New to PlanetSide

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iiTrust, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. iiTrust

    Okay so I'm new to PlanetSide . It's downloading as I type. Just wanted to know before I actually start playing.
    If anyone would like to help me with things. I know there was a PlanetSide before PlanetSide 2 came out.
    So If you have the time or whatever. Just tell me what Empire to join , What to do and stuff. If you understand me lol
  2. MarlboroMan-E

    Man is that ever a big question. Watch the tutorial videos, they'll give you a good idea of how to play. As for picking an empire, just go for the one with the colors you like for the first few days, you can always start a new character once you get a good idea of what you like.
  3. EvilKoala

    1.Join any faction
    2.If you like CQB, get a shotgun
    3.If you don't like CQB, start liking CQB and get a shotgun

    Welcome to Planetside 2
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  4. RF404

    Which faction to join?
    That may actually be one of the simplest questions this game has to offer: Join the New Conglomerate and enjoy our freedom.

    Don't listen to the wretched members of the Terran Republic or the vile scum from Vanu Sovereignty. They will just try to corrupt your pure mind with foul ideas of communism and scientology, and you don't want any of that now, do you?

    [Edit] You can also enjoy our shotgun attachments that come in all shapes and sizes and are fully compatible with everything from Reavers and MAX suits to kitchen stoves and pencils.
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  5. Aerolath

    One is red, one is blue and one is purple. The purple one shoots lazers.
  6. Wumpus

    Welcome. Here's a good video to watch while it's downloading:

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  7. IronWarrior

    Join VS, they are the most OP'ed faction.
  8. Arquin

    Get to know the game and then find an outfit. Even if you didn't like playing in a big group, you still get far more out of the game rather than just floating with the mindless zerg.


    Good luck, Probie.
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  9. fish998

    Click the Getting Started link in the launcher and IIRC there's a load of tutorial videos by rivaLxfactor in there. Very useful.
  10. ElCreepo

    Welcome to Planetside 2, dude. A few things. Don't give up. It'll probably take some time.

    1. This game is absolutely brutal for new players. Expect to die a lot until you have a good grasp of the number of ways you can be killed, and how to avoid or minimize your exposure to those things.

    2. The game is at its best when you fight with a well organized group. Find some decent people to play with.

    3. When you first log into the game, you'll be dropped straight into a hot zone, and will probably die before you get your bearings on the situation. I'd recommend returning to your empire's warpgate (which will be one of your available spawn points), finding the travel terminal (it'll have a big holographic globe floating over it), and traveling to the VR Training area. Here, you'll be able to try out all of the weapons and vehicles available to your empire without having to worry about getting shot to death.

    4. Possibly most importantly, take anything you read on these forums with a grain of salt. The forums are the refuge of drama queens and whiners who will play up everything they don't like about the game.

    Just to start. Hope you enjoy the game, man.
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  11. Sekaszy

    Its so sad that new guys are not drop from Space to GODDAMN HELL SOMEWHERE ON INDAR anymore
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  12. ElCreepo

    Really? They changed the welcome to the game hotdrop? Do you just start out in a spawn tube in the warpgate now?
  13. Angelo85

    Help with the Faction choice:

    Red guys = fast fire weapons, best at medium distance
    Blue guys = high damage weapons (but comparable slowest rate of fire), best at close quarter combat
    Purple guys = almost no bullet drop, longest range but also high damage falloff over long distance yet the best at it.

    Infantry wise though empires don't really have a unique playstyle expect a handful of main weapons.
    Vehicle wise there actually is a bit of a difference in main battle tanks and fighter jets (like 2 out of 8 vehicles)
  14. xNPCx

    I would reccommend the Be Less Derp @ PS2 videos. He covers quite a bit of the basics.
  15. NightmareP69

    Factions :
    Terran Republic - Space Communists
    New Conglomerate - Space Anarchists
    Vanu Sovereignty - Space Scientists

    -TR is usully the most over populated faction, if you want no fights and just wanna folow 300 prowler tank hordes everywhere who take all your kills than join them. They have the most bullets in their guns, they love to spam,spam,spam and of course rage daily on the PS2 forums how apparently they're under populated and under powered yet they're basicly kicking *** on every server thanks to the fact they have a bilion people on their side.

    -NC is the second most populated faction, as NC you'll most likely get into some really good fights, from what iv'e seen the NC actully know how to use strategy to attack and take objectives unlike the TR who just spam prowlers non-stop. NC do the most damage however they have the highest amount of recoil on their guns.

    -VS is the least populated faction, if you join VS get used to getting steam rolled on every continent non-stop due to the fact than the VS bearly have 25% population in most servers. Vanu weapons have low drop-off , do the lowest amount of damage at high range but have the best accuracy.

    -I suggest joining an outfit (clan) as soon as possible, it's gonna be the number one reason which will keep you playing PS2, otherwise you'll probably get bored after 40 hours or so.
    -Never go to The Crown
    -Never vissit the forums since they're filled only with QQ threads, even the devs bearly ever come here, instead i suggest using twitter,facebook or redit if you wanna talk to the devs and get answers.

    Oh one more thing, you picked a horrible time to start playing Planetside 2, the game is currently suffering from lagg issues and frame rate problems thanks to the latest patch. This happens everytime a major big updates comes out, so get used to it every month.
  16. Poacher

    IMO the most fun, and hardest class, in PS2 is Light Assault. Get a shotgun with an extended magazine and rain death from a corner, above or behind the enemy. Use Sgt York's tactic of killing em' starting with the enemy troops farthest back and working forward to the direction of the front line. Often there is so much going on they will not initially even notice you. There is nothing like counting coup on the enemy and having to complete the fight with a knife because you ran out of ammo. Granted these type of runs are difficult but extremely satisfying when they happen. This class can be frustrating but when things start to click........

    Of course on bad days I spend more time spawning than fighting. :)
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  17. Cyanide

    Don't join them terrorists! Most people wouldn't know it, but the TR is a democracy!
  18. Terrarion

    welcome to the game! make sure to join the server closest to your location (east or west or eu or aus). I am not sure about europe but Waterson and Mattherson are big servers here in usa you will likely always find action in those server. When coming in create one char for each faction. After that enter the vr training to try out the weapons and flavor. After finding suitable faction stick with it (or play them all).
  19. zib1911

    Take advice from this thread OP, but ignore this guy, hes one of those guys that gets bitter and rages on the forums. All factions are good, you just need to find the right people to play with, VR training room is a great tool,
  20. Zorro

    Here's some help in choosing your empire.
    When you start out, I would advise going into VR training to get your bearings and get the "feel" for your weapons. When you go into an actual firefight, try to hang back and provide overwatch. Charging forward can be rewarding at times, but if you are inexperienced you will want a role that will not get one steamrolled.