[Suggestion] New Aircraft that cost 200 nanites act like fixed wing plane

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by fulanckyce, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. fulanckyce

    I come up with this idea is because personally I love flying, in real life I am a pilot that flies single engine fixed wing aircraft. ESF and Valkyrie even Liberator to me is much more like a helicopter, so I hope DBG can come up with a new air vehicle that acts like a fixed wing aircraft. I don't care if it is NS, I understand DBG only have so much resources.

    This aircraft cost 150 or 200 nanites, cruise as fast as an ESF with afterburner, having slightly worse maneuverability than ESF and attack in a burst manner. It does not have the VTOL ability at all, in fact it doesn't even have vertical thrust. However it is STOL, and can still land on airpad. Can be one crew manned like lightning or two crew manned like a harasser, and hell it does NOT have a tail gun, all weapons are aimed forward.

    Air game is interesting already in this game, but I would love to see traditional dogfight happen in PS2. ESF could do it sometimes but it always turn into a reverse maneuver fight. Just an idea to add new content into the game.

    This vehicle can also very well fix the present problems that are existing for the air games. When ESF A2A each other, they are basically hovering and therefore easy targets for G2A ppl. But if we rename ESF to Empire Specific Attackers, and this new aircraft takes over the fighter role, that would justify for the G2A being so effective against an ESA. And with a cruise speed of 320 kph, AA and lock-ons will have huge trouble to deal consistant damage. This aircraft, lets say it is an interceptor, excels at taking on air targets. When its speed is below 120kph, it will lose all manevuerability and stall, with an in-game characteristics of unable to manevuer and slowly decending. So it must maintain high speed to fly. This will make it an unreliable option for ground attacking, especially against infantry.

    DBG: this new vehicle could be your new money maker, since the orginal ESF act like a helicopter, this new vehicle can be a blessing for people who love flying in fixed wing planes, new fun and a new weapon platform for people to throw DBC in. This vehicle can also be very CAI friendly since now an absolute A2A option is being filled with more fun.
  2. LordKrelas

    You picked the darkest grey possible for a post, on a pure black background... why exactly?

    An ESF can cross the map by itself without an afterburner within minutes, with afterburner it can escape entire hexes in a near instant.
    An aircraft at those speed permanently would be near impossible to destroy with present G2A...
    Given G2A's entire damage model is based on exposure time, which is absent the moment ESFs attempt to leave let alone engage afterburner - Something that flies at that speed constant would be impossible to hit.

    A 200 nanite aircraft that has the speed of afterburners as a constant, with forward facing weaponry.
    If your ESF A2A fight is having G2A problems, stop hovering inside the small range of G2A on the ground...
    You have miles above them to play with, why are you inside G2A range in the first place?

    G2A isn't effective at all - Even a Lightning tank armed with the heaviest G2A anti-air cannon (Skyguard) is easily destroyed...
    And survived.

    At present speeds, durability, and G2A capabilities, ESFs are hard enough to handle, any afterburner makes it near impossible.
    An aircraft capable of being at that godly speed 24/7, would be immortal nearly.

    Gain height, angle aircraft towards ground, fire weaponry, arc upwards... ground attack complete at afterburner speed.

    An A2A plane that can not be escaped from, by anyone.
    That only costs 200 nanites to use, and is near impossible to hit with G2A fire inside G2A ranges.
    Unless its weaponry can't damage armored units on the ground, and lacks AoA effects, it'll be immortal to AA fire, a hellish thing to track as aircraft, and be like all aircraft capable of nuking any target.
  3. Tankalishious

    Great idea! More air meat to the ESF hoover grinder!
    I dont mind at all!
  4. Demigan

    This basically already happened once. Through a bug you could permanently activate your afterburner, or at least until you activated it again.
    Infantry can render pretty late.
    Infantry that does render has virtually no way to protect themselves.
    G2A weapons are completely useless, even if you hit every shot as the aircraft passed over you, 2 Skyguards cannot kill you before you dissappear over the render range again.
    ESF weapons were OP on that thing but tough to use. To make them competitive with ESF they would become truly obnoxious against other targets. Think longer-ranged tankbusters and the like.
    In A2A combat it was nigh impossible to shoot it down, you can only win by one-clipping it because theres no way to keep up, on the other hand without stronger noseguns your opponent could avoid getting killed easily as well.

    In the end it was a fun gimmicky bug that didnt overpower anything, but ofcourse they correct that one and leave RM... Which even according to the devs was unintended.

    Rather then come up with a whole new set of aircraft, and cheap ones at that with extreme speeds, we should solve the problem of the air imbalance. Currently ESF are used 5x more than all other aircraft combined. Thats not an exaggeration, thats the actual truth.
    Aircraft should have more differentiated roles and effectivenesses through this. For example the Valkyrie gets the helicopter role, a light gunship role and some heavy-duty A2A stuff to deal with libs and Gals but have trouble with ESF and other valks. Libs keep their gunship role and get heqvy bomber as well and get different loadouts for either light A2A (vs ESF and Valk) or heavy A2A. Gals get a skyfortress thing vs smaller airceaft going on (and more powerful then what it's got now, otherwise it would be used a lot more with the whole 8 out of 10 aircraft being ESF). ESF lose most of their heli roles to the Valk and get fighter-bomber roles (I'm assuming such a large-scale overhaul would include changes to G2A to prevent ESF being impossible to shoot down).
    Again, these roles wouldnt be rock-paper-scissors kind of deals. An light A2A oriented Lib would still be capable of attacking large aircraft, just not as well. And as another reminder: thats just an elaborate example.
  5. LodeTria