New MAX cosmetics on Test server(Pics here)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Riftmaker, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. CHDT65

    All this looks way too cartoonish, like something for childs.

    Have a look at this turret for example...

    ... simple, elegant design, nevertheless with a good "scifi" look.
    I would buy such things in PS2, but not things looking like kids toys.

    It's like for the Vanguard and the Prowler. Realistic "adult-looking" concept art for them looked better than models currently in game.
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  2. CHDT65

  3. XRIST0

    Colosus helmet could look alright if they put abit more effort into it :rolleyes:
  4. PLooschacK

    True, true. When I saw NC regulator helmet I tought "Oh, we are having Space Marine Terminator helmet".
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  5. Devrailis

    Finally, something truly legit the TR can whine about. I would feel terrible for them if that helmet is what they end up getting. :(

    SOE, that helmet is BAD.
  6. irishroy

    any albumlink for the NCs?
  7. Killy80

    TR Colossus helmet looks like Grumpy Cat.

  8. Riftmaker

    every time i try to log in with a NC character my game crashes so i can't take screenshots of them. Made several characters and i still have this issue. There are some pics with the new NC helmets in this thread though
  9. Tilen

    The NC variant is a beast! Yay!
  10. Zaik

    that tr helmet doesn't have goggles, there's no way that can be right
  11. Aisar

    To the Test Server ZOOM! Also yes the TR helmet looks lawlzbad.
  12. Backf1re

    They look pretty cool. Can't wait to see what new armour we get for the other infantry classes.
  13. Aisar

    I am not sure if I will shoot TR who have that helmet or die because they are shooting me while I am laughing. Please let that be a thing.
  14. JudgeDeath

    Rather have this.
  15. Tommyp2006

    Get rid of doom goggles? Blasphemy!
  16. Hypest

    Hey guise...
    Get that trash can off mai head...
    Guise, hey..
    It's not funny...
    Guise, are you there?!
    I can't see...
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  17. Tren's_War

    Collosus helmet + Ogre armour = Classic TR max?
  18. Aractain

    Danger Will Robinson! Danger Danger!
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  19. PurpleOtter

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  20. Hemi

    I love the TR one. The Max looks like a Big Daddy. :D
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