Nerf the freaking C4 vs Armor already

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrazahNede, Jun 29, 2013.

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  1. DrazahNede

    Alternatively you could limit it, so you could only carry one and you know, use teamwork ...
  2. Terrex

    Naw man, C4 requires skill. Look at all the LA's that suicide themselves onto vehicles. I can't do that.
  3. Gedd

    Why not look for change instead of asking for nerfs
    give the mbt a way to allow the gunner to have radar equipped so he can see the LA coming and tell you to move away like you know teamwork
    make it so radar is only equippable by the non driver
  4. MarlboroMan-E

    Ermahgerd, I got killed by a weapon that has a max effective range of .5 meters! If only I were in a mobile vehicle that moves faster than any infantry can run or jetpack! If only there was more of the map not right next to buildings or other cover that I could spam my high explosives from!
  5. DG-MOD-02

    I am going to close this thread down as it is not constructive to these forums. Thank you!
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