New explosion noise when JJ with light assault!

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by SharpeShooter, Apr 18, 2013.

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  1. Goretzu

    Well if people are running low graphics they are in fact insanely easy to spot, but yes with high graphics they are harder to spot.

    But it's not like LA are easy to spot, given that much of their mobility is used in allowing them to get to places others cannot (often those places being out of obvious line of sight and or just great cover), and of course the mobility itself is an advantage seen or unseen.
  2. vaxx!/5428010618038630929/classes

    All the time eh? LOL.
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  3. martane665

    Adding sound to jetpack is way overdue, since no one enjoys a silent flyer getting behind them with a shotgun.
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  4. Devrailis


    This isn't really a nerf.

    This is more of a bug fix.
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  5. Aegie

    If you are seen and start jetpacking you 1) make yourself a relatively slow moving target and 2) completely handicap your ability to fight back. Jetpacking when you are spotted, unless your are face-to-face with someone, is almost always a bad idea.
  6. Aegie

    Most of the time when what you are describing happens it is because the LA dropped (not jetpacked) behind someone so the sound is unlikely to influence a lot of those situations.
  7. Hagestol

    PSA: You're wrong

    I don't enjoy INFs with SMGs decloaking behind me and killing me before I can react. Also, stealth devices are unrealistic.

    Nerf the stealth device.
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  8. SinerAthin

    Well, at least Infiltrators decloaking behind you give you more of a warning than than a silent LA landing behind you with a Pump Action.

    I'd fight Infiltrators with SMGs over LAs with Shotguns anyday.
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  9. Hagestol

    They are almost invisible before and the sound isn't enough to make you react in time.

    The LA can be seen. And now, the LA can be heard. And it isn't just activation and deactivation sounds, it is all the time. So I'd much rather fight LA because now I know where they're coming from and as any other class I have a better basis for fighting 1vs1 than they have. So I'll win every time.

    INFs will get you every time.
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  10. SharpeShooter


    I dont have a problem with the thing making a noise its just such a piercing noise it will drive me crazy! People are missing the point of this thread!
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  11. Goretzu

    Admittedly since the fixed the hitbox issue this hasn't be the easy advantage it once was, it still is an advantage though directly (if someone is good enough and have the right set up) and indirectly (in the context of being able to go up a floor break LOS and re-enage or flee as you choose).

    Although again a non-silent Jetpack give SoE the option of buffing Jetpacks - something they absolutely could NOT do with silent ones.
  12. Aegie

    As far as I am aware there was no great outpouring of support for buffing jetpacks.

    Moreover, you are basically saying that the advantage of the jetpack was running away whereas a HA in the same situation has perks that allow them to stand and fight.

    I never had a problem hearing LAs before, but that could be because I use decent headphones and pay a great deal of attention to sound. I was really hoping they'd somehow buff the jetpack.

    They already made it not work on slopes after GU06, so here's hoping they've at least fixed that. The sound isn't really going to be much of a problem for when I play LA, considering I was always sure everybody could hear me to begin with, so I was ready to react.
  14. DramaticExit

    You should probably read the infiltrator forum section. Buffs for the infil cloak have been asked for since launch.
  15. UKAvenger

    I for one like it, sounds more realistic. Not 100% sure but i dont think its very loud from afar still. Doesnt really effect me as most of my flying is way above peoples heads.

    One thing i thought would be cool (and no doubt whoever thinks JPs are too loud will hate this) is if jetpacks kicked up dust from the ground when within a certain distance of it. Would be a cool effect (like aircraft when they hover/take off etc near ground). Also i do play LA a lot and i do think LA is incredibly useful the right certs can make you as strong as a PS(1) orbital strike. Jump Jets? barely use them, drifters all the way!
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  16. SinerAthin

    I've had the complete other experience.

    1. You see a pair of feet at the top of your screen.
    2. You're dead.

    It's pretty much what it's like fighting a LA with a PA.

    I actually find it easy to identify Infiltrators in a CQC enviroment. I think I hunted down like five SMG Infiltrators in a single battle at Ti Alloys.(during night even)
    Being grounded, they can only approach you from a limited number of ways, whereas Light Assaults can come from >anywhere<.

    I actually made a comment on that page 2 I think.
    Here it is:

  17. Goretzu

    SoE have threads about buffing LAs.

    Jetpacks are an advantage in avoidance yes, as well as new angles of attack, if you're good and have the right weapn they can still be use offensively, but I'm uncertain of how that path goes forward.

    You stick a LA and HA toe to toe, and anything that doesn't have the HA winning the majority of the time is likely going to cause balance issues.

    Again this is why I question SoEs design choice with LA, they really want to avoid the Rexo with shotgun problems they had in PS1, silent Jetpack certainly couldn't have buffed manuverabiliy, noisey ones maybe can.
  18. senondo

    Yeah this is quite hurtfull with headphones...

  19. vaxx

    You do know that not every LA uses a PA, right? You do realize being instagibbed by PA LA is the same as being gibbed by a Medic hiding in a doorway, right?

    Just because PA's were a bad idea to implement, doesn't mean LA should be shafted because of it.
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  20. SinerAthin

    Almost every LA I've run into seems to be using a Shotgun.

    Using an Automatic one instead of a PA only adds 0.2 extra seconds or so.

    And yeah, I agree on PA being over the top. I find it funny that Nanoweave stops OHKs from sniper rifles, but not OHKs from PAs, when the former requires a lot more effort and aiming to pull off than the latter.
    If you ask me, it should have been the other way around.
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