Never able to talk in command chat

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dunkman, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Dunkman

    I type /orders (then comments)



    never works
  2. Lyrencropt

    Command chat is a cert unlock.
  3. kadney

    I rather wonder why the [Region] chat doesn't work 90% of the time when you need it. You write something in the /re and nothing happens. But if you send the message several times in a row, you will get the spam notice.
  4. DeadlyShoe

    Are you sure it didn't work? You might not have Orders chat enabled in your chat tab, so you couldn't see your own chat.
  5. Frosty The Pyro

    in addition to needing the cert unlock to access leader chat and orders, you also need to be currently leading a squad/platoon
  6. come1l

    My /region and /order always work. Probably your client does not support 1e@der5h1p
  7. CEGrif

    /region is buggy. sometimes it works other times it does not.