[Suggestion] New Sundy horn and galaxy skin/camo

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ravenwolf Foxtrack, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    First of all, I loved the whale call horn for the sundy, and it was a must buy for me, as well as for many others out there. With this said, I got to thinking and suggesting to others a horn for the sundy that would be of a cow moo'ing. Just as the sky whale migrations happen, there is also the sundy cattle drive, and what better to add to that than a horn that sounds like a cow moo'ing, and with a large number of others with the same horn, you can have a cattle drive of moo'ing sundies crossing the plains of Indar.

    The other idea that came up while talking to others was a skin or camo for the galaxy that made it to look like an orca, giving it the "Shamoo" look. This camo/skin combined with the whale call would complete the sky whale.

    Purely cosmetic and just adding to the fun of course, but I feel it would add more to the game for everyone.

    One last item and that is the return of smoke stacks and spare tire on the back of the sundy at the same time. I had bought the bull grill for the rear tire, which also allowed me to have my smoke stacks on at the same time, adding to the look of the sundy. Please bring this back with a second rear attachment for the sundy.
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