[Suggestion] New Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dalkun, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Dalkun


    Heavy Assault:
    Tau Fire Warrior

    Default weapon: Pulse rifle
    A long range, hard hitting BR that has limited application at close range. Alternates include Pulse Carbine SMG, and Burst Rifle rotary gun.
    Heavy Weapon: Markerlight Designator.
    When targeted, enemy vehicle is tracked by a guided missile with a large arc trajectory fired from the nearest MBT. Missile can be shot down but does heavy damage.

    Tau Pathfinder

    Default sniper: Rail rifle
    A brutally damaging but difficult to use rifle with a small charge up time before the shot releases. Powerful enough to do limited anti material damage to vehicles and max units.
    Alternatives: Tau carbine smg, with under-slung flash grenades.

    Light Assault:
    Vespid Stingwings
    Default weapon:
    Neutron blaster: a medium range carbine with powerful anti infantry abilities. Has a large cone of fire but very high dps.

    Hammerhead Heavy Tank

    Driver weapon: Burst cannon
    A small rotary intended for light AI and AV work. Can be replaced with a scatter missile system.
    Secondary weapon:
    A massive damage long range weapon with a horrible charge up time and limited use at close quarters.
    Alt: Ion Cannon
    A rapidly firing weapon with high DPS but low accuracy.
    Vehicle ability: Devilfish Deployment System
    The secondary weapon is replaced with an increased passenger capacity of up to 12 and a cloaking device.

    MAX unit:
    Crisis Battlesuit:
    AI: Plasma Rifle - A semi long range weapon with a tight COF but low magazine size.
    AV: Fusion Blaster - a continuous beam weapon that does massive damage to vehicles at close range.
    Ability: JUMP JETS


    1) Yes this is a joke post.
    2) No I don't own warhammer or any of these images I found them on the internet
    3) Yes you are a ******* if you argue semantics
    4) Yes you are awesome if you can figure out stuff for the medic and ESF I ran out of ideas.
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  2. capocapone

    i play TR but if something like this would hit....i'd be rolling a new tank...
  3. IamDH

    Looked at the pics and i LOVE it
  4. gigastar

    Now if only Games Workshop hadnt just announced a new WH40K MMO with a premise thats sounds awfully similar to Planetside...
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  5. NinjaTurtle

    Even though you're kidding I'm not actually opposed to a new faction however SOE are having issues balancing 3 empires a fourth would make their hair go grey.
  6. IamDH

    This faction will attract more players than space 'merica
  7. IamDH

    Actually i think the balance is pretty nice atm
    Each faction has something special
  8. Asmodias

    God knows we need another faction for people to cry about being OP.
  9. huller

    Dude, GW had a lawsuit over the rights to use the term "space marine" not even adeptus astartes (since that would be valid) but space marine. Prepare to be sued.
  10. HadesR

    Be nice to have a fourth faction .. but for events only ..

    Such as right .. TR cont lock Indar .. Since we don't have Sanc's those players locked out can jump on their 4th faction toons for an " alien " invasion of TR land
  11. JudgeDeath

    Hehe .. Games workshop will prolly sue you just for this post.

    Warhammer 40k shooter with PS2 tech (improved such please) and Id be in heaven ...

    Combine that with Oculus Rift and .... Nerdgasm.
  12. Towe12

    I always found that Tau concept would fit better "Technology equals Might" motto than some Eldar elves wanna-bes. I like VS design a bit, but Tau would fit so much better:(. Never gonna happen i am afraid.
  13. KaneSeere

    The problem with this game is that it will be in third person view... Eternal Crusade I think it's called.
  14. Voiidd

    Sure, with all the pop imbalances all we need is another faction :p
    just for the record though, I'd prefer the necrons :D
  15. Spartan 117

    I'd much rather see something like the space orcs introduced.



    We iz gonna do this coz' we're Orks an' we was made ta fight an' win!
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  16. Wintermaulz

    Dirty xenos, you will all be crushed in the name of the Emperor!
  17. Vanus Aran

    Your jokes are not funny.

    SOE is reducing the individual strenghts in PS2 with every patch.
    All longrange-hardhitting weapons are Saron-imitations.
    I was ok with NC being noticably stronger in closecombat as TR.
    For TR I dont know but I guess SOE ruined their weapons somewhere too.

    I think the only real difference I noticed when playing Infantry in Tutorials is that VS Infantry got less spreading fire when shooting without aiming. THATS THE ONLY REAL DIFFERENCE I HAVE NOTICED.
    One may forgive me, for I am not really playing NC or TR. I only tested out their Maxes and ESF in the trainingsgrounds.

    And I was disappointed how similar the ESF feel to the Scythe. It is a drama.
    Dont even touched Prowler and Magrider. I dont care about them. In my eyes the Magrider is not what it should be anyway.
    I can still see some strenghts the Magrider got the other two Tanks cannot possibly have.
    And that is too simply ignore little barriers that would stop a normal moving Tank.

    But thats almost it. Magburner is still forcing you to turn around and expose your back, I cant break lock-on without cover cause Magburner is using this slot, the Mainweapons feel nerfed against Infantry its SUFFOCATING and I honestly ask myself why Tanks are doomed to CAMP from afar instead of charging up close and simply forcing everything out of sight?

    Every faction got something special, yeah indeed.
    Their immortal infantry that has no big respawntimers and no ressourcecosts, but is still able to block almost anything except Aircraft.
    For Aircraft you still need Bursters and now guess what SOE is about to nerf?
  18. IamDH

    The vulcan is getting a buff
    Enforcer and Saron are fine
    MCG is losing spin up and vulcan is getting better at range
    Yes they are similar in infantry and ESFs thats why i say they are balanced
    The prowler kills infantry and the vanguard kills tanks and the magrider can hover/strafe to avoid rockets.
    I agree magburner is horrid but thats pretty much the only problem.
    I was referring to balance..................................................................................
    VS got ZOE
    TR got strikers
    NC got good infantry weapons
  19. Neckaru

    Nonsense! Pure nonsense, I say!
  20. Morthulo

    Please. Do. This!