You really think that a 750 PRM with 4-headshot monster might be balanced for a sneaky/invisible/surprising class? I dont think so. Even if you manage to react to him you'll die if he plans to headshot you. With it having no recoil, no firerate problems, no headshot problems you can annihilaty ever single player in ******* game. Pls balance it Wrel.
From what I have heard, it is the lack of damage drop off at long range that is the advantage of the Tomoe.
This is just an OP replacement for faction's auto scout rifles with same headshot amout but lower RPM, bigger recoil and so missed shots. They gave infils the most OP assault rifle in the game.
Maybe bodyshots should do less damage, to promote the 'high skill' image of the NSX weapons. That would make headshots even more vital, so the ES auto scouts would be a better choice if your aim isn't perfect.
Also, if you're suggesting that the headshot ttk is too short, consider that infiltrators can also use cqc bolt action rifles. Ttk is pretty much instant there.
The bodyshot damage is already downed to 112 (9-shot). The Tomoe is true skill-only or luck-only weapon if no skill. If you're skilled and trained to aim balls on top of enemy using this gun in combo with cloak, motion detectors will make you area denier like a turret engineer, but much more OP. Make firerate slower or raise up recoil. Or down the multipler for 5-hit-kill headshot. This weapon is too op for an already OP class. Its just a replacement for full-auto scout rifles and all SMGs. Making it headshot-only and "skill-based" gun wont be a balance option. You can always train and train until you can shoot its laser in head.
By that logic, you must really hate the CQC bolt actions. Instant kill for skilled shooters + cloak is pretty powerful.
Getting a single shot is a bit harder than firing an endless laser of doom. Bolts are fully different than auto weapons and doesnt fit their balance. The tomoe is OP scince its headshot dmg, firerate, recoil resulting same effect as bolt rifles, but with a chance to win if you miss a shot. Any other auto-scout or SMG doesnt work like that and falls behind the OPness of tomoe.
keklone with SPA says hi. OP, if you want to whine about something, try it before making your thread, because you sound quite mad about something that is like one of the worst skill versus reward weapon. With all the ridiculously overpowered things in this game, you had to choose the Tomoe, which 90% of the people can't even use properly, and the remaining 10% who are fighting the incredibly low non-headshot damage and low velocity.
Using the ghost, sas-r or bas-r that same cloaker could kill you in 1 shot from the same ranges using iron sight-4x zoom options. I dont understand the tomoe. Its cool and all but if u can line up 4 headshots with it you could have easily just 1 shot the guy with a low zoom, no sway 1hk bolt action. The tomoe gives you a hell of a lot more chance to live than the bolt action close range rifles.
I understand the OP points on the Tomoe compared to the bolt actions. It's the same point people make about the TR weapons being more forgiving compared to the NC.... or just shotguns vs SMGs. Personally I hate almost any gun that serves as an "aimbot magnet". This includes the CQC sniper (which is a silly concept). Aiming is so dependent on hardware that the actual abilities of the player takes a backseat to it.