[Suggestion] New crossbow bolt for Medic's

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by ChironV, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. ChironV

    I was using my crossbow and accidentally headshot a friendly who ran in front of me. "Ouch.. My bad." Then I had an idea. What if they introduced a Medic only bolt which healed. It would be like taking a restoration applicator. Heals over time.
    Resto-bolts should probably cost resources and only be replenished from a terminal.

    Heh, I could shoot friendlies in the butt and they would be happy about it. :)
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  2. Matt879

    Now these are the kind of fun things that SOE needs to implement if they don't take too much time :).
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  3. REZistance

    This is a good idea. I approve.

    One could even imagine a revive bolt.
  4. DHT#

    Make it so it heals allies and harms enemies and you really have something.
  5. repairtool6

    ha ha ha its funny i like this

    thump up
  6. Dramonicous

    And while they are at it they can add hookshot and repair darts aswell.
    That way we can get rid of all stupid medic, LAs, engineers and infiltrators since the crossbow replaces the need for those classes.
  7. Matt879

    "Medic only bolt", only the classes that have these kind of abilities by default would get these.
  8. Jackplays17

  9. TripleVasectomy

    Anyone that has played Killing Floor realizes what a terrible idea this is. People will magically dodge healing bolts like it's a sixth sense. Latency will make you miss a hit by pixels or hits won't register. You will forget you have them loaded and fire a healing round into an enemy's forehead. The healing tool in this game is the easiest one I've ever seen. With a certed tool you can heal someone in seconds and you can never miss with it. They designed the tools to lock on and function in the most ideal manner for online play.
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  10. Epicstrat

    So a would detect bolts become specific to infiltrator?
  11. Matt879

    Since the recon darts are always better, that'd probably be a bad idea. An EMP bolt or something of the sort would be pretty sweet though.
  12. Chris Bingley

    They have a crossbow that heals friendlies and hurts enemies in TF2. I don't think I've ever managed to heal anybody with it though, they always seem to dodge at the last second.
  13. TheKhopesh

    Resto-bolt crossbow (provided it took up the place of the utility!) would be fine by me.