New Medic advice & is F2P feasible?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Withnail42, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Withnail42

    Hi all,

    I'm still quite lost at this game, and a friend recommended CM as a good way to level. I watched some of tutorial videos, as well as the medic one at the top of this page, so it wouldn't seem so overwhelming. I have had a few kills, but I die so fast that I've mostly been just trying to stick with a group, and keep my head down and rez/heal what I can. I joined a 4-platoon squad last night, and that was a lot more fun.

    So far I've unlocked the med tool and nano area heal (just found out I even had this lol) to level 3, and I think I'll throw some points into flak armor next. I'm kind of intimidated by the vehicles, so I've just been trying to hitch a ride around. Is it recommended to put any points into them, or should I just try out a few?

    As far as the starter TR gun goes, it's accurate, but doesn't seem to hurt enemies much. I did a little bit of reading, and many recommend the TRV as a nice, cheap first upgrade. It will take me a little while to get 250 certs though I think. How feasible is playing this game without spending any money? Is it too frustrating? I've seen some cheap deals recently on 5000 SC codes as part of the Nvidia promo, and I'm fairly tempted to go that route.
  2. MrLee.NO

    Getting a new graphics card to get Station cash? only if you need a new card ;)

    I'd say play for free for now, then buy station cash when ever a 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 deal on station cash comes around (my bet is around Easter holidays).

    Triage I would avoid for now. Very situational and too little for too much.

    Otherwise, I'd get the following, in order of priority, but get the low cost tiers for each first
    Heal tool 5
    Flak 4
    AOE heal 5

    I'd also try updating the default gun with scopes and attachments like compensator and/or forward grip, although someone else can probably give better TR specific advise here. Depending on how well you feel you aim, spend the 30 certs on scope before heal tool/flak e.t.c. as it will help you get kills.

    Then I'd try to focus on heal tool 6. Yes it is a massive 500 cert points, but it pays for itself.

    After that, get double C4 700 certs yes, but damn it makes you versatile.

    This is of course what I would focus on for medics, you may want to spend your points in a different order and on other classes.
  3. Stringz

    My advice is to stop and roll VS first.

    Once you've put on your big boy/girl pants and are sporting some nice purple and pew pew, then go with the above. I only buy station cash during triple buying days.
  4. Cardozo

    Ignore the Vanu scum.

    The starting medic gun is fine to get a feel for the game. Grab the IR scope and a reflex and knock yourself out. You can also trial weapons to get a feel for them. I prefer the TAR, but if you're paying with certs you may as well go with the TRV.

    The previous advice was good, but I really can't stress how important it is to max out your medical applicator. You revive people very quickly and they pop back up with full health. Flak armor is a must have to survive mines. Nano regen is nice, but unless you're zerging all the time you should be able to manage it with just a few levels.

    2xC4 is an expensive, unnecessary item but you'll love it. It is infuriating as a medic not to be able to damage armor. Once you unlock the C4 you can handle tanks alone.

    As far as vehicles go, AMS for your sundy is a requirement. It's only 50 certs. Eventually you can trick out your mossy and such, but I would focus on your medic unlocks first.
    • Up x 2
  5. SmileyBomb

    It is possible to F2P without spending any station cash at all. It may take a while, though, if you start spreading your certs around to different characters. Any class unlocks (such as the Flak Armor) are for that particular class ONLY, and not all classes can use the same guns (Medics can use the awesome assault rifles that no other class can equip).

    Max heal gun is a real experience winner. You can revive people with full health (and MAX suits with significantly more health), as well as heal infantry from farther away (you cannot heal MAX units). Flak armor is a smart choice due to the huge benefits even at lower levels.

    C4 was mentioned. It is the most versatile explosive in the game and can kill just about anything with two blocks. However, make sure you understand how to equip and resupply them with your resources that you get just for breathing. It is easy to explain in game and I'm sure there are some warpgate babies that can help you with that, if needed.

    If you find yourself wanting to get a little SC before really jumping into memberships or boosts, try out your local Wal-Mart for a Station Cash card. Many offer a $15 card that grants $20 worth of SC (+500 bonus SC). It has to be mentioned specifically on the card, and the card themselves don't actually advertise PS2 on them - rather, pictured on the card are other SOE games, like DC Universe. They work for PS2 though, and when coupled with the double/triple SC days, it can be a real bargain.
  6. irishroy

  7. Stringz

    The first thing you should do when logging on is go over to the terminal and spend all but like 200 infantry resource units buying C4 or your grenades until they're maxed up. Then keep them there. Whenever you resupply, look at your resources and if you're close to topping off, buy more stuff. Resources sitting at max while you're in combat isn't helping you.

    Now... get your big boy pants on and Cowboy up. Don't be soft.. go VS brother.
  8. Ronin Oni

    F2P is totally viable... Vast majority of players are actually playing for free. I'd recommend buffing up your default guns (all the Medic default AR's are perfectly fine) rather then trying to replace it right away.

    Instead you want to just cert into all your medic abilities (ignoring Triage as mentioned).

    After you flesh out medic... work on Engineer, or add Light/Heavy assault to your aresenal... whatever floats your boat. Heavy might be good since that will provide you with AV capabilities (Engies are also good at AV now... but will requires more cert investment).

    At some point, you'll be looking at a rather intimidating 1000 cert grind to unlock some weapon (AV Turret for engy, some different Rocket launcher for HA, MAX arm, etc) but you don't need any of these right away, so just focus on the more achievable certs to start, and when you get better (and have certs helping you increase your SPM) then it's not as big a deal to save your cert gain from 10ish play sessions to pick up one of the 1000 cert items.

    As noted though... an investment of $5-20 during double/triple station cash is highly recommended. Combine the cheaper SC with sales to get the most bang for your buck. While you wait for the sales you need... trial trial trial. Every 8 hours (so basically once per play session) you can trial any weapon for 30 minutes (once trialed, you can't trial the same weapon for 30 days) so you can find out exactly what it is that you want to look for a sale on.
  9. Gary

    Welcome to Planetside 2!!

    Firstly and most importantly the Nvidea Deals.. If you are in the US you will receive 5000 Station Cash. If you are in the UK you will receive a bunch of 7 day boosts (1 of each type) What appears to be a hastily made camo for Weapon,Armor and vehicles and a Liberator gun that will likely never be useful. Also ensure the card you buy clearly states it comes with the Free To Play bundle. Some of them do not and if you buy one of these you are not entitled to anything.

    Now onto Gameplay -

    1. The TR Cycler is a great all round gun, The TR guns generally do less damage per hit but have faster fire rates and bigger clips. The Cycler TRV on the other hand is a more specialized weapon and favours close combat and generally works best when hip fired with the double laser sight. It is all preference.

    2. You can and you should Trial a weapon daily! You are able to trial 1 weapon every 8 hours, After you have trialed a weapon that specific weapon you chose is locked for 30 days (i think its 30 days) After 30 days it can be trialed again. Always always trial the weapon before buying it. In game stats are off as well you should research the weapon thoroughly before buying it.

    3. Upgrades Ultimately come down to what you prefer and what fits your style, However a few that will really help are the Medic Tool upgrades, whilst this prevents some XP due to the target reviving with more HP it balances out with a faster revive time and increased range! This is definitely a good choice to invest at least to rank 4 in.

    Combat Triage is another nice skill with just 1 rank you can heal players in vehicles, This grants small amounts of XP per player but with 11 players in the vehicle you can add to your XP gain whilst travelling to the next fight where everyone else has to sit and wait.

    Some of the more decisive upgrades include suit upgrades such as "Flak Armor" This is probably the most used suit upgrade as it grants much more suvivability against any form or explosive!

    4. As a medic you can be a front line fighter, The Combat rifles are incredibly effective with some practice and can drop targets quickly at long range. If you wish you can also take a supportive role and hang back a bit, and keep the guys in front alive. This is a very good role to take as you get plenty of XP and if 1 guy guns down the people in front chances are he has to reload or is already injured granting a free kill, Then you can revive the downed players.

    5. Find yourself an outfit! Its all about teamwork, Teamwork can overcome huge numbers and you get bonus xp for doing anything witha squad involved!

    6. Free to play is perfectly doable if you have the time, It takes time to get certs as a completely free player but you are by no means given pay to win weapons for investing in the game. Small investments can speed up the process if you have the spare cash flow.

    If you do not have spare csah flow considering putting small amounts a side each month, Then when a double or triple station cash sale comes around invest what you have then. This is a great way to get huge amounts of value for your money! A lot of players buy in bulk on these station cash sales! However you get very little or sometimes no warning of them untill the day they are happening is right around the corner.
  10. mpbond

    I'm sitting on 2 walmart cards myself. Just waiting for the sale.
  11. Withnail42

    Thanks for all the advice. I just trialed the TAR for fun, and it seems good. I can't tell a huge difference yet, probably because I'm so new to the game. Once I unlock a sight, can I use that on other rifles too? I have enough certs to buy a sight for the starter gun, but I'm unsure which is a good all-around one, and don't want to waste certs if I can't use it on whatever gun I do get.

    BTW the Nvidia code I was referring to are resales from people that bought the card and don't play PS2. I've seen 5000 SC codes going for $20-$25, which would seem ok.

    Edit: since the code is for $50 worth of in-game items, does that mean that I would get more during one of these sales?
  12. cheerstoyou

    Knowing the Vanu.... surrounded by that many men in spandex, I imagine they'd find themself quite hard, quite often! :D
    • Up x 1
  13. Cardozo

    Once you unlock a scope you only get it on the gun you unlocked it for. Different guns have access to different scopes. Same with attachments. I would recommend the IR scope as your first one. It feels incredibly OP at night when you are going up against folks running reflex/etc. The scope will pay for itself in a few hours of night play.

    After that, you can branch out. Here is a video that showcases the different scopes.

    Here is a video that shows how the IR scope works. The difference is even more noticeable if you're away from any light sources.

  14. Skiptis

    If you're exclusively playing one class (or at least willing and able to most of the time), you will lose very little by not buying SC. As a shortcut it's mostly useful when you quickly want to fit out a wide array of vehicles with new weapons that allows them to perform a different role - if you focus on infantry the default guns work perfectly fine for shooting people dead and the utlity stuff (like C4) is certs only anyway.

    Group up as often as you can find people you're comfortable playing with. Most servers have plenty of open squads but they can be of wildly varying quality - I'd recommend joining an outfit if you haven't already. Playing this game alone means missing out on a lot. Even playing with a small outfit makes a world of difference.
  15. Commissar38

    Me personally? I've spent more than I care to disclose on SC. But is it necessary for your enjoyment of the game? Not terribly. I believe someone said it earlier, it's mainly useful if you want to flesh out your vehicles a bit more with some better weapons. If you strictly want to play as a CM then you really don't NEED to spend SC as you can get all sorts of sweet medic stuff (like the nanite body armor or whatever it's called and the lvl 6 MedGun) just with certs.

    Tho my personal philosophy on the CM is that you are better suited to using a TRV and using primarily for CQB. But that's only because I like to play a CQB CM (which TBH is best suited for BioLabs, Amp Stations, and Tech Labs (anywhere closed in and indoors really where there will be a lot of bodies to rez and troops to heal) I suppose if you'd like a little more versatility in your weapon as well as a capability to engage at longer distances then I'd stick with the Vanilla T1 Cycler (I'd maybe recommend another type of rifle but I've only used the T1 and the TRV so I'm not gonna talk out of my rectum about them) Either way they're both suited for certain tasks and it's up to you as an individual CM to know what environment you're fighting in and the needs of your squad/platoon/outfit to help you determine whether you're going to be shooting or heal-spamming.

    EDIT: I didn't mention this but I feel I should stress this. Join an Outfit as soon you can. I mean it really opens you up to new experiences in game and you can meet some really cool people.
  16. LibertyRevolution

    If you are going to play medic to earn certs, then upgrading your medic gun to max should be your first priority.
    Maxed gun has longest range and shortest time to res, so that means less time your in the crossfire resing people.
    So this will make you die less, but will still die a lot, people around you are dying a lot too, that is why your their with your medic.

    Your stock gun is fine, if your resing people, chances are your running around with your medic gun out anyways..

    Vehicles.. these things are cert eaters.. play around with stock ones, decide what you like, what you hate.
    Pretty much any vehicle can be good for making certs, even my flash is dangerous with its m40 fury.

    Please consider playing Engineer, repairing turrets at an AMP station you just took over, or repairing turrets under attack at a base like the crown can get you 40-50 certs per hour.
  17. Withnail42

    I've read great things about the TRV, so I think I'll trial it when I get off work in a bit. I also see it's one of the guns in the weapon bundle just now. I do want to try other classes eventually, so 700 SC for 4 guns seems like a great deal for someone starting out. Are the other guns decent for their relative classes?

    M77-B sniper
    T5 AMC carbine
    T9 CARV-S lmg
  18. asdfPanda

    The weapons are pretty meh to be honest. The M77-B sniper is a bolt action, so if you want to snipe occasionally it's decent, but not as good as the RAMS .50. The T5 AMC is a longer ranged carbine, but deals 143 damage up close, as opposed to the 167 of the other faction long range carbines. I wouldn't use it. T9 CARV-S is alright though.
    EDIT: I also would not get triage. It's next to useless.
  19. Fanaticalist

    The advice at the top of the thread as far as how to spend certs is 100% correct. Top off that medic tool, bump up the AOE heal, improve your Flak armor, and grab the first stick of C-4 when you get a chance. AMS for a Sunderer could be a nice plus.

    As far as the weapons sale, the M77-B is the basic bolt-action sniper. It's an upgrade over the default TR sniper rifle and a good option for anyone that isn't going for the (1000 cert) RAMS .50. For most people this is a bit like buying a really great monkey wrench. You'll rarely use it, but it will do a good job when you need it.

    I have not used the other two, but they seem to be relatively mediocre options. The T5 AMC looks to be best suited as a med-long range carbine and both the Lynx and Jaguar are more highly regarded. The CARV-S is possibly the worst 1000 cert LMG in the game.

    Basically, you're getting a quality close-combat AR in the TRV, a reasonable bolt-action sniper rifle, and two other guns tossed in for free. Who knows, maybe the CARV-S will get a buff somewhere in the future.
  20. DemoEvolved

    For a medic noob just focus on getting your heal tool up, get the reflex 2x sight for your gun (reflex 1x if 2x is not allowed)
    Get your armor and aura midway.
    Then think about getting AMS sunderer for 50 certs which allows you to consume your mech resources in a useful way.
    Don't bother with triage.
    After you have the tool up fairly high and level 3 armor I would cert a bit in engy in a similar way. this gives you variety.
    Eventually Heal tool 6 is really recommended.
    Then rez grenade
    Then a block of c4 if you are always being medic.

    Once you have established a decent medic and engy, maybe look at LA for variety.
    If you are dying a lot, a HA is not gonna solve that problem so if you want more variety go LA jetpacks so you can sneaky kill dudes.
    LA is better for C4 duty.
    Also you can cert Universal Health kits for LA and get them for free on HA as well.

    Play max for lols. Dont bother with infil.