Nerf This Nerf That.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VVar., Jan 14, 2015.

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  1. VVar.

    All I see in these posts is people crying about Nerfing everything in this game. What happened to people being able to adapt to something in a game? All I hear all the time on these forums is Nerf Nerf NERF. Is the skill level in this game so bad that people have forgotten how to adapt to another factions strengths? I learned to adapt to the "OP" ZOE when it was released then Nerfed to oblivion. It's sad to see everything that EACH faction is supposed to have an upper hand in get thrown to the dirt and spit on. I love this game but with each and every nerf it gets even harder to play.
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    I liked the time back when almost every weapon/ ability was decent. The days of mass marauder harrassers and ZOE maxes roaming the fields was the high point of planetside 2/
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  3. FateJH

    Factions are not supposed to have upper hands against each other from an equipment standpoint. We each have some things that are relatively different from one another and we deal with each other's special traits using our own traits, something reciprocal, or something unrelated, and some things are just poor matchups most of the time. Although the balance confusions caused by this can lead to false accusations, for every "solution" for every perceived faction "problem," the correct outcome is only to retune things that have gone so far out of scope that the only solutions left are not significant enough to actually manage the problem.
  4. Tommyp2006

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  5. VVar.

    So what do you call an NC MAX at close range? I believe it dominates.

    So pretty much we should just have CoD MMO is what your saying. When the 1st gen of this game had so much more than a bunch of skill-less CoD kids screaming that they don't have what the other faction has. Each faction WAS supposed to have there upper hand at something, but that has been diluted out of existence because of whiners.
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  6. Rovertoo

    The idea is that all the factions are different but balanced. Feel free to argue actual balance, but having one MAX be great at close but terrible everywhere else, while also having another MAX that is capable at all ranges is different but balanced.

    What wouldn't follow this would be something OP. Namely something like one faction having a MAX that is straight up better all the time in every situation.
  7. FateJH

    Another way of looking at it is that deficiencies in a certain department are balanced out by applications or efficiencies at the same task or a related task in a different department.
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  8. REZistance

    It's the 'modern gamer.'

    They can't and don't want to have to think themselves out of a wet paper bag. They didn't grow up with soul crushing platformers. There is no 'fun' in challenge from their point of view. Instant gratification is the name of the game now. I'm sure you've heard the catch phrase 'accessibility' thrown around a lot (mainly by developers, which is the saddest part). They (modern gamers) simply can't take a game for what it is and rise to the challenge. Dieing a lot in the process of learning and becoming better is a lost notion. If they die a lot, the game is all of a sudden no fun and must be broken/unbalanced. You won't see any of these people playing games like the old Red Orchestra Ostfront or Insurgency where every weapon kills you in one shot etc.

    So what we need to do in this case is basically accept the fact that this game and it's community are in the casual category and just have fun where you can find it.

    Inb4 'but some things need to be balanced' ..that's not what this is about. SOE is on the nerf treadmill because players constantly complain instead of playing the game, and they are, in a way, forced into being on this treadmill because their business model relies on memberships and purchases on the back end, not up front. So the players leverage this situation by leaning really hard on SOE with sometimes carefully worded, sometimes not so carefully worded, threats of pulling their funding. You're left with this constant push-pull.. and in this case, it's overwhelmingly push and very little pull.

    Listen, some weapons being more powerful than others, for whatever reason, isn't a bad thing. If you want perfect balance, which is what this community seems to want (though I don't think it really knows what it wants), then you have to make all of the guns the same, not cosmetically but their effects should be the same. However, you'll hear these same people complain that the faction diversity is dwindling and/or the guns are too much alike.. so, that's the schizophrenic nature you're up against.
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  9. iller

    Cute theory but.... SOE has been in this pattern this since 1999.
    If you're not a "modern gamer" yourself, you'd know that already and just laugh it off like most veterans.
    If anything, we should be grateful that they're really really consistent on something (unlike Ubisoft).
  10. CapEnTrade

    Oh bother bother, fuss fuss. SOE can't learn how to do it right in this regard, they can't help but dabble in extremes. Like a wayward teen who is devoid of self restraint and experiments up to the top of the waterfall in illegal drugs, sometimes even taking the uppers with the downers causing an insane disbalance! SOE deals in extremes therefore the game will never be balanced right unless the staff hits rock bottom in their experimenting or is replaced.

    There is safety in moderation, a lesson SOE has unfortunately ignored these two years even though they've provided themselves MANY a chance to learn.

    Lets hope this wayward teen grows up before he/she ODs.
  11. PaidToWin

    Hang on, let me try:

    SOE needs to balance the game properly by making all guns do the same dps! Also they need to add pve servers because I'm tired of having to constantly get griefed by op enemies! Some of us have jobs and lives and don't have time to learn stupid game metas or deal with antisocial teenagers living in their moms' basements harassing us all the time! We are paying customers and just want to play the game and enjoy it without dying all the time, which isn't fun!
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  12. REZistance

    Hmm, well, I'm 38 and my first video gaming experience was with the home Pong console, so yeah, anything but a modern gamer here. I don't know what not having played PS1 or older SOE titles has to do with being a modern gamer as described, but hey, wander off in a different direction than the point of the post.. it's cool.
  13. JudgeNu

    I would like to know what you did to "adapt" to ZOE.
  14. DG-MOD-17

    Locking this, as it is non-constructive.
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