New player perspective…

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SussyGusy, Jun 28, 2024.

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  1. SussyGusy

    Hello all .

    As the title suggests I would like to share my experience as new player in Planetside 2 .

    I know most of you dont care but I hope my feed back maybe get to the developers. :)
    Ive been playing planetside for a week now and the game was suggested to me from a friend of mine . The game is rly addictive as a heavy assault .I rly like the play stile and all the utility it provides, Ive been griding my LMGs non stop and trying to unlock the auraxium one . Ppl have been helpful and Ive been getting good tips and tricks about how to improve and for that Im thankful.
    I am for sure going to try all the classes but usually when I start with one I want to finish it . LA looks fun as hell !
    All the weapons Ive tryed so far have been with their own unique flavour and some are harder than others for sure but thats the whole point I would imagine .
    There is one thing tho thats breaking the whole gameplay for me and thats the invisible class , especially when they stay still and Im not talking about being sniped , that I can live with. The whole standing still , w8 in the corner kind of playstile is just killing the fun out for me. I wont say Im a competitive person but it just sucks when you kill 5 enemies in a row face to face and than been pewpewed to death behind your back by an infiltrator. <- Absolutley horrible idea to implement ( I dont know maybe its just me )
    Game is amazing even with all its connectivity issues ( dying behind walls all the time ) , but dying from a crouching infil with a pistol behind back just ruins it abit too much .

    Anyway , that was a bit of rant in the end lol sorry :D
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  2. TRspy007

    It's a common issue, infils are in an incredibly broken state. In ps1, the cloak was a weapon slot, meaning players had to switch from their cloak to a weapon, giving time for people to react. In a sense the cloak served more for positioning, kind of like the la's jetpack, and not the stuff you see now. If only they had integrated cloaking that way the class wouldn't be so frustrating to deal with and actually feel reasonably fair.

    But glad you enjoy the game, keep it up and if you need any help feel free to reach out on here as well, some vets still use the forums.
  3. SussyGusy

    Thanks man I will , and yea hopefully they do something about it :)
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  4. Dessx

    Not to discount your experience, which is entirely valid and I wouldn't mind seeing some infil nerfs. I actually don't mind their sitting in a corner waiting playstyle, it might be because for some reason I am very good at spotting them and then getting a message from them calling me a hacker lol. I think they recently made a change that makes them even easier to spot now but I am not sure if they actually made an announcement, that's just my experience.

    The thing I can't stand is the sniping. Why does every FPS have to have snipers? Is it some sort of rule? It's so boring trying to have fun playing as a light assault/heavy assault and capturing objectives while you're getting sniped by some campers sitting on a mountain 1000m away. Like how boring does your life have to be to think standing in one spot on a tower or a mountain for hours is fun.
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  5. MonnyMoony

    There are loads of cheesy gameplay though.

    You think snipers are bad - try having HESH rained down on you by tanks sat half a base away - at least sniping takes a degree of skill, HESH bombardment takes almost none. It's not even like you can pull LA and sneak up from behind to C4 them anymore as these farmers are invariably running engineer and so just plant an auto-turret close by. As soon as you get close, the auto-turret goes off and the HESH farmer bolts.

    Then we have invisible wraith flashes still able to roadkill a max without taking any damage whatsoever.

    We have orbital strikes that can kill maxes even inside buildings (whilst infantry survives!). Given Maxes can no longer be revivesd, as soon as you see an OS in your vicinity, you may as well kiss 350 nanites goodbye. Even running full certed fallout hardening leaves you at about 10% health after an OS, so unless you can ensure you are at full health at all times - sinking over 2000certs into this is pointless as well - plus it leaves you vulnerable to both small arms fire and explosives - since this takes the slot of the other armour types.
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  6. karlooo

    New player perspective BTW
  7. DobryiPupok

    If you think that infiltrators (snipers) are a super easy class that has undeserved free kills, just try playing as an infiltrator. This is before accuse them of being “broken” and needing to be either nerfed to zero or removed completely.

    I believe that heavy assaults are broken because it is very difficult to kill them with an infiltrator if they do not stand still. They turn on their shield, turn around and kill the infiltrator very quickly. They are broken and need to be nerfed. This is for sure, believe me.

    By the way, for those who are afraid of snipers sitting far away on the mountain - just don’t stand still, make small movements constantly.
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  8. DobryiPupok

    Can I create a new account and write my complaints on behalf of a new player?
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  9. Ltuuut

    This is a long debate, or rather a complaint that has been going for ages. And I do disagree with you. I'll explain.

    I've witnessed many updates in the game, nerfing this, then nerfing that. The nerfing trend was, and still will, ruin the fun of the game. I've made a prediction long time ago that the day when infils will be nerfed, some other frustrated player will come after the light assault and their ability of carrying 2 C4 bricks. And I may be something of a Nostradamus myself, since the last week I saw a player complaining about a light assault here on the forum. My **** God ! What's next ? Nerfing engineers because they have mines, 3 bricks of C4, and access to anti-material rifles. Then, we will come for medics, because they revive people. They already nerfed maxes in that regard, by the way. Please ! Purchase battlefield 2042. I don't think there are any invisible guys there, yet I'm sure you'll find something to complain about there. It will be something about game being unbalanced because sometimes odds are not in your favor, when according to you, they should be.

    I don't particularly enjoy the infil class. They are sneaky, and they are appearing out of nowhere when you think you are safe. But I will NEVER complain about it, because those are the rules of the universe in this game. Deal with it.

    And I'll repeat myself : this is an FPS with elements of conquest, neither a horde shooter nor a duel simulator. Dirty tactics are to be expected. Deal with it. Your priority of having fun as a heavy assault is equal to the priority of having fun of people who like infil class.
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  10. Ltuuut

    There's an implant that makes you invisible to the turrets. Also, the said farmers will probably farm your sorry butt in a third person, so that they have at least some circular point of view, so that they can see at least onee brick of C4 being dropped on them, and react in time.

    I'm fine with road kills on maxes, but yeah, the flash shouldn't be able to do it that easily.
    Also, maxes dying from the orbital whilst 10 meters underground feels weird.
  11. Ltuuut

    I see what you did there. I like it ! I wanted to post a similar comment.
  12. 23rd enigma

    What's wrong with suggesting balance updates. You seem like the type of player that got salty after the max revive was finally removed .
    Sometimes making nerfs makes the overall gameplay better. For example I don't see anything wrong with suggesting that the devs nerf revive Grenades on the medic due to having 4 of them and the revive grenade having a massive AOE. Light assault people complain about because that class has the most power creep since wrel started his influence on the game and the fact that it's the #1 Sundy killer. LA could use nerf to their mid air hip fire accuracy IMO.

    Also infiltrators with semi auto snipers are easily verified as over powered by anyone that played the game for a while. They're so strong after the nanoweave nerf combined with their buff. They'll chew through Heavy assaults like nothing.
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  13. Twin Suns

    Curious question for the OP, if I may.

    Is this your first time dealing with a Clacker(Cloaker) class in a shooter genre?
  14. Ltuuut

    It's not because you don't see any wrongs that threre aren't any.

    I'm "salty" because of the suggestion about infils. I'm salty because a player is voicing a concern about a class that others enjoy to play. "The whole standing still , w8 in the corner kind of play stile is just killing the fun out for me." But the player who plays infil says otherwise. He likes to stand still and wait for his prey. And as stated above, some will find the heavy overpowered. Let's nerf the heavy, because they are hard to kill while fighting head on 1 on 1. Not only they have their machine-gun and pistol, but they also cas switch to a rocket launcher to finish the job with splash damage. And I'm not even mentioning A.S.P. skills of the said class. Because the guy above ruins fun for other players by being too tanky, let's do a heavy nerf. Actually, while at it, let's just only leave one soldier class in the game for the sake of fairness, so only the "skill" will decide who's the best. Even then, I'm sure of it, people will find a way to complain about some sort of injustice.

    I'm salty because the game, in general, seems to become slooooooooooooooooower. Seem to spend more time on the redeploy screen rather than in battle. If I recall correctly, the respawn timers were tweaked to be longer. The medic nerf will remove players even farther from the battlefield. You died ? No revive for you ! Run from that sunderer again. Oh, got sniped while running and no medic ? Wait for 10-20 seconds, then run again ! It will become a Forrest Gump simulator, rather than an FPS game.

    Next point would be nerf of maxes and hesh, and guns in general. A person invest in his max, it's guns, or he wanted to buy hesh on his lightning because he got mowed down by the said gun too many times, so he'd like to do the same. He's ready, and here comes the nerf ! All those certs for less fun than was anticipated. Great job ! I'm not sure anyone will bother to refund the said guy.

    The bases were nerfed. Now, has to play with friends to defend his base... Yeah, that's how it works. Before the nerf I found that the bases were fun to play with, and the autoturrets were awesome to play with or against ! It was fun ! Now, new buildings are cool, but the bases do miss something. The positive side that at the very least the certs of the modules were refunded. Also, the nerf of the exp for spawning vehicles from the players base... Jesus, killing that tiny extra incentive for the construction.

    I'm "salty" because the game that used to be rather fast slows down and becomes less fun and more boring. And then, people are complaining about the fact that this game is not battlefield/CoD-like enough, because they want a fair fight - I see, thus I shoot. And since I don't understand how people can have fun by sitting and waiting (because that's the only side of the gameplay I see), I'll ask the devs to nerf it. The infils hurt the kill streak.
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  15. Somentine

    You do realize that Infils are one of the largest contributors to the game slowing down, right? Nearly every single role they fill is cancer that stops people from doing what they should be able to:

    - Stalkers are almost ubiquitously the lowest KPM players in the game. They screw over enemies and teammates alike, bait, and are in general just obnoxious to track down.

    - Snipers hold sight lines that no other class, even with BRs or AMRs, can hold, and they make every outside fight dangerous.

    - While not entirely unique to Infil, AP mines slow down/stop flanks, pushing more and more people into meat grinder situations.

    - EMPs that are unavoidable and, on average, deal 500 damage to any push, and act as a mini flash.

    - Then you have the recon tools that has three (3) implants to attempt to counter it, none of which actually do, and constantly feeds info to your team to also stop/slow down flanks.

    - All cloaks force players to slow down their gameplay to attempt to spot small screen distortions to avoid being clientsided by the cancer.

    - Never mind the buffs they got from the removal of NWA that basically turns even Pistols and SMGs into OHK weapons on the receiving player's screen due to clientside and low TTK.
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  16. SussyGusy

    To be honest yes , and again thiere is only one type of gameplay I dislike with class that beening sitting in a corner with a pistol . Also I want to say , this is only one think out of many good things about the game.
  17. Ltuuut

    If you think that infils are the largest contributors to slowing the pace of the game, then I'm not really sure how did you come to this conclusion. They do not stop the game on a massive scale, but rather annoy people individually, and they seem to annoy mostly those, who are the loudest about it. They are not stopping the tank column in a way an orbital does. Or, they do not stop an infantry push single-handedly as, again, an orbital can do. The latter is a tactical tool, by the way. It needs few tweaks, but don't ask to nerf the orbital as well, because players die, and they feel bad about their kill streak.

    The infils can hold choke points (or clean them from a bit too stationary players - depends on what side you are on) while in the mix with other classes, they do the headshots insta-kills, but I've never seen any kind of push stopped by an infil single-handedly, since they are usually overwhelmed. And if medics are in the push, it'll continue as if nothing has happened. And their role is, indeed, as you've stated, to slow the enemies down. You, fellas, seem to forget that this is not Quake or Unreal deathmatch, or whatever other shooter game, where the number of frags solely determine your victory. It's a bit about tactics too. Does the territory capture ring a bell ? Outfit resources ? Alerts won by the faction that control the most territory, ever noticed those mechanics ? If the latter exists, a small proportion of tactical play is to be expected. Hack the terminal to hold vehicle spawn for the enemies. Stay on point until it's empty to prevent the enemies capture of the next base. A couple of seconds here and there may win the alert. Flank the enemies to allow your friendlies to push back... I hope that doesn't sound as a nonsense to you, since this is not "run forward, shoot" type of gameplay.

    - As per their role name. I see no problems there. Thus, annoying indeed, but that's what it is. I pray to the flashlight and shotgun so you can get the help you need the next time you are after one. Amen !;

    - Really, Sherlock ? Ah, didn't know this games was about being safe in a fight. And even worse : the SPOT YOU FOR YOUR ENEMY ! Thus, increasing your death rate if not from a snipe, then from their ally who've spotted them on the map. Let's remove spotting to, while at it. Infils may be very annoying as scouts too ! But seriously, you've just described the infiltrator role there, and what one should do if a person plays it. Yeah... ;

    Yeah, engineers can use those too. So, it's not about infils, but about AP mines. And as per what I've stated above, slowing down enemies and winning some time is a part of the gameplay to help the conquest of the territories. If you just want a shooter, it's the wrong game. Because the same argument can be used against the mines put right after the vehicle's spawn platform. Annoying, indeed, but that's how you earn some extra time for your squad/platoon/faction. That's how you waste some resources (nanites) of the enemy players from the enemy faction. I feel weird explaining something that obvious. Also, there's an implant that make AP mines not see you, so you can run all over them as much as you want. It was a life changer for me.
    *to the shields. They do damage to the shields, and I'd like to nerf the implant that removes Carapace Implant for that matter, since it's unaffected by the EMPs, and it's not fair to players who use them. They also jam engineer turrets, defuse the AP mines that you don't like so much, and can get that enemy beacon from under the ground when players use glitches to place one there. Or, it can get a beacon from a roof, while you are not a light assault. Matter of priorities. Also, can indeed lower the enemy's shield, and thus give your allies a small advantage on a choke point. Tactical stuff, yet again ;

    Yeah, and the implants work as a charm if you've read their description and know how to use it. Flank an infil as a light assault is priceless to me, especially when he doesn't expect your arrival, since you are invisible on a mini map, ONLY IF you've done everything right.

    Also, the recon devices do not detect you, if you crouch. Therefore, no implants needed to be invisible on the radar. And if you complain that it's slow, then run. However, a player with a headset will hear you coming without the need of the map, and he'll anticipate your arrival, simply because of your loud footsteps. Let's ban headsets now, shall we ? ;

    Also, the said recon tools may help you find the sneaky fella, since it has the same function both ways.

    Yeah, works for those who do not invest in the flashlights on their secondary weapons. If you possess one, no need to stop anymore. Run, and look for a colorful fella sitting in the corner, hoping not to get detected. If you didn't know about the flashlight functionality, that's on you. And I'll even take it a step farther : you can detect infils while being in a vehicle too ! You just need to switch on the headlights by pressing "G" ! It doesn't work the way it is supposed to, since the lights - even thought they come from the front - seem to invisibly shine to the sides of any vehicle ! The amazing stuff you learn with me today... ;

    I didn't get that because of the abbreviations you used, but you do seem very upset about it. If I knew what are you talking about, I'd probably find a counterargument, like I did for your previous points.

    I hope that, all together, my argumentation made you realize that infils can be dealt with right tools and a clever mind. If you simply want some pew pew action, sorry to disappoint you, but this is only a part of the game, not its entirety.
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  18. Twin Suns

    The frustration is understandable killer. All Planeteers had to deal with it. *shrugs* Start unloading rounds into those corners when you clear a room. You’ll eventually learn the Infils habits/tendencies and adjust your play style. Remember, they are very squishy.

    Happy Hunting o7
  19. 23rd enigma

    You say Infiltrators don't slow down the game, yet you give advice like you should only crouch if you don't want to be spotted by motion spotters and run if you want to be fast. LMAO So much for making your point about how infiltrators don't slow down the game. All to argue that heavy assaults are the OP class but not the cloaky boy with just as much HP (nano armor), infinite recon, and better weapons(OP semi autos). To counter infiltrators you need like two implants crouch slowly and scan around the whole room hoping that no one catches you off guard while doing so. It's not even a real counter to a good infil. A heavy assault, All you need to do is get an extra two head shot or three body shots on them. If your an infil that means just spam one more body shot with a semi auto and That's it, EZ kill. I'm just glad all these good heavy assaults that turn around and kill you quickly when you shoot them aren't abusing the broken infil class. Sometimes they do like Herman walker on Connery and then they absolutely dominate the leader board of a Hex. That Herman walker guy a beast playing HA, but when he plays Bolt action rifle Infiltrators you might as well quit your session. You're in for an *** beating.
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  20. karlooo

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