New player question about factions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Welkrow, May 25, 2023.

  1. Welkrow

    Hello there,

    Im a fairly new player, with 2 characters, level 29 / 28 (TR / NC). Not that much experience compared to some

    Now my question is about faction balance. I only play on prime time after work and both on Miller and Cobalt, the two Europpean server, I've seen the same trend since I started the game a few months ago. In prime time (don't know for the rest of the time) VS almost always win. And not by a small margin. It's more of a stomp, taking both other faction at once and succeeding pretty much on every fight.

    Is it constantly like that or is it something that periodically change ? Because honestly, it's pretty boring after a while. Connecting every evening while knowing that you won't be able to see a single win for weeks on end if you don't play Vanu is kinda demotivating.

    A match has interest only when surprise can arise. Watching a soccer match between professional players against toddlers isn't interresting at all since the outcome is obvious and the contest potential during the match is non-existent.

    And thats pretty much what I feel. As a fresh player, it's not motivating to play if you know for sure you're going to lose no matter what.

    So, as already said, i'd like to know if there is some turn over on that or if I should get used to viewing purple everywhere (which may promptly lead to a good ol' "uninstall" cause lets be real, playing pvp with not even a chance to win isn't really motivating)
  2. Katamathesis

    Well, Vanu can be considered some sort of "op" If players can get benefits from magraider mobility and some recoiless /non bullet drop weaponry... But winning alerts is more about coordination than some balance nuances.

    A good option is to find outfits that suits your goal, and pick fights. There is no point going in few numbers against zerg, since it can be countered either with another zerg or some tactics.
  3. JibbaJabba

    You need to switch servers.

    Clientside hit detection in this game makes it so the added latency of hitting another server will be quite bearable so don't be afraid. I play with a lot of Euro buddies on the US server.

    On the lower population servers faction population imbalances get really bad. On Emerald there is enough population that a continent becomes maxed and the queues keep everything pretty close to 33/33/33.

    At least give it a try before you Uninstall. it's a really fun game and I'm just afraid you're missing it.
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  4. waystin2

    This is absolutely correct.
  5. Liewec123

    alas it has been this way for years, there was a time when TR were the faction with the OP toys,
    but over the years they have been nerfed, and yep, now VS usually stomp most primetime alerts on every server.
    and usually with an underpop.

    VS will usually tell you that this is because they are "Just Better Players",
    but oddly comparing cross faction weapon performance usually shows the opposite, that they are infact slightly worse players.
    but magically they become better than TR and NC players when we compare faction specific weapon performance.
    crazy eh?
    stick Halberd on a harasser and VS will do slightly worse than TR and NC harassers with Halberds,
    stick Halberd ontop of a Magrider and suddenly they are much better players than Prowler/Vanguard Halberd gunners!
    killing more and dying less, who knows, maybe it is purely coincidental that their skill only shines when they are using VS stuff... :p
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  6. Nepas77

    What when was this? I started 2016 it didn't seem that way to me. AFAIK when I started VS was winning by a small margin till Wrel came along

    It's true. The first time Wrel became officially became lead dev he nerfed Butcher and Godsaw simultenously

    From 2017 - 2021 VS was winning 80%+ of alerts (Its like a mini-contest) and you know who he nerfs? THE NC, specifically the maxes

    Betelgeuse was practically the GOAT LMG but VS players will deny that. Yet Wrel nertfs NC maxes when it was literally proven it was the most underused max out of all faction.

    Sooner or later, Wrel will buff the VS again so if I were you save your time and money till we get a better lead dev

    Otherwise you will waste hundreds or thousand hours just to confirm I was right. Specially, and I can not emphasize this enough, if you choose either TR or NC.
  7. Liewec123

    it was quite a bit before that,
    prowler used to be the undisputed best MBT,
    Striker also was RIDICULOUSLY overpowered for a time. (i called this period Striker's Reign of Terror)
    back then Sony held a "World Domination Series" a competition to see which faction could capture the most bases,
    TR won by a landslide, with over double the score of NC and VS combined.

    but yep, slowly over the years TR stuff has been nerfed,
    from Striker, to Prowler, even Pounders are not the crazy splash monsters they used to be.