New TR helmet teaser in steam trading cards ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightmareP69, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. NightmareP69

    None of the curent TR helmets in-game look like this
  2. Ryme

    That's helmet is already in the game. It just doesn't look as "smooth" as it does in the Steam pic. I haven't seen the VS or NC helmets shown though.
    • Up x 1
  3. NightmareP69

    The NC soldier one is the night striker helmet , the NC max helmet is the composite helmet and the one for the VS soldier is the protos helmet and the one for the VS MAX , i forgot the name but it's also in the game it costs 500 SC but this TR one iv'e never seen before.
  4. Ryme

  5. SturmovikDrakon


    It's very different. It might have been a different concept of the same helmet, but they're different enough.
  6. Torok

    The NC's are the Nightstalker (All classes, same release as the Dreadnought) and the Regulator (Max)
  7. Rockit

    MOAR HATZ!!!!