Whats up everyone, I'm new to planetside 2 and was looking for some advice. I made a video of me playing it so if anyone want to watch and leave some tips it would be much appreciated. Thanks! TR FTW
Haven't been able to check out your video but first, welcome. And some general tips: Whatever class you play, max out your armour as soon as you can (nano against bullets and flak against explosions) Keep moving! Even staying in one place jig about. Stationary targets are so much easier to kill. Don't run in straight lines. People know how to lead a moving target. Play a support class if you want rapid cert gains. Engineers with a maxed out repair tool and ammo packs earn shedloads. So do medics with maxed out healing tool and healing aura. Quickest way to equip your favourite class......whatever it is. If you play HA get that glowy extra shield thing maxed out (resist shield is currently favourite of the three) it greatly increases your survival chances. Conversely, don't go head to head with a glowing HA unless you are one too. You will lose 1 vs 1 Learn to fire your weapon in short bursts if it is an auto. You miss with far more bullets than you think on a long burst, due to recoil and bloom. Run with the crowd. Lone players get picked off quite quickly. Join squads and join a good outfit if you can. You will get killed a lot. We all do from time to time. Don't let that put you off the game. It is a brutal introduction for new players especially ones with less than top flight gear. For my personal opinion (I've played all classes: all factions): LA is the hardest class to play HA is the easiest Engineer is the most versatile Medic can be vulnerable when healing but has a great gun Infiltrator is the lone wolf requiring more patience and sneakiness due to lower health and being a bit isolated. Maxes look awesomely powerful and got two big guns.......but many players have worked out how to take them down There are lots of detailed guides online by people like Iridar51 and Wrel (sorry to the others whose names I forget)
Every time I watch console, I feel like I'm watching matrix bullet time. And I used to think console shooters were fast, lol.
Most of that is correct, just a few addtions: First and foremost, cert Medkits up, until you can carry at least 3 of them. It´s cheap, they unlock for every class (except MAX) and boost your survivability by a lot. Another general advice: There is no need to purchase weapons, the starter weapons are in general good allrounders. Auraxium those first, then think about getting additional sidegrades. Certed abilities and tools have way more impact than the weapon someone carries. Pro Tip: Watch the minimap all the time, it gives you tons of information. By time you will learn to watch it without actually looking at it. But whatever you do, don´t let anyone tell you how you should play this game "the right way". There is none. Have fun! Edit: But yeah I know, opinions.
One thing I did notice in the video.. and I have no idea how this applies to the PS4 version.. but Cone of Fire is your enemy. You need to learn how to control it. Its tight when you're sitting still and Aiming Down Sights (ADS). It gets worse when you move. Its trash when hipfiring (not ADS), and the worst when moving and hip firing. Some weapons are better at hipfiring than others. They are usually not as good at ADSing. I could go in depth about that.. but I'll just post a link to a guide that says everything about it. But what I really wanted to bring up is the 'bug' where when you go to ADS while firing.. the CoF does NOT reset. Meaning it will still be at the trashy hipfiring level. So keep that in mind. But here's the guide that shows everything you need to know about PS2 gunplay: http://planethead.info/weapons/gunplay-guide Once you get a handle on that, the http://planethead.info/weapons/mechanics will help you decide on the weapons you might want to consider using. Basically http://planethead.info/ in general has some really good stuff. Not all applies to PS4, but I'm sure most will.
start with this one then go to this one and select what you need https://www.youtube.com/user/WarpathWrel?spfreload=10 this is one of the best sites to get help by a PS2 player and now sins recently a PS2 developer cause of all the things he did for PS2 and there players
For realsies? If so I might have to post another LA guide for you good peeps of forum side, cause my LA stomps on their faces regularly
Welcome to Auraxis! I'm on my phone right now so I can't go too deep into detail on advice but here's a bit of my own know-how 1) if you can, and play LA, get a suppressor for your favorite carbine. Best way to play it IMO is to be even sneakier than an infiltrator and hiding your position is key 2) Have at least one back-up character on another faction. There will be days when you do want to play PS2 but your favorite team is wearing the dunce cap and killing the fun, and it will save your sanity if you have a way out of it. Also it can give you important knowledge on how the enemy gear works and therefore its weaknesses 3: blacklight flashlights on all your pistols. They already have adequate hip fire without laser sights and it'll mean you always have a gun to sweep for infiltrators
On TR I'd avoid GOON outfit like the plague. They like to TK and park sundies in front of friendly vehicle spawns. Just a few suggestions: - Mess around with sensitivity settings until you find one that suits you - cert into medkits - turret, driving, and flight sensitivity will have to be changed sometimes depending on the vehicle. -Join an active outift; trust me this game gets boring if you play by yourself a lot. - TR randoms have proven unreliable so don't count on them to do anything right. - try out weapons in VR training before you buy them. Other than that have fun and enjoy yourself. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask
This is all pretty much the same on PS4. And I don't think that's a bug really, just think of it as a planetman raising his hipfiring weapon to eye height without actually shouldering it.
swag = victory the more lights and lumifiber you have the more troops will rally to you and your swaggy ride, and the more your enemy will cry at your beauty
That's why I put it in single quotes. It MIGHT be a bug, as in untended, or it might not. I can't say either way without a confirmation.