Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McMan, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. McMan

    (Not my video)

    So TR gets a long range gun and the NC/VS a short range (like the vulcan). So now every faction has a long and short range ES option.

    The VS one looks the best in my opinion.
    NC one shoud have its ammo magazines to the side and not one in the back (to make it more interesting aka. less boxy)
    TR one is cool, but to bad they removed the rotation of the barrels. Now it looks like it has to many barrels. But still I like it. Cant wait to put it on a Prowler.

    PS: Dont start saying OP this OP that, why did you get our traits, bla bla bla... You are an idiot...
  2. TheMercator

    First, that guy that made the video doesn't know, how balancing works.
    The NC one does indeed looks to boxy.
    But who doesn't like a shotgun-grenadelauncher on top of his Vanguard?
  3. ALN_Isolator

    The low damage spammable minigun the vulcan that everyone complained about does 167 damage. The gatekeeper only does 150

    I see a problem here.

    Otherwise the TR and VS ones look really cool the NC one is kinda meh.
  4. Zombo

    of course the TR version has less damage, it's their new long range version...
    i think the video producer has no idea for what these new secondaries are for

    additional bias due to comparing damage to the BACK of a magrider to the front of a lightning... jeez
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  5. Pelojian

    Really lower damage per shot then the saron? looks like another shaft because the devs were lazy and decided to give TR yet another excess mag weapon with poor damage.


    really why do you think the lower damage infantry guns are typically seen as less then optimal for long range? because the low damage per shot and yet again the developers have not thought out TR weapons and have just given us more of the same pattern which TR is tired of getting.

    anything that TR has that is powerful gets nerfed or gets cloned in a good state to NC and VS anything TR gets that is similar to the other two factions is an inferior copy with the low damage, high mag lazyness pattern.

    DAKKA faction has too much dakka not enough creativity.

    this is supposed to be a game set in the future and yet they can't come up with something that reasonably breaks the overused dakka mold but is still plausible.
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  6. Zombo

    well yes of course its not a direct copy of the saron, and dakka high mag, low damage per shot is TRs faction trait after all...
    maybe if you want high damage high range weapons think about switching factions
  7. Pelojian

    the problem is that the devs continue to overuse the 'dakka' trait even when the model does not work well for specific role, jsut because TR is the dakka faction doesn't mean it shouldn't have variety and should always have the dakka trait when it is a detriment to the role the weapon is supposed to fill. this is why fractures and striker are bad for AV you need to be more accurate then NC and VS (good luck with that).

    navies these days mount vulcan cannons for close in missile defense does that mean that every rifle issued to the navy and army must have a high rate of fire and have a smaller caliber bullet? of coarse not.

    TR needs weapons that function well in their designed roles just like NC and VS. if the dakka trait is a detriment to a designed role then it shouldn't be applied and something better suited for the role should be used.

    bullet weapons are fine with a dakka trait for close/mid range due to velocity, rocket weapons with dakka trait are poor at anything beyond close range.
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  8. Zombo

    look at Vanus "faction trait" charge up mechanic, know how well that works on a Sniper Rifle? or a pistol? pretty damn terrible
    gimmicky useless faction traits aren't only on TR you know
    i would take the TRAP above the Phaseshift any day, and the AMP over the old Spiker as well
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  9. Pelojian

    I'm not saying TR is the only one that has issues, but it does get fairly annoying when the devs introduce a poor mechanic for rockets to a new TR rocket weapon and are bringing out the swarm which is a superior version of the striker.
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  10. FieldMarshall

    Nice. Fractures for your tank.
    Pretty sure nobody will use Vulcan anymore.
  11. stalkish

    Man its no ******* wonder the devs release so much NS stuff is it........................
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  12. Pikachu

    Why such hype scream announcement? This stuff has been in the works since like april. I doubt anyone has avoided hearing about them. Anyway this is the first high quality content in ages. Actual ES weapons that seems to become popular and useful.
  13. WR3CK

    Now that mag riders have vulcan , prowlers need strafe, fly up mountains, and get an after burner. Magriders with this type of weapon is by far over powered. Prowlers have always been slow and hard to maneuver. Mag riders are always up close and stafing.
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  14. Stormsinger

    Ok, then Magriders need to be the fastest MBT in the game, have two shots per reload (for less damage per shot, but more overall, of course), have the fastest projectiles, fastest reload, both of which can be increased by about half again their original values by remaining stationary (+deploy / undeploy time)

    Or the prowler can keep those traits, and the magrider can have a vulcan clone with half the magazine size and half the fire rate.

    I fully expect that the prowler will retain the crown of the overall most effective MBT. Unless there's a major change to primaries, the TR has nothing to worry about in terms of loosing the top performance spot is currently occupies.

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  15. 0fly0

    Start crying op vanu wtf we don't even have the weapon ahah, i suggest vulcan harrasser players to go buy some lub for the payback, you're going to need it. :rolleyes:
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  16. Haquim

    To be honest, I thought the TR one looked rather satisfying. Thats also how fractures should be imo.
    Of course I need to witness it in real gameplay to accurately measure its performance.

    Both NC and VS guns seemed to deal more damge than the Vulcan, I'm not sure though.
    Thats not a problem with the NC weapon (if it actually does outdamage the Vulcan) because of how the weapon works, but the VS seemed to me like a shinier straight upgrade over the Vulcan with a tad more damage and no bulletdrop.

    But lets see how it works on release...
  17. WR3CK

    Look in the video at how fast the vehicle health goes down with the vanu vulcan. The prowler traits are a joke. I only play tr for the light assault wrapons.
    Each empire has dominant roles like vanu with tanks and heavy assault. TR have good carbines and smg clip size. That new vanu weapon looks way more accurate than a vulcan giving it great aim and time to kill. It's just gonna be too much.
  18. Zombo

    the video is completely misguiding, in the video he compares shooting
    the lower dmg higher range TR gun to the FRONT of a lightning, vs shooting
    the high damage low range VS gun to the BACK of a Magrider
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  19. Stormsinger

    Zombo already pointed out the main issue with the video - hop on test and give it a try - the Vulcan still does a good bit more DPS. [IMG]

    The Aphelion Vex-4 does a listed damage of 10,000 per reload, the Vulcan does a listed damage of 15,030 at double the fire rate.

    Looking closer, to find out how much damage each gun will do (Assuming both are considered "Armor piercing machine guns"), here's a few calculations. All MBTs have 4000 hp. Note that the Vulcan has faster reload, double the clip size, and double the fire rate.

    This means that if the guns start firing at the same time, they will finish at approximately same time, and the Vulcan will have done ~50% more damage.

    Resistance / Armor data from

    For the MBT weapon versions
    Vulcans can be, at most, 98 shots per reload. Since the Aphelion has less ammo, it's probably safe to assume that it's a +3 or +4 max rounds per reload.

    Once spun up, the Vulcan will fire a round every .075 seconds. That's 6.75 seconds to empty a stock magazine (Without accounting for spinup time.)

    Once spun up, the Aphelion will fire a round every .15 seconds. That's 7.5 seconds to empty a stock magazine. (Without accounting for spinup time.)

    Vulcan vs Magrider side armor
    167 * (1- .58) * (1-.41) = 167 * .42 * .59
    41.4 damage per shot, 97 shots to kill. 97 shots, with a fully upgraded magazine, take 7.2 seconds to fire (+Spinup time) Without a fully upgraded magazine, that's 9.7 seconds, accounting for reload time - call it 10 second TTK, +~2 seconds for spinup, 12 second effective TTK. From here, i'll just give approximate TTK accounting for reload and approximate 2 second spinup time per reload.

    Vulcan vs Vanguard side armor
    167 * (1- .65) * (1-.43) = 167 * .35 * .57
    33.3 damage per shot, 120 shots to kill Approximate 13.5 - 14 second TTK.

    These don't take into account the extra shot once the gunner stops firing, just sustained fire.
    Aphelion vs Prowler side armor
    200 * (1- .58) * (1-.41) = 200 * .42 * .59
    49.6 damage per shot, 81 shots to kill - 17.15 second TTK, with 3 second reload + 2 seconds for spinup.

    Aphelion vs Vanguard side armor
    200 * (1- .65) * (1-.43) = 200 * .35 * .57
    39.9 damage per shot, 101 shots to kill 20.15 second TTK, shaving off a few seconds for reload due to unknown damage of the extra shot that happens once a firing cycle is stopped.

    With the significantly lower TTK and significantly higher DPS, The Vulcan is MUCH better then the Aphelion at this point, and that's ok. My point is that any claim that it will be blatantly superior is simply incorrect.
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  20. Taleroth

    Gotta see the numbers on that charged shot, too. I don't think it'll make up the whole difference, but it's clearly meant to add some skill ceiling to make up some of it.

    Might be interesting to figure out ideal Aphelion damage doing a charged shot exactly every time and show the total sliding scale all the way down to only firing at the end of the mag.
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