New Infiltrator here

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Sil4ntChaozz, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Sil4ntChaozz

    I've just reached BR 16 and run scout rifle infil. I'm not a fan of sniping cause I just like being closer to the action. I don't know where to start or what kind of help to ask for, I'm on PS4 playing TR infil and I will branch out to other classes later. I thought this would be a good place to start.
  2. Rolfski

    Engi or Medic will give you a lot more certs and progress you a lot faster in this game. They're the best beginner classes. You can always go back to infil once you've got the hang of this game and have acquired a SMG, which opens a whole new style of playing infil.
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  3. cobaltlightning

    Coming from personal experience, below is many words. TL;DR if you want, but this is just all of what I picked up/

    As Infiltrator, your primary role is recon and disruption, NOT Elimination like all these other shooters. Don't get me wrong, it's still important as that medic could undo all the work of you and your buddies, but probably should not be your main concern. You're a Ninja, act like one.

    Use your Motion Spotters and Recon Darts to relay where the enemy is not just for you, but for any teammate that happens to be nearby. Thwarting a flanking attack could spell the difference between holding your position or being pushed off.

    You can also 'hack' enemy terminals and base turrets to turn them friendly. Hijack a vehicle terminal, spawn and then deploy a sunderer, and your allies will thank you with certs galore.
    For turrets, you can either prevent the enemy from attacking your own vehicle convoy before it gets to the base, or you can turn it upon their own tanks. Their backsides are awfully squishy.

    As for weapons, your default Sniper will serve you well enough for the long-ranged engagements, but for the closer ranges you're gonna need an automatic scout rifle or an SMG. Between these two weapon classes, the one that would best fall in the middle is the NS-7 PDW. It is an SMG with a longer range than the faction specific SMGs, and probably one of the best real-money buys you can make in all of Planetside 2, due to the fact that ALL classes on ALL factions have access to it. It may not kill as quickly as other weapons, but the versatility more than makes up for it.

    For overall durability, the Infiltrator is the flimsiest, having a bit weaker shields than everyone else. This is to help offset the fact that they can cloak, and become nigh invisible when cloaked, not moving, and crouching. All but the highest trained eyes will glance over and not spot you, but mind the flashlights; they'll reveal you in your most vulnerable state.
    Since you're on the PS4, you need not worry about those that modify the graphics of the game to make cloaked infiltrators even more visible. PC Only problem, that.

    Lastly, EMP Grenades and Anti-Infantry Mines. The TR's AI Mines, Claymores, are instantly triggered but have a limited cone of explosive death, so try to place them at doorways in a way that they'd still be hidden.
    EMP Grenades detonate on contact and drain the shields and ability power of all that get hit by it: they closer they are, the more severe the effect. This is especially useful if you find yourself caught off guard, or playing rather aggressively.
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  4. Sil4ntChaozz

    My favorite activity is taking a flash to a base and hacking vehicle terminal and deploying a sunderer. I knew about the sunderer s and stuff what confuses me is

    Motion spotters, I know crouch walking you can avoid them, but were to put them were they won't be destroyed as soon as I place them. I generally know how each class works and how my class works, I just get kill hungry then end up greeting the respawn screen.
  5. Eternaloptimist

    As people are saying, there are a lot of fun things an infil can do, for example:
    • planting a motion spotter as a lure and then picking off enemies coming along to try to kill it.
    • hacking a terminal or turret then doing same, or planting AI mines nearby to catch enemies who come to recap it
    • even without the hacking first, people go to terminals all the time and they are good palces to camp out with gun or to leave mines
    Granted, waiting in ambush sometimes works better for the stalker infils as their cloak stays up permanently when not moving, although they are limited to using a pistol and knife. Personally, stalker is my favourite and I spend a lot of time hunting down long range snipers or guys standing around where they feel safe, like near their spawn sundy, manning deployed turrets or maybe just looking around or chatting to their mates. One of my favourite ploys is to kill someone with a silenced pistol or knife then wait to kill any medic who comes to rezz him.

    What type of scout rifle do you use - auto or semi auto? The only practical difference is the best range to shoot from I guess. Semi autos do more damage and have longer effective range. Using the hunter cloak to get on the enemy flank without being seen (or behind them where their support units and infantry turrets are set up) is the main advantage. You have less health overall and a generally smaller magazine on the auto scouts than the enemy you will be facing so ambush, shoot and scoot are the way to go.

    I run maxed nanoweave myself. When you're infiltrating you are more likely to get seen and shot at by infantry than blown up by a random shell. I also run regen implant (tier 1 is enough) as I can then heal after damage but still carry AI mines rather than having to use the slot for medkit or restokit.

    If you are going for close quarters battles or scuzzing about insie enemy bases an SMG is probably better than a scout (the Armistice is uber - you are TR aren't you?) but whatever you use, a suppressor will mean you don't show up on the minimap when you open fire. It lowers muzzle velocity which means your bullets will start to drop sooner but worth considering.

    Planting AI mines is hugely rewarding. Near enemy sunderers, ouside doorways that enemy troops are using as a run-through to get back to the fight after respawning.....or just on your planned escape route for if you get spotted and chased. The Claymore is the ultimate ambush mine - don't leave home without one :D.

    EMP 'nades are good for combat as they nullify enemy personal shields and blow up deployables. They are unique to infils so get them in your arsenal if you are mixing it in the bigger fights (but try not to affect your allies' shields and remember, they bounce around, including back towards you if you hit a wall square on).

    Crouch wlaking on maxed cloak will avoid detection in most cases but watch out for vehicle proximity radras and don't lurk in predicable places - everyone expects an infil to lurk in the corner of a room or on the cap point.
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  6. DooDooBreff

    dont forget to mine that terminal, private
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  7. cobaltlightning

    Usually, try to hide it out of sight. If you're with allies, putting a spotter on or near a Point can help give them some warning. Below are more of a specific tips on where to place 'em.

    There is one spot inside a Tech Plant and Amp Station that is very useful to place one. Underneath the main building of said facilities are usually infantry transport tunnels that allow them to zoom around quickly, and the trick is to place your spotter where it will pick them up as they are zooming along.

    Inside the Tech Plant, there is a junction that splits into the Vehicle Bay of the main building or a secondary building that's outside. Place a spotter above this intersection, and you can easily tell which way your enemies will be going.

    Inside most Amp Stations, where the SCU is Underneath the Point, there is a tunnel that leads to said SCU Room. There's also another intersection here that leads to the shield generators guarding the point. Place a spotter above that intersection, and you should be able to see what engineer is going where to repair which generator.
    Most of the time, they'll be Engineers, anyway.

    For Towers Bases (the main building of the Crown) placement is mostly the same offense and defense.
    Defense, put a spotter in the center of the spawn room. You should be able to reveal any repositioning Infiltrator or Light Assault.
    Offense, same sort of deal, mostly: Put it somewhere near the spawn room. The most hidden place is like right behind it, I think. Not as useful, but it should pick up anyone that leaves the main herd so you can pick them off.

    But, again, you are a Ninja. The Ninja of Old were mostly recon, didn't kill as often as media would have you believe.
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  8. Sinful Raevyn

    I did not know of these secret tunnels...

    I should explore more!

    Appreciate the tip ^.^
  9. Rikkit

    If you like the scout rifle, you should try the full-auto-scout-rifle(Soas-20) or the low zoom Boltaction(TSAR-42) both are superior to the semi auto scout rifles in most cases. If you want to get even closer to the ennemy, you should take a look at the SMG-46 Armistice.

    To generate Exp as cloaker i highly recommend you to invest havily in your Tool slot (Motion Spotter or Recon Detection Device)
    Both will generate ~12xp per ennemy killed within their range.

    But you won't progress as fast as an Engeneer or a Medic.
    When you're fighting mainly as infantery, make shure to bring a repair/ammo sunderer to the fight to generate some extra xp (Don't need to deploy it, just leave it next to other Vehicles.)
  10. Sil4ntChaozz

    Now BR 20 i run SOAS scout rifle with supressor and forward grip. Standard TX repeater cause I'm not modifying something i dislike, i carry EMP nades & mines. Maxed my hacking skill and not much else. I believe i have nanoweave armor but regular hunting cloak.

    My next weapon plans are Artemis &... crossbow. But since i have my scout rifle that with forward grip its like a mid close SMG im thinking crossbow first. Plus since solo capping, hacking all terminals, and parking a sundy letting an army take the base is my favorite activity, stalker cloak with nanoweave armor seems good.

    Appreciate the help guys. I remembered to mine the terminals, and if there are no terminals, a deployed sundy with a tsunami of enemies spawning with do. :D
  11. OldMaster80

    Get that suppresor away from your SOAS and put a compensator on that. You never manage to be fully stealthy with a scout rifle so play aggressively.
  12. cobaltlightning

    Do NOT Get the Crossbow, at least not yet.
    The Crossbow requires a different kind of playstyle in general. It can be rewarding, but is a ***** to master.
    I still say go for the NS-7 PDW. For an SMG, it has considerably longer reach than any other SMG in the game, even moreso than the TR's.

    For Stalker gameplay, your default Repeater will usually do you just fine, especially once you master the burst, and is arguably the best default secondary in the game. With a suppressor on your Repeater, you can easily drop a target before he can react or his friends catch wind; Generally, 2 burst from a repeater and a quick-knife is enough to kill most targets before they can react.

    Just change position after every kill, because they WILL try and play flashlight tag with you.
  13. glitchaj

  14. Horrida Messor

    Throw that suppressor in a trash bin, get yourself a compensator, FG and 2x sight. As an infiltrator you have a built-in way to clear spot state - your cloak.
  15. Eternaloptimist

    If you try out SMGs and like them try stalking with the T4 Amp. I only just tried this full auto pistol last night and it is pretty awesome.
  16. Exitus Acta Probat

    I swear by the suppressor.

    When I see a blimp on the map that just disappears, I know its a infiltrator that shot and I know his last know location, with the suppressor no one knows anything, but the guy who died.
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  17. Comenius

    My suggestion is to get stalker cloak, go to a base your forces are attacking or defending and crouch and watch! I wish they had stalker cloak at the beginning of the game! I learned a lot about the ways bases can be attacked and defended just by sitting and watching. When you know where to look for attackers or where the defenders go you know where to position yourself to be most effective. I sat at the crown for hours and its amazing how some attacks last for hours and go nowhere while some attacks are so precise and coordinated the defenders never had a chance!
  18. cobaltlightning


    The Amp is a Gold Digger. The Emmisary's a mid-ranged headshot machine, basically a pocket NS7.
  19. Exitus Acta Probat

    Amp is a fast kill within 8m but its pretty much one kill per clip.

    Emissary has surprisingly good range and accuracy but may take a little longer to kill, which can throw some people off.
  20. EPIC389

    Where is Cutebeaver when you need her?

    Anyway, i would say, try not to focus on weapons too much, ability, suit slot and utility upgrades are extremely potent. Once you've done this, i recommend going for mines, emps, and a good pistol to back you up(imo, cant go wrong with the commie). SMGs are an awesome playstyle but are quite expensive to be effective.

    If you like a slower paced, style, you can try stalker. Its that kind of playstyle that really can tick people off
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