore, I myself have fallen victim to the allure of the 'daily special' they used to advertise for 50% off, and I think this, from a marketing standpoint that has the game's longevity and survivability in mind, is a step in the right direction.

    Although, I did, at one stage, share the same viewpoint as BloodyG. And believe me, I actually tried to quit. I even went over to Battlefield 4. Short story short, it was the worst 15 minutes of any game I've ever installed. If you think the problem of farming is bad in PS2, it only becomes worse in that game where there is ZERO balance between infantry and vehicles. Kills in that game are a complete pain in the *** to grind out and the community is about as noob-unfriendly as they come.
    I rate it 10/10 for its easy uninstallation.

    As a F2P (without boosts), I can still manage to churn out 100-130 certs per hour. It's ridiculously easy to grind certs out nowadays, and cert/hour gain will only increase with a subscription model. Granted, I am already experienced in the FPS genre from the golden age of BC2 and BF3. But the bottom line is that the reduction of DBC will only prompt people to invest money into the game, which in turn spurs development and keeps the game alive.

    And remember, if you don't feel like spending any money, you still get to enjoy this glorious game for free.
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  16. BloodyG

    Do you mean the reduction from 700DBC to 699DBC?

    They need to reduce the prices at least 50% and give some sales from time to time that would be fair but DBG does the opposite,
    they raise the prices for Certs and leave the DGC prices, all that will do is turn F2P players off or make them go sub (how many will go and Sub though)...

    DBG doesn't understand at all how a F2P Game should be constructed, the main point of a successful F2P title are
    micro Transactions, not Subs and 7€ Weapons (sorry 6,99€) . It's so simple and yet they refuse to go that step, i guess because of the backlash of old Players (or Wales) who have pumped 500$/€+ (they make no difference here anyway) into the Game .

    It's going downhill from now on, even faster then before the last patch, if i could Sell my account i would do it on the spot but nobody wants PS2 Accounts so i don't even need to try it lol.
  17. Atis

    First, i find it hilarious when player with less XP income teaches me how good high XP flow is.

    now lets get to business.
    Ah, sure, 1 gun every week, if ignore all upgrades and fittings. Your VS toon is BR94 i believe, which means 60k+ certs. Not enough to cert everything but will do for casual play. So after 2,5 years of play with subscription you get just enough toys for comfortable casual play. Thats laughable. Even in asian grind-based MMORPGs in 1300 hours of playing time you can have 2-3 top characters with respectable equip. With current cert prices new player even with sub will need few months to leave "clearly underpowered" category. Not noob friendly, even less free players friendly.

    My entire perspective is from scale of bringing new players. Look at that - "if you run around reviving players and taking potshots with your awesome stock AR, in 3-10 hours you'll be able to cert G2A launcher and shoot down some overconfident esf in 3 rockets. and thats 100% free." Free player's income is 25-120 certs per hour depending on his skills, playstyle, situation etc.
    Now lets replace 3-10 with 8-26 - sounds like serious grind now. How am i supposed to bring new players with that? This game is nothing without huge masses of frubs.

    You dont spend money on weapons? Well you dont get to use all FOTMs at their prime. You pay, yet still shamble behind.

    And just FYI, free players dont count every cert. I just run few alerts per week, and at some moment I like "mah cert meter shows 4 digits now, was there something I need?" But thats because I'm not new player, i certed some stuff when it was cheaper, I know what stuff useless for my playstyle etc. Most new players wont see it same way.

    Just look at yourself from another angle: game's performance gets a dip every few patches - you keep paying. Balance gets broken for few months straight with some FOTM - you keep paying. Meta gets more shallow by the day - you keep paying. Devs spurt some lies, cut on old promises - you keep paying. You vote with your wallet for keeping all bad stuff as it is. You are the reason why this game never gets better and bleeds players - you vote for wrong decisions. If every player stopped fapping on his exp meter and said "to hell with premium benefits, I cancel sub and dont buy DBC until all cool stuff from last year roadmap gets to live server and performance doesnt drop for 2 months straight" we would have much better game with more players. Instead you pay for being screwed, so devs keep screwing you and work mostly on new stuff in depot. Why not, you keep paying anyway.

    Now tell me how can I become supporter without voting for all bad decisions with my money?

    Complete BS. More money for flawed game - encouraging breaking game even further. Your money more likely to go for developing new merchandise in depot or PS4 version. PS2 got so low client base and revenue, its pure failure from business point of view. Their only hope is PS4, PC version is a test ground for it. Paying for PC version - paying for you being tester. Successful f2p games dont live on 70K daily players. They attract half a million, get money from 10% at best but try to not scare anyone, because without frubs, paying players wont stay.

    To enjoy this game I need tons of other players. It gets harder to attract them with more P2W.
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  18. Shiaari

    You said a lot there, and generally what I hear is, "You don't have much for all your work."

    I have a lot, actually, for all my effort. I said I average 1,000 certs per week. Trust me, there are some weeks when I get a lot more, and some where I get a lot less. And then there was that threshold when I had all the weapons I wanted, and only spent certs on the new ones that caught my eye.

    I had about 3,000 certs just sitting there before that huge cert dump with the last patch. Trust me, when a weapon first comes out and I want it, I get it.

    I'm a supporter. You're not.

    The answer is to stop pretending capitalism works, and invest in the communities to which you actually belong, not the communities you wished you belonged to. You are a part of this community. That should be reason enough for you to support it.
  19. Crator

    You have to realize that the devs are going to try new things that they think are good for the game. Maybe it doesn't work out so they change it. I don't think you're accomplishing much in the way of pushing the devs to get stuff done if you stop a subscription. In fact, it could be the exact opposite reaction that occurs and they decide to stop developing the game even more due to lack of community interest if a large portion of the player base stopped putting money in to the game.

    I don't consider any aspect of this game P2W except for perhaps the implants. And that's even sort of stretching it a little.
  20. KuraiSim

    Isnt the entire point of canceling your subscription is showing what theyre doing is wrong? If everytime they implement a bad patch or something and we all just accept it and continue giving them our money, what kind of message does that send to them? Its basically telling them the patch they made isn't bad or that the player base is willing to take a slap to the face and continue giving them money for it. Either way it means the patch will stay and in the future more patches like that will happen.
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