nerf Tomoe

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Masyaka, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. TRspy007

    The Tomoe is once again proof of the dev's creativity, but anyways, let's restate WTF this weapon is: this is a scout rilfe for infiltrators, u know those guys that like to cloak and stab you in the back or aimbot you from miles away, or even better, camp terminals! And is it really a good idea to give this weapon a x3 headshot multiplier??!?!?!??! Is the 750 rate of fire not enough? Did you have to make the weapon accurate as s**t too? Before, you had a chance to react when you saw and infil uncloak, now you don't even know what hit you as you transform into a pile of XP. Really, just remove the Tomoe, infiltrators were already a pain in the a$$ before this thing came out. We should just remove infiltrators in general considering they barely do anything to help their team and they consist of 99% of the hackers in the game. And tell me im making this up when the guy turn around and headshots me while im shooting him in the back of the head, or jumping out of my esf in midair or even better, while im on my turbo flash. They migh be really lucky, but im a little suspicious. So yeah, remove the Tomoe, or if you want to please everyone, remove the infil and let engineers be able to hack stuff.
  2. Crayv

    Buy the new Nvidia graphics card and a Razer Elite and experience unprecedented levels of skill! Buy today!
  3. Masyaka

    Tomoe is just times better and btwOP replacement for faction auto-scouts which are relatively balanced with 650 RPM and existing recoil.
  4. Gutseen

    Boi, NC guns dont suffer from high horizontal recol, unlike TR ****fests.

    Boiyo u go on git some actual gud hardware, not some pimpy low quality mainstream ****
  5. MikeC0bretti

    Masyaka - well known player for his flaming, whining and chat spamming. Man get some balls and take it as an adult. In your eyes is nearly everything OP and you are in the ignore list of most players of Cobalt. Get good, stop crying.
  6. Masyaka

    You dont even try to listen to me.
  7. MikeC0bretti

    Masyaka did you ever tried that gun ? I am playing Tomoe for last 3 days and its amazing because it is kind of unique.High skill - high reward gun, with an extremely high risk factor. If you do not hit the head you are screwed. Bodyshots do not count on this weapon, its like shooting popcorns. So before shouting " OP " check some facts and try it out. P.S. And stop chat spamming on Cobalt man :)
  8. MrMinistry30

    Masyaka go buy it and play it for a few days and then tell me if it is OP for you.

    Sure, this gun is devastating in the hands of a good player with a high HSR but let's be honest: if you lose a 1v1 against such a player, is it really because of THIS gun? Would you have defeated him if he had cyclone or armastice and the same HSR?

    The Tomoe's (headshot only!) TTK is 0,32 seconds at all ranges.

    Here are some weapons to compare:
    Cyclone: 0,28 seconds
    Blitz/Sirius: 0,28 seconds
    Armastice: 0,27 seconds
    Hailstorm: 0,3 seconds
    Eridani: 0,32 seconds
    PDW: 0,32 seconds
    MKV: 0,31 seconds

    so every SMG is much better or at least even at close range.

    other full auto scouts: 0,36 seconds
    semi auto scouts: 0,23 seconds (counting 1st shot + 0,23 seconds to second shot, second shot = dead)

    bolt action snipers: (instantly)

    So with semi auto scouts or any bolt action said player would defeat you as well at any range

    Tomoe has the same TTK that ANY 750 Rpm / 143 - 125 dmg weapon has when you only land headshots. What about TR heavies for example (no worries, this is no cpmlaint about TR heavies, it is just for comaprison) having "the butcher"? TTK 0,31 seconds at any range while having a shield + being able to 1-hit you or doing splash damage with rocket launcher?

    missed shots and even bodyshots are punished heavily with the tomoe so this is more a headshot-training-weapon than anything that you could honestly call OP.
  9. Masyaka

    Recoil and stability of SMGs are worse than tomoe resulting in missed shots. In case you didnt knew, tomoe kills in 4 headshots not 5. It also allows to shoot on ranges with bursts.
  10. YouWannaGetHigh

    Buy Tomoe, play with it and then result back to me with a link to your account at Dasanfall.
    If Tomoe is so easy to control and so overpowered, just play with it and let everyone see how you perform.
    If I see you overperform with the weapon and get insanely fast headshot kills left and right, I'll admit you're correct.
    But I'm %100 sure you won't be able to do what I just asked you to.
    End of discussion until you link me your main account both at Dasanfall and Planetside 2 players site.

    EDIT: Also, provide a link right now so everyone knows how much you played with the weapon before making this statement about it. Tick tock, tick tock.
  11. stalkish

    Out of 29 threads on the front page i found the following threads:
    5 - Hacking / Cheating
    5 - Nerf
    4 - Suggestion
    3 - Buff
    2 - Factions / faction balance
    1 - K/D
    1 - Arax Rewards
    1 - Video
    1 - Bug
    1 - Secondary gunner discussion
    1 - Capture Mechanics
    1 - Cosmetics
    1 - API

    Nerf threads are indeed the most common, along with the cheating ones.
    (dont ask me why i did that...)

    EDIT: Just to clarify, i ignored the 2 stickies.
    • Up x 1
  12. MrMinistry30


    1) when exactly did i say tomoe needs 5 headshots? please tell me...
    2) i compared SMG at their optimal range (where it should not be more or less a problem to hit headshots than with the tomoe...)
    3) most weapons allow to burst, that is NOT an Argument (some are even burst-weapons that are AMAZINGLY accurate while dealing more damage at bodyshots and about the same with headshots)
    4) at range you still lose against some other weapons so that Argument is nonsense as well