So when are the new "beefier" laser gun sounds coming live? Every time I hear that "pew pew pew" I wanna stab something. Eventhough I do play TR most of the time I want my enemies to be more...Hm...Intimidating? Talking about this video of course:
I could probably cherry pick a few that sound eerily like modern weapons, but overall it sounds like an improvement. Sidenote, I wish they'd take a look at the Jackhammers sound as well. It needs something unique to separate it from the large pool of other shotguns in the game like the MCG does.
Nice, but some of those are too much similar to "classic" gunshots. At least current ones are easily recognizable.
I thought so too but I watched the video again but with headphones and they did sound like lasery gunshots the second time.
i really hope they implement ALL the concepts for different guns, instead of choosing only one concept per weapon type and then giving it every carbine/assaultrifle/lmg
well, i dont think current pewpew is too hidious. i like some of the sounds, but most of them have too many sound effects surrounding them in my opinion
The current pewpew is perfectly fine in itself, it's all the guns sounding the same while exhibiting vastly different stats that makes it bad. So, the new sounds will definitely be a change to the better.
The new VS guns all sound really cool. Except for silenced LMGs, which sound like generic video game silenced guns. Not really like lasers at all. Shotguns and the BR weren't touched and still make toot noises.
Semi auto sniper rifles and the beamer sound especially cool, lasher sounds ballsy but I can see that being very annoying for sustained fire... which is kind of its purpose, we'll see once they fix all the volume levels. New rocket launcher sound is nifty... crap i just realized I didnt check the lancer, will need to look into that.
The new pew pew is so much more awesome, I had a big *** grin on my face flying through the VR going PWANG PWANG PWAZONG ZNEER.
I like them all except silenced LMGs and the full auto sound of the orion/flare (the flare has a 10x cooler sound for it's burst fire mode, so I hope that is what it's supposed to be, it actually sounds like the hardest hitting VS LMG should). Oh and the lasher just being the pistol sound, weak. I hope that gets beefier or more wubby before it goes live.
I love the new sounds. However the Max weapons need to be changed especially the AI weapons. Also the sound of the Corvus Assault rifle sounds really out. Sounds more like an LMG than an AR.