[Suggestion] New capture timers are great, but we need SCUs at bases now.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgered, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Wodan

    Actually even Higby has been asking and hinting that SCUs may make a return for outposts/bases.

    The current system was a stop gap in beta, invuln spawn room shields are poor design.
    In PS1 you had to fight your way to the spawn room through small corridors that were easy to defend with fewer numbers, then get INTO the spawn room and destroy the tubes/inv stations.

    There needs to be a way to clear out a spawn room after you drop the SCU. Either make the shields drop with the SCU, or give us another gen that's easily defendable attached to the spawn room to drop it after the SCU is dropped.
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  2. Torok

    we need the spawnroom shields to go down when the SCU falls, this way you're sure the inner perimeter is clear and so on the enemy attack must come from outside, then you can proceed to defend the walls while capping.
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  3. Deadeye

    How about a cap speed bonus if you own all the points? Like for every minute the attackers own all the points, the cap speed can go up like 50% (or some appropriate percentage). This way if the defenders are reduced to being spawn camped, the cap will go faster but if the defenders can hold at least one point then the attackers will have no bonus and have to keep fighting.

    For bases with one point it would still be all or nothing but maybe the defenders will be more inclined to attack the point if they know not doing so will just lead to an even quicker defeat and no one will be able to farm many points.

    A system like this would require no additonal SCUs and will make boring base caps go faster while real fights will still take time.
  4. Badgered

    You could still save a base by organizing a galaxy drop and repairing the SCU, or the zerg can simply retake the base by swarming in with armor and AMS Sunderers from a nearby base. This just puts an end to the spawn room camp, which I very much doubt many people enjoy.
  5. WaRadius

    Yes again. Every SCU should have orange shields that go down when the base is half-captured.
    And another yes. This forces defenders to move to the next point to prepare defenses there or start their counter-attack instead of sitting in the spawn room for free kills.
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