Nerfing items paid for with SC is fraud

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Twistdlester, Mar 28, 2013.

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  1. Cowboyhomer

    Not if the contract that you signed when you bought it said that they can change it any time they feel it is needed.
  2. RichardDunn

    I agree with the OP. Im sick of all the whiners on this forum, my Uppercut that I spent SC is getting nerfed, now its most likely going to take 3 slugs to drop targets rendering it completely useless. I'll probably have an easier time knifing my targets than dropping them with a shotgun. I know I'm jumping the gun, but I don't see what they can do to balance a gun that is already balanced, nerf it?
  3. Twistdlester


    yes , people think I'm complaining about nerfing one specific item like the new rocket launcher or something . This isn't about one item its a about a practice from SOE that's become a commonplace.

    Featuring items via various media outlets , FNO, Twitter, youtube etc............. selling these items to us based on the criteria that is released at the time of sale , then changing the items not to distant in the future .

    How long until no one buys a new item because they know it will be changed ?

    Hey , I don't mind change but not AFTER I purchase an item. I'd much rather pay MORE for an item that is not going to have its stats changed because of non testing .
  4. zealluck

    from now on, I only buy with certs. They are not going to get a cent out of pocket. Well, it's kinda late considering that they have grabbed at least 300 bucks from me.
  5. Parricidium

    Ok. Propose an alternative method to balancing games.
  6. Czuuk

    You should read things before you agree to them.
  7. axiom537

    Just because you sign off on a TOS does not mean you lose your rights. If the TOS said SOE may enter your house and take your computer, does not mean you forfeit your property rights, just because you signed a TOS. If you feel SOE is infringing on your consumer rights or defrauding you, then you are completely with in your rights to sue them for whatever you like, regardless if you signed a TOS. And the courts may just judge in your favor and that ruling would supersede anything in SOE's TOS.

    If you buy a gift card to use in a store and you purchased an item with that gift card and the item did not function as advertised, it does not mean you are not with in your rights to challenge the validity of that purchase, because you used a gift card.

    Personally, I think SOE needs a much better means for us to test new weapons as they are added into the game. The VR is a nice addition, but it is no substitute for using these items in game, to see how they operate in real time, and only giving us a 1 hr test isn't enough either. I would love for them to give us a free week to use a weapon and then they can use that week to see how the weapon operates and make adjusts before the final product is put up for sale...
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  8. FigM

    Personally, I think it would be a good business practice to refund SC on all equipment that undergoes any changes (even boosts)
    Then when player logs in, provide interface that allows him to keep the weapon or get the refund.

    SC isn't real money, so SOE don't lose any money by giving SC refunds. They may lose some potential profits, but they would gain good reputation and consumer confidence which is likely to increase future profits. It would also discourage the devs from changing equipment stats willy-nilly, due to risk of potential profit loss, resulting in greater stability of the game mechanics and more thoughtful changes.
  9. Stromberg

    this ... if you want to take any legal actions you would lose because of this. you buy SC and you get SC. you don't specifically pay for a weapon.
  10. Twistdlester

    simple , test things vigoriously before selling them

    Its perfect for AV and AA (Especially if they keep the ******** damage model Vs ESF's, shouldnt be as strong as dumbfire). Sniping snipers with it is just ********, it was like its own game when I trialed the thing. Wait for bunch of NC heavies to stack up on landing pad spamming phoenix, one gets sniped then send missile at the snipers. Thing is so easy to control compared to any other TV missile in BF3 and BF2.
  12. Twistdlester

    this guy said it pretty well so I will quote him for you ;

    Lucidius134 said:
    “You purchased SC. The SC didn't change in functionality in any way and you got what you payed for.”
    If you buy a gift card to use in a store and you purchased an item with that gift card and the item did not function as advertised, it does not mean you are not with in your rights to challenge the validity of that purchase, because you used a gift card.

    Personally, I think SOE needs a much better means for us to test new weapons as they are added into the game. The VR is a nice addition, but it is no substitute for using these items in game, to see how they operate in real time, and only giving us a 1 hr test isn't enough either. I would love for them to give us a free week to use a weapon and then they can use that week to see how the weapon operates and make adjusts before the final product is put up for sale...
  13. FigM

    Yes, proper refund should track both SC and Cert expenditures
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  14. RobotNinja

    Actually, a WoW-ish MMORPG called Runes of Magic would refund in-game skill points any time they modified certain skill lines.
  15. wave

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  16. Leo Di Caprio

    Yeah, there isn't any future for this form of business as soon as the word gets by about buying items soon to be nerfed, they will eventually find out that they could at least give credit back as a refund to keep going with the current plan, by the time they figure it out, it will be too late because people will stay away from this form of business.

    I have seen it ages ago and population drops speak wonders about it, I just wish there would be a "quitting game" button to send the reason why you left so they can see it for themselves.
  17. Leichow

    Just because YOU wouldn't do something, does not dictate how the world will act. Wake up, you're playing a free game... Just take it off the 50-60 you saved for not having to buy it.
  18. UnrealGaz

    if you cant be bothered too read don't come posting here /thread.
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  19. Twistdlester

  20. Leo Di Caprio

    This form of business is repugnant whether they do this directly or indirectly, the world already spoke, numbers drop, what do we do? ask them why and come to a conclusion.

    I do not purchase anything in this game with money anymore, I use certs and this is why I could care less, I learned my lesson.

    They can kid themselves to the point there are 5 cats left in the game but as far as common sense, they do not have any.
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