/new chat: "insufficient privileges to speak in this channel"

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Kontrollo, Sep 17, 2022.

  1. Kontrollo

    I'm not sure if it's the same for actual new players (sure hope it's not), but this is quite odd and irritating. I've created a new character (old/returning player) and by default I'm set to the /new chat in the General tab, but can't talk in it at all.

    First of all: Why this restriction at all? Did it get abused? In any case: Starting over with a new char, I might have something to contribute there because I'm in a similar situation as them. I'm aware it should get unlocked after another grind at some point, not sure.

    Secondly, it does not even seem like this is a recent thing. On the forums, this guy might've run into the same problem: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?posts/3555891/
    On Reddit it's more clear: https://old.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/qqgk6n/im_trying_to_type_in_chat_and_it_tells_my/
    Both are months old threads.

    And lastly, if that restriction is really necessary, then add an option to force default to /yell instead. I don't want to retype messages all the time because I didn't see I was trying to talk in a channel I don't have access to.

    Thanks for your consideration.
  2. Kontrollo

    Also just saw the following thread on the Steam forums, so I'm definitely not alone in this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/218230/discussions/0/6382186451008719555/

    It occurred to me right now: maybe it's a problem specifically with new NSO characters?

    Edit: Reading that one again, it doesn't specifically mention not having access to that channel. But it's relevant to my 3rd point: I'd love an option to make /yell the default instead, like with my higher ranked char.
  3. Deffington

    Hey, one of my NSO char still has this bug on it. Is there a fix?