I think a new patch got released while I was a sleep. Bugs: -Invisible Bastion Fleet Carrier on my screen except for the weakpoints. -Someone's friendly Deployed Sunderer with the glowing shield looked Undeployed but it shows up on the map as deploy and the terminal works except there is no visible terminal. -Spawned a Colossus at the Warpgate but I didn't spawn into it. I ran to it as the icon as on the map and the HUD, (it was 100% invisible except for the icon above it), I pressed E and seemed to have way faster movement speed but I couldn't get in. My Squad Member got in to drive it as he could see it and my vehicle permissions showed up but I could not.
Supposedly there has been an update. The bugs I have identified are as follows. First. Two or more Sunderer units remain installed. They do not disappear for more than 20 minutes. There is evidence. Second. The font is wrong. The font of capture point ABC is displayed differently than before. No evidence.
Bug report added. Three. Cannot activate the flashlight attachment. Four. Unable to hack the vehicle terminal at the command center. Fifth. If the enemy continues to shoot the dead character, he will take damage when he is resurrected. As seen in the video, the character moves from the point of death to the respawn position for 3 frames after selecting respawn. Then he respawns at the resurrection point. Although it is a very short period of time, it can be seen that the bullets that hit my old corpse flow to my current corpse, and that there is a judgment of HP reduction. There is evidence.
Thank you for the clips everyone. I posted an update and pinned it in this sub forum. We'll have another info update on the status of a hotfix next week.
The text makes it not fit anymore up top: https://ibb.co/VYV6S2c The background of the text should scale to the vertical and horizontal width of the foreground text that is trying to be displayed: https://ibb.co/yQf5QLS Maybe upload the entire codebase, or what it important for that into Gemini 1.5 so it can figure out how to do it.
While I was in the aircraft, I could see the lightning turret turn angle. It didn't work every time though.
-used an invisible sunderer that had the cloak bubble to use a Max before the Steel Rain then it didn't drop me in my Steel Rain, then I was running to the point, I couldn't kill anyone and no one could seem to see me.
I was killed by a Playerbase Spear Anti-Vehicle Tower Turret that angled way up while I was in the Scythe. The killcam showed me being at least 70° from them. I messaged the one who killed me if the turrets are bugged and he/she said yes. I tried it, but it isn't bugged. Then they said: ones at this base were, 2 "fixed" themselves". It could be a random but. Their base was up on the mountain Northeast of Nason's Defiance.