New open-face helmets!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LightningWolfTigrBer, May 24, 2013.

  1. LightningWolfTigrBer

    And they're all hideous!
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  2. Cab00se187

    I'll buy that for a dollar!!
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  3. ChaosReaperr

    In my opinion the TR is the best... not too far from being decent and the VS one is the worst =/
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  4. Zorro

    The characters look like they have toothaches.
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  5. Littleman

    I'm expecting the closed faced variants rather soonish, since they all look to have a face plate, they're just open.
  6. Giggily

    I want the VS one if only because it looks hilarious.
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  7. Captain Kid

    wow, they're all really awful looking.
    Some one did his best on these.
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  8. IamSalvation

    They all look GREAT in the closed Version... they where there on the Testserver for a day... .. everyone was hoping they would make them able to be closed/opened with a Button... can´t imagine anyone buying this open Version really...
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  9. SpcFarlen

    On the PTS a few weeks ago the visors were all down, the Vanu and NC ones looked amazing (TR was alright). So ya i hope they either have a toggleable function, or have a closed version.
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  10. LightningWolfTigrBer

    Some pics of the helmets by themselves.
    All I want is a Hyperion helmet with a full mask. How long must I wait, SOE?
  11. LightningWolfTigrBer

    I'd have to see the masks down first, but a toggle version sounds cool. Though I bet they'll sell these ones cheap, then release the mask down version for $2.50-$5 more, and then release a toggle version for like $20. You know, because SOE.
  12. Finli

    Get your **** together SOE. The VS one looks like a ****** giving birth to a grown man face-first.

    Full-face Hyperion and you've got yourself a deal. If the stretched out snatch goes live, I'll stick with my Composite helmet.
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  13. ACE McFACE

    That's hilarious
  14. Kalee-J

    I don't like any of them.
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  15. HadesR

  16. Radec594

    I love the TR one.

    But the VS looks like

    I'm sorry, but it's fitting.
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  17. SoliDeoGloria

    wow.... this is ridiculous... why would they release 'open face' helmets? who would run around on the battlefield with an open face helmet like these? ('that obviously for battle reason's would flip down, but for some reason can' really have to buy the helmet twice? one with the visor up, and the other with the visor down?!') This just seems silly. Im baffled that they don't have a 'flip down' option.
  18. SpcFarlen

    The question then becomes, would you (or anyone) still pay for it. Come one if you get a Commissioner, it has to be gold :D

    We have personal shielding devices, why bother with something that limits your field of view. Not to mention what is better then letting your wavy locks get brisked away in the breeze of lolpods exploding near your newly made corpse of a body? Nothing, its pretty breath taking.
  19. VSDerp

    why couldn't they be closed like when ya first previewed them on test?? couldn't ya have 2 kinds open face and closed?? was that hard?? im sure alot of people would rather have closed ones. first once the vanu one looks like ****
  20. Reskan

    I've played TF2 long enough to know a stupid hat when I see one, and these hats are as stupid as it gets. I want those glowing red eyes on my eyes, and not my on forehead.
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