Nerf haters, what few nerfs have you considered good?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pikachu, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. FateJH

    The very first flak buff/Air nerf was probably the most significant change in the game to date. For the first time people didn't have to look up in fear that a lost enemy pilot would evaporate them and everything they knew and loved in the blink of an eye with but a near-miss from rocket pods.
  2. z1967

    That must have been nuts to deal with.
  3. HadesR

    OHK Nix .. Fun as hell for 24 hours but seriously OP :)
  4. Pikachu

    No valid trial since the projectile didn't render. The sound was the only warning to the enemy.
  5. HadesR

    And they couldn't be shot down at that time .. Was a Four horsemen launcher of the Apocalypse as far as AI was concerned
  6. Posse

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  7. Scr1nRusher


    With out effective splash to equalize groups problems happen.
  8. Posse

    Oh yeah, because the side with more pop can't use it, lol.

    hint: The side with more pop usually has more splash
  9. Scr1nRusher

    That has nothing to do with it.

    The point is Game design wise, if you nerf splash you promote grouping and to much grouping that cannot be effectively dealt with leads to issues in the gameplay.
  10. BeefySleet

    To everyone saying Striker... You do realize that the main reason it was considered OP back in the day was due to a bug, right? There was a bug that was introduced the same time the Striker was added to the game. It made flares essentially not break any missile locks about ~75% of the time. This allowed a new influx of Strikers to take the blame as everyone was dying to them suddenly, because flares weren't working properly.

    SOE in their infinite wisdom, nerfed the Striker into a completely useless piece of garbage (worse in every way to the Annihilator) because of this bug.

    This bug affected all lock ons, but since Strikers were the new hotness, all everyone saw was themselves getting killed by Strikers, which caused an uproar on forumside.


    Strikers' being deemed OP was due to a flare bug, not because the RL was OP.
  11. Ronin Oni

    Phoenix Inf OHK
    Fractures AI damage (overnerfed)
    Striker (mostly because broken collision and ignoring flares ie; bugs that made it stupidly OP. Overnerfed)

    Dalton splash at launch (I'm mostly fine with lib guns now TBH)
    Coyote AI splash damage (still in. want A2A dominance? You shouldn't have a secondary almost as good as lolpods at farming inf)
    Harasser vulcan (Only harasser variant, at launch... exagerated from durability as you noted. Overnerfed)
    Launch ScatMax (overnerfed)
  12. Ronin Oni

    Forgot about that. That WAS hilariously OP.

    Didn't last long though IIRC. Like, a couple days? Maybe a week tops?
  13. Ronin Oni


    Flares against other lock ons failed roughly 25% of the time (or less). Enough to be infuriating but not enough to entirely break flares

    STRIKERS on the other hand only ever flared off the first of 5 shots. It ALSO followed pathing around terrain rather than getting tricked into it, and if you DID manage to get a solid enough object between you it'd then just fly THROUGH it.

    They were un-flareable and unshakeable and unavoidable heavy damage out to the longest lock range at the time (500m IIRC)

    They were so far above and beyond broken it's not funny. Yes, that's largely because it was bugged, but that doesn't change people impressions and memories.

    BESIDES all that it was still easily more powerful than any other lockon. Annihilator was the pathetic wannabe and the only advantage the single target type lockons had was ability to Dumbfire at MAXes and Turrets.

    Maintaining lock is a good mechanic to validate higher damage, but velocity needs to be faster to reduce the tracking time, and the reload needs to be faster to make up for time spend guiding instead of reloading. about 25mps velocity buff and a 1 second reduction in reload.

    Phoenix also needs a reduction in reload time by about the same amount.

    Lancer just needs to remove the auto-fire charged shot mechanic. Let me hold the charge FFS. The movement is slowed down so much it's not like we'll all run around with it fully charged if that was suddenly changed, and taking more time to aim lowers DPS so I think it balances itself out.
  14. Ronin Oni

    Lockdown Pounders would like a word with you.

    Or Lockdown Bursters.

    Doesn't pair half as well with AI guns, but it turns the AV and AA into death machines. You need a pocket engie though (but then, you're a cert farm for any engie willing for the job... he'll earn more than you!)
  15. Rift23

    Nanoweave no longer stopping headshots.
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  16. DorianOmega

    Air hammer nerf was good, they nerfed and buffed it at the same time to accommodate it, need more tweaks like this.

    Coyotes needed a nerf, got one but could be another second for reload speed, still has the best fire rate for secondary missles after the reload speed nerf

    Dalton needed a nerf but Liberators overall were fine before, didn't even see the reason for a to Buff liberators in the first place.

    Harassers, along with the fury, marauder, and Vulcan needed some kind of nerf, but what we got ended up being pretty well over the top, I rarely if ever see furies that aren't on a flash now-a-days, marauders are even rarer now, and the Halberd is the only NS specialty gun I see on Harassers as well.

    Zoe, although I would have been contempt with just no movement speed buff, give more of a HP disadvantage and a little bit more of a damage advantage.

    I WASNT fond of the LMG nerfs, ultimately made the NC Heavy Assault dps disparity more prominent, helped the VS user more then anyone.

    And beyond, its mostly just been purposed nerfs that are rather lame, like rocket launcher or tanks having PTS notes on nerfing them.
  17. Lamat

    No, I was there, that was not the only problem. Massive damage with ridiculous range.
  18. Lamat

    Wish they made a nano helmet you could use in the suit slot. I miss that.
  19. SenEvason

    I have nightmares about the Phoenix when it was first added. So many bases that we couldn't get close to at all without being wiped out in droves by that thing.
  20. DatVanuMan

    ZOE: Was the only reason I'd pull a MAX.
    The Striker: Never had a problem with that SOB.
    ScatterMAXes: They are not as scary as they used to be, but I miss their old OP selves.
    Harassers: Couldn't give a lesser crap, LET 'EM BURN>:]
    Vanu: I heard we used to be OP in Beta. Now, I don't know why the VS is even a faction.